Informe sobre expediente de relevancia jurídica E-286-2009/CCD, “Con B de Brahma”, E-2820, análisis de la publicidad sexista y principios del derecho de competencia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este informe examina el caso "Con B de Brahma" para determinar si la publicidad asociada vulnera los principios de legalidad y adecuación social según el Decreto Legislativo N° 1044, Ley de Represión de la Competencia Desleal. Se critica la evaluación de la Comisión de Fiscalización de la Competencia Desleal y la Sala de Defensa de la Competencia del Tribunal del Indecopi, las cuales concluyeron que la pieza publicitaria no transgredía normativas publicitarias vigentes. Se adopta una postura crítica, revisando los argumentos presentados y explorando los fundamentos de la regulación publicitaria respaldada por la experiencia internacional en derechos humanos. Se sostiene que la publicidad analizada infringe el principio de adecuación social al legitimar estereotipos de género que podrían inducir a la realización de comportamientos discriminatorios hacia las mujeres. Además, se cuestiona la interpretación del principio de legalidad, indagando si la Constitución y tratados internacionales forman parte del marco legal de la regulación publicitaria en el Perú.
This report examines the "Con B de Brahma" case to determine whether the associated advertising violates the principles of legality and social adequacy as stipulated in Legislative Decree No. 1044, the Unfair Competition Repression Law. It critically evaluates the findings of the Commission for the Oversight of Unfair Competition and the Competition Defense Chamber of the Indecopi Tribunal, which concluded that the advertisement did not breach current advertising regulations. The report takes a critical stance by reviewing the presented arguments and exploring the foundations of advertising regulation supported by international human rights perspectives. It argues that the examined advertising infringes upon the principle of social adequacy by legitimizing gender stereotypes that may induce discriminatory behavior towards women. Furthermore, it questions the interpretation of the legality principle, examining whether the Constitution and international treaties are part of the legal framework for advertising regulation in Peru.
This report examines the "Con B de Brahma" case to determine whether the associated advertising violates the principles of legality and social adequacy as stipulated in Legislative Decree No. 1044, the Unfair Competition Repression Law. It critically evaluates the findings of the Commission for the Oversight of Unfair Competition and the Competition Defense Chamber of the Indecopi Tribunal, which concluded that the advertisement did not breach current advertising regulations. The report takes a critical stance by reviewing the presented arguments and exploring the foundations of advertising regulation supported by international human rights perspectives. It argues that the examined advertising infringes upon the principle of social adequacy by legitimizing gender stereotypes that may induce discriminatory behavior towards women. Furthermore, it questions the interpretation of the legality principle, examining whether the Constitution and international treaties are part of the legal framework for advertising regulation in Peru.
Roles sexuales en publicidad--Perú, Libre competencia--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Competencia económica desleal--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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