Factores que inciden en la implementación del modelo de la Jornada Escolar Completa-JEC en el nivel secundaria de la institución educativa “Santa Rosa” del distrito de Cusco, provincia y departamento de Cusco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo surge del interés por conocer la implementación del modelo de Jornada
Escolar Completa- JEC en la institución educativa de nivel secundaria “Santa Rosa”
de la ciudad del Cusco, de acuerdo con las normas técnicas del sector, los
requerimientos del modelo que aseguren las condiciones de Calidad Educativa y la
inversión pública con dicha intervención. Para ello, se plantea un “estudio de caso”
que permita evaluar la implementación de los recursos físicos necesarios
(mobiliario, equipos e infraestructura) en la IE; examinar las condiciones de
capacitación del personal docente y directivo; y conocer el nivel de satisfacción de
su personal, alumnas, padres de familia, según la política educativa del modelo JEC
que promueve el Ministerio de Educación. Entre los resultados cobra relevancia el
horario extendido de 35 a 45 horas que requiere prever de un ambiente de comedor,
el no contar con este servicio ha generado conflictos en el entorno académico,
familiar e inclusive de salud de las alumnas; así mismo, la mayoría de los ambientes
pedagógicos no cumplen con los estándares (el reducido tamaño no se garantizan
condiciones de confort ni de seguridad), según la Norma Técnica de Infraestructura
Educativa – NTIE-004-2016-MINEDU; de otro lado los docentes muestran
incomodidad para desarrollar sus estrategias metodológicas por el hacinamiento en
las aulas; los padres de familia muestran no conocer el Modelo JEC y manifiestan
dificultades familiares que la implementación les ha traído. Seguidamente, se
plantean recomendaciones, entre otras como mejorar canales de comunicación y
coordinación entre instancias de gobierno, MINEDU, UGEL, IE que facilite procesos
claros e información oportuna acorde al modelo JEC en condiciones de Calidad
Educativa. Finalmente, la Gerencia Social como herramienta de cambio social
permitirá lograr cambios trascendentes en la política educativa del modelo JEC,
como el cierre de brechas entre lo urbano y rural, y disminuir situaciones de
discriminación laboral, y socio económicas en un futuro formativo superior y
profesional de los estudiantes.
This paper arises for the interest in knowing the implementation of the JEC Full School Day model in the educational institution of secondary level "Santa Rosa" of the city of Cusco, in accordance with the technical standards of the sector, the requirements of the model to ensure the Educational Quality conditions and public investment with such intervention. To do this, a “case study” is proposed to evaluate the implementation of the necessary physical resources (furniture, equipment and infrastructure) in EI; examine the training conditions of the teaching and management staff; and know the level of satisfaction of its staff, students, parents, according to the educational policy of the JEC model promoted by the Ministry of Education. Among the results, the extended schedule of 35 to 45 hours that requires a dining room environment is relevant, not having this service has generated conflicts in the academic, family and even health environment of the students; Likewise, the majority of pedagogical environments do not meet the standards (the small size does not guarantee comfort or safety conditions), according to the Technical Standard for Educational Infrastructure - NTIE-004-2016-MINEDU; On the other hand, teachers show discomfort in developing their methodological strategies due to overcrowding in the classroom; Parents show that they do not know the JEC Model and express family difficulties that the implementation has brought them. Next, recommendations are made, among others, on how to improve communication and coordination channels between government bodies, MINEDU, UGEL, IE that facilitate clear processes and timely information according to the JEC model in Educational Quality conditions. Finally, Social Management as a tool for social change will allow transcendental changes in the educational policy of the JEC model, such as closing gaps between urban and rural, and reducing situations of labor discrimination, and socio-economic in a future higher and professional training of the students.
This paper arises for the interest in knowing the implementation of the JEC Full School Day model in the educational institution of secondary level "Santa Rosa" of the city of Cusco, in accordance with the technical standards of the sector, the requirements of the model to ensure the Educational Quality conditions and public investment with such intervention. To do this, a “case study” is proposed to evaluate the implementation of the necessary physical resources (furniture, equipment and infrastructure) in EI; examine the training conditions of the teaching and management staff; and know the level of satisfaction of its staff, students, parents, according to the educational policy of the JEC model promoted by the Ministry of Education. Among the results, the extended schedule of 35 to 45 hours that requires a dining room environment is relevant, not having this service has generated conflicts in the academic, family and even health environment of the students; Likewise, the majority of pedagogical environments do not meet the standards (the small size does not guarantee comfort or safety conditions), according to the Technical Standard for Educational Infrastructure - NTIE-004-2016-MINEDU; On the other hand, teachers show discomfort in developing their methodological strategies due to overcrowding in the classroom; Parents show that they do not know the JEC Model and express family difficulties that the implementation has brought them. Next, recommendations are made, among others, on how to improve communication and coordination channels between government bodies, MINEDU, UGEL, IE that facilitate clear processes and timely information according to the JEC model in Educational Quality conditions. Finally, Social Management as a tool for social change will allow transcendental changes in the educational policy of the JEC model, such as closing gaps between urban and rural, and reducing situations of labor discrimination, and socio-economic in a future higher and professional training of the students.
Calidad en la educación--Perú, Educación y Estado--Perú, Gestión educativa--Perú
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