Planeamiento estratégico para La Arena S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo se ha desarrollado una propuesta de valor para el crecimiento de la
participación de mercado, la continuidad del negocio y el posicionamiento de la nueva
operación de la empresa La Arena S.A., subsidiaria de Tahoe Resources Inc., empresa minera
internacional productora de metales preciosos con sede central en Estados Unidos y con
operaciones en el Perú. Dedicada al desarrollo de proyectos de oro y plata, La Arena S.A. se
ubica al norte del Perú, en la región La Libertad, específicamente en la provincia de Sánchez
Carrión. La explotación minera que realiza esta empresa en el Perú se inició en el 2011.
Asimismo, las condiciones macroeconómicas favorables, la estabilidad política y jurídica del
Perú, y la disponibilidad de recursos minerales del país han sido favorables para que
empresas mineras de reconocimiento mundial, como Tahoe Resources Inc, puedan operar y
desarrollar sus negocios de exploración, y explotación de oro y de cobre. La experiencia de
esta minera permite utilizar los recursos de forma óptima. De esta manera, la empresa realiza
una contribución socialmente responsable para el desarrollo del país, respeta el marco
jurídico-legal, y regula el impacto medioambiental que pueda generar. En este contexto, el
presente plan estratégico ha sido elaborado para ubicar a La Arena S.A. en la tercera posición
de liderazgo en la producción de oro en el Perú y desarrollar el proyecto de cobre en un
horizonte de 10 años, a partir del 2017. Para ello, propone desarrollar diversas estrategias,
surgidas como resultado de la aplicación de algunas matrices determinadas, con la finalidad
de alcanzar esta meta. Además, la metodología que se ha empleado involucró la participación
activa e interfuncional de todos los miembros de la organización con el fin de avanzar
gradualmente, generar una imagen favorable y conseguir los objetivos propuestos. Para
concluir, es importante mencionar que el incremento del precio del oro en el último decenio
ha permitido que la industria minera en el Perú se haya desarrollado significativamente para
atender los requerimientos del mercado mundial
This thesis contains the strategic plan proposed for the La Arena S.A. It develops a value proposition for the growth of market share, continuity of the business and the positioning of the new operation of La Arena S.A. The mining exploitation performed by this company in Peru started in 2011 specifically in the highland of La Libertad region, located in the northern part of the country. The favourable macroeconomic conditions, the political and legal stability of Peru, and the availability of mineral resources in the country have maden it possible for facilitate world-class mining companies, such as La Arena S.A., to operate and develop their gold and copper exploration and exploitation business. The experience of this mining company has allowed using the resources efficiently. In this way, the company has maden a socially responsible contribution to the development of the country, complying with the judicial and legal framework and regulating the environmental impact that it generates. In this context, the current strategic plan has sought to locate La Arena S.A. in the third leading position in the production of gold and developing copper production in Peru over a 10-year horizon, starting in 2017. For this purpose, it has proposed to develop various strategies, arising as a result of the application of specialized matrices, in order to achieve this goal. Also, the methodology used involves the active and cross-functional participation of all members of the organization in order to progress gradually, generate a favourable image, and achieve the proposed objectives. To conclude, it is important to mention that the increase in the price of gold in the last decade has allowed the mining industry in Peru to develop significantly to meet the requirements of the world market. Peru has participated in this growth actively. Evidence of that is that it has gained a place among the first 10 gold producers in the world
This thesis contains the strategic plan proposed for the La Arena S.A. It develops a value proposition for the growth of market share, continuity of the business and the positioning of the new operation of La Arena S.A. The mining exploitation performed by this company in Peru started in 2011 specifically in the highland of La Libertad region, located in the northern part of the country. The favourable macroeconomic conditions, the political and legal stability of Peru, and the availability of mineral resources in the country have maden it possible for facilitate world-class mining companies, such as La Arena S.A., to operate and develop their gold and copper exploration and exploitation business. The experience of this mining company has allowed using the resources efficiently. In this way, the company has maden a socially responsible contribution to the development of the country, complying with the judicial and legal framework and regulating the environmental impact that it generates. In this context, the current strategic plan has sought to locate La Arena S.A. in the third leading position in the production of gold and developing copper production in Peru over a 10-year horizon, starting in 2017. For this purpose, it has proposed to develop various strategies, arising as a result of the application of specialized matrices, in order to achieve this goal. Also, the methodology used involves the active and cross-functional participation of all members of the organization in order to progress gradually, generate a favourable image, and achieve the proposed objectives. To conclude, it is important to mention that the increase in the price of gold in the last decade has allowed the mining industry in Peru to develop significantly to meet the requirements of the world market. Peru has participated in this growth actively. Evidence of that is that it has gained a place among the first 10 gold producers in the world
Industria minera -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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