Reinserciones de niñas, niños y adolescentes afectadas por el abuso sexual después de la salida del albergue Casa del Buen Trato Hovde de Huánuco en el periodo 2010 – 2014
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Uno de los problemas sociales más álgidos de la provincia de Huánuco, es el abuso
sexual, como lo señalan las fiscalías penales de Huánuco que desde el año 2003 hasta
la fecha han atendido 6,591 casos de violencia sexual donde tuvieron como víctimas a
niñas y adolescentes1
; frente a esta necesidad la Casa del Buen Trato brinda una
rehabilitación integral; sin embargo después de 04 años de trabajo se ha encontrado
dificultades en la sostenibilidad de las reinserción; por ello nace la presente investigación
titulada “Reinserciones de niñas, niños y adolescentes afectadas por el abuso sexual
después de la salida del albergue Casa del Buen Trato Hovde de Huánuco en el periodo
2010 – 2014”, donde se ha identificado que este problema radica en los factores de riego
que presentan las familias: la desunión y desintegración, la no expresión de afecto, la
indiferencia, padres que abandonan o evaden responsabilidades, comunicación poco
fluida, general y/o agresiva; con reglas independientes, donde la disciplina es regida por la
violencia física o psicológica, desarrollándose pocas actividades conjunta; cabe señalar
que la investigación se centra a nivel familiar, donde se analiza no solo las familias de las
menores de nuestra institución sino también del albergue San Juan Bosco.
Así mismo el marco teórico ha guiado y sustentado la investigación con los siguientes
temas: La Familia (Factores de Protección de la Familia, Tipos de Familia, Función de la
Familia), Rehabilitación, Reinserción Social, Marco Normativo, Abuso sexual en Niños,
Niñas y Adolescentes en el Perú y las Políticas de rehabilitación y reinserción de la CBTH.
Dicha investigación ha permitido identificar que las familias de las menores de la Casa del
Buen Trato (institución privada) no se constituyen en agentes de reinserción debido a los
factores de riesgo que presentan, así mismo se corroboró que las políticas de
rehabilitación de la Casa del Buen Trato Huánuco está orientada hacia la reinserción; sin
embargo el plan de reinserción de la Casa del Buen Trato de Huánuco no responde a las
exigencias de la reinserción de las menores; siendo este un elemento fundamental para la
sostenibilidad de rehabilitación y cambios logrados en los y las menores.
Dichos hallazgos fueron identificados con la forma de investigación de estudio de caso,
esta forma de investigación nos facilitó el recojo de información detallada, empleando la
estrategia metodológica Cualitativa, a través de las entrevistas semi estructuradas,
revisión documentaria, historias de vida y grupos focales.
Cabe señalar que la propuesta de Política de Reinserción Integral, no solo se enfoca en
las reinserciones familiares, sino también en las reinserciones laborales, educativas y
comunales; he ahí la importancia, ya que estas reinserciones garantizarían la
sostenibilidad de la rehabilitación; por último hacemos hincapié la relevante en el campo
de la Gerencia Social, ya que se aborda la problemática de una población donde sus
derechos han sido vulnerados, entendiéndose que la problemática de abusos sexual no
solamente daña a la víctima sino también que desintegra y desestructura familias.
One of the most serious social problems in the province of Huánuco is sexual abuse, as pointed out by the criminal prosecutors in Huánuco, which since 2003 have attended 6,591 cases of sexual violence in which children and adolescents were victims; In front of this need the Casa del Buen Trato provides a comprehensive rehabilitation; However after 4 years of work difficulties have been found in the sustainability of reinsertion; This is why the present research entitled "Reinsertions of children and adolescents affected by sexual abuse after leaving the shelter Casa del Buen Trato Hovde de Huánuco in the period 2010 - 2014", where it has been identified that this problem lies in Irrigation factors presented by families: disunion and disintegration, non-expression of affection, indifference, parents who abandon or evade responsibilities, poor communication, general and / or aggressive communication; With independent rules, where discipline is governed by physical or psychological violence, with few joint activities; It should be noted that the research is centered at the family level, where it is analyzed not only the families of the minors of our institution but also the hostel San Juan Bosco. Likewise, the theoretical framework has guided and supported research on the following topics: The Family (Family Protection Factors, Family Types, Family Function), Rehabilitation, Social Reintegration, Normative Framework, Sexual Abuse in Children, Girls And Adolescents in Peru and the Policies of rehabilitation and reinsertion of the CBTH. This research has made it possible to identify that the families of the minors of the Casa del Buen Trato (private institution) do not constitute reinsertion agents due to the risk factors they present, as well as corroborated that the rehabilitation policies of the Casa del Buen Trato Good Treatment Huánuco is oriented towards the reinsertion; Nevertheless the plan of reinsertion of the House of Good Treatment of Huánuco does not respond to the demands of the reinsertion of the minors; Being this a fundamental element for the sustainability of rehabilitation and changes achieved in the minors. These findings were identified with the case study research form, this form of research facilitated the collection of detailed information, using qualitative methodological strategy, through semi structured interviews, documentary review, life histories and focus groups. It should be noted that the proposal for a Comprehensive Reintegration Policy not only focuses on family reintegration, but also on labor, education and community reinsertions; This is the importance, since these reinsertions would guarantee the sustainability of rehabilitation; Finally, we emphasize the relevance in the field of Social Management, since it addresses the problem of a population where their rights have been violated, understanding that the problem of sexual abuse not only damages the victim but also disintegrates and disintegrates families.
One of the most serious social problems in the province of Huánuco is sexual abuse, as pointed out by the criminal prosecutors in Huánuco, which since 2003 have attended 6,591 cases of sexual violence in which children and adolescents were victims; In front of this need the Casa del Buen Trato provides a comprehensive rehabilitation; However after 4 years of work difficulties have been found in the sustainability of reinsertion; This is why the present research entitled "Reinsertions of children and adolescents affected by sexual abuse after leaving the shelter Casa del Buen Trato Hovde de Huánuco in the period 2010 - 2014", where it has been identified that this problem lies in Irrigation factors presented by families: disunion and disintegration, non-expression of affection, indifference, parents who abandon or evade responsibilities, poor communication, general and / or aggressive communication; With independent rules, where discipline is governed by physical or psychological violence, with few joint activities; It should be noted that the research is centered at the family level, where it is analyzed not only the families of the minors of our institution but also the hostel San Juan Bosco. Likewise, the theoretical framework has guided and supported research on the following topics: The Family (Family Protection Factors, Family Types, Family Function), Rehabilitation, Social Reintegration, Normative Framework, Sexual Abuse in Children, Girls And Adolescents in Peru and the Policies of rehabilitation and reinsertion of the CBTH. This research has made it possible to identify that the families of the minors of the Casa del Buen Trato (private institution) do not constitute reinsertion agents due to the risk factors they present, as well as corroborated that the rehabilitation policies of the Casa del Buen Trato Good Treatment Huánuco is oriented towards the reinsertion; Nevertheless the plan of reinsertion of the House of Good Treatment of Huánuco does not respond to the demands of the reinsertion of the minors; Being this a fundamental element for the sustainability of rehabilitation and changes achieved in the minors. These findings were identified with the case study research form, this form of research facilitated the collection of detailed information, using qualitative methodological strategy, through semi structured interviews, documentary review, life histories and focus groups. It should be noted that the proposal for a Comprehensive Reintegration Policy not only focuses on family reintegration, but also on labor, education and community reinsertions; This is the importance, since these reinsertions would guarantee the sustainability of rehabilitation; Finally, we emphasize the relevance in the field of Social Management, since it addresses the problem of a population where their rights have been violated, understanding that the problem of sexual abuse not only damages the victim but also disintegrates and disintegrates families.
Integración social--Perú--Huánuco, Abuso sexual de adolescentes--Perú--Huánuco, Abuso sexual de niños--Perú--Huánuco, Víctimas de crímenes--Rehabilitación--Perú
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