La validez de los convenios arbitrales asimétricos en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación responde a la pregunta por la validez de los convenios arbitrales asimétricos
en el Perú, mediante el análisis de los fundamentos del arbitraje y las normas constitucionales y
legales. Los convenios arbitrales asimétricos, entendidos como aquellos en los que una parte
tiene más derechos o facultades, y la otra más deberes o cargas, se encuentran hoy en la
penumbra en Perú. No hay normas, pronunciamientos judiciales ni doctrina que instruya sobre
su validez o invalidez general. Esta tesis recorre los principales fundamentos del arbitraje para
diagnosticar cuáles son las instituciones y los valores que lo inspiran. A la luz de estos, se analiza,
con especial énfasis en las normas peruanas, la validez de los convenios arbitrales asimétricos y
los límites de la autonomía de la voluntad, para pactar convenios arbitrales con variadas
asignaciones de situaciones jurídicas. Esta investigación concluye que, salvo el puntual caso del
nombramiento de árbitros, los convenios arbitrales asimétricos sí son válidos en el Derecho
peruano. Además, se definen límites constitucionales, principalmente vinculados con el
contenido mínimo del debido proceso arbitral y la función del arbitraje como mecanismo de
solución de controversias, y límites legales, principalmente vinculados con la contratación
This research answers the question about the validity of asymmetrical arbitration agreements in Peru, through the analysis of the foundations of arbitration and the constitutional and legal norms. Asymmetrical arbitration agreements, understood as those that grant one party more rights or powers and the other more duties or burdens, are currently on shadows in Peru. There is no rule, judicial ruling or literature that instructs its general validity or invalidity. This thesis go through the principal foundations of arbitration to diagnose which are the institutions and values that inspire it. Through this lens, the validity of asymmetrical arbitration agreements and the limits to autonomy of will to agree arbitration agreements with diverse arrangements of legal situations is analyzed, with emphasis on Peruvian norms. This investigation concludes that, except for the specific case of arbitrator’s designation, the asymmetric arbitration agreements are valid under Peruvian law. Furthermore, constitutional limits, mainly linked to the minimum guaranteed content of arbitral due process and arbitration’s function as a mechanism to solve conflicts, and legal limits, mainly linked to massive hiring, are defined.
This research answers the question about the validity of asymmetrical arbitration agreements in Peru, through the analysis of the foundations of arbitration and the constitutional and legal norms. Asymmetrical arbitration agreements, understood as those that grant one party more rights or powers and the other more duties or burdens, are currently on shadows in Peru. There is no rule, judicial ruling or literature that instructs its general validity or invalidity. This thesis go through the principal foundations of arbitration to diagnose which are the institutions and values that inspire it. Through this lens, the validity of asymmetrical arbitration agreements and the limits to autonomy of will to agree arbitration agreements with diverse arrangements of legal situations is analyzed, with emphasis on Peruvian norms. This investigation concludes that, except for the specific case of arbitrator’s designation, the asymmetric arbitration agreements are valid under Peruvian law. Furthermore, constitutional limits, mainly linked to the minimum guaranteed content of arbitral due process and arbitration’s function as a mechanism to solve conflicts, and legal limits, mainly linked to massive hiring, are defined.
Convenios (Derecho), Arbitraje comercial--Perú, Contratos comerciales--Perú