Optimización de costos operativos para la empresa Taruka Tours
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Taruka Tours es una empresa individual de responsabilidad limitada constituida el
año 2005 con el objeto de brindar el servicio de transporte de pasajeros vía terrestre a
clientes del sector turismo, con sede fiscal en el distrito limeño de Jesús María, cubre
territorialmente el departamento de Lima, y zonas turísticas cercanas a la capital como
Paracas y Nazca. Durante los últimos 14 años, el crecimiento registrado en la empresa ha
ido de la mano con el aumento en la llegada de turistas extranjeros que registró un
crecimiento promedio anual de 8.23% en el periodo 2005-2019.
En ese sentido, la empresa se vio favorecida por el entorno del mercado de turismo
receptivo. Internamente, la alta concentración comercial en el segmento de turismo
externo con agencias de viaje que tienen un alto poder de negociación para fijar
condiciones tarifarias y de pago, así como la tendencia creciente del costo de ventas en el
periodo 2016-2019, aunado a las perspectivas de una demanda con tendencia a la
contracción acentuada por la pandemia del virus COVID-19 y, por ende, a la reducción de
ventas en el corto y mediano plazo, hacen vislumbrar problemas futuros de liquidez y
Por lo tanto, revertir la reducción constante del margen bruto anual optimizando el
uso de los recursos financieros resulta de vital importancia para la sostenibilidad y
competitividad de la empresa en el mercado, por lo que el desarrollo de esta consultoría se
centrará en buscar la reducción sostenible del costo en el consumo de combustible vía la
selección óptima de proveedores identificados en ruta y la programación del
mantenimiento preventivo de la flota vehicular en un taller propio que permita un
incremento de la disponibilidad y vida útil, evitando una innecesaria renovación de las
unidades dado su alto consumo de capital.
Taruka Tours is an individual company with limited liability established in 2005 with the aim of providing private transport services for passengers by land to clients in the tourism sector, with fiscal headquarters in the Jesús María district that covers territorially the department of Lima, and tourist areas near to the capital such as Paracas and Nazca. During the last 14 years, the registered growth in the company has gone hand in hand with the increase in the arrival of foreign tourists, who have registered an average annual growth of 8.23% in the period 2005 -2019. In this sense, the company was favored by a favorable environment of the inbound tourism market. Internally, the high commercial concentration in the external tourism segment with travel agencies that have a high negotiating power to set tariff and payment conditions, as well as the increasing trend cost of sales in the 2016-2019 period, coupled with the prospects of a demand with a tendency to contraction accentuated by the COVID- 19 virus pandemic and therefore to the reduction of sales in the short and medium term, hint at future liquidity and profitability problems. Therefore, to revert the constant reduction of the annual gross margin optimizing the use of financial resources resulting from vital importance for the sustainability and competitiveness of the company in the market, so the development of this consultancy will focus on the search for sustainable cost reduction strategies in fuel consumption via the optimal selection of suppliers identified on the route and the scheduling of preventive maintenance of the vehicle fleet in a higher workshop that allows an increase in availability and useful life, avoiding unnecessary renewal of the units given their high capital consumption.
Taruka Tours is an individual company with limited liability established in 2005 with the aim of providing private transport services for passengers by land to clients in the tourism sector, with fiscal headquarters in the Jesús María district that covers territorially the department of Lima, and tourist areas near to the capital such as Paracas and Nazca. During the last 14 years, the registered growth in the company has gone hand in hand with the increase in the arrival of foreign tourists, who have registered an average annual growth of 8.23% in the period 2005 -2019. In this sense, the company was favored by a favorable environment of the inbound tourism market. Internally, the high commercial concentration in the external tourism segment with travel agencies that have a high negotiating power to set tariff and payment conditions, as well as the increasing trend cost of sales in the 2016-2019 period, coupled with the prospects of a demand with a tendency to contraction accentuated by the COVID- 19 virus pandemic and therefore to the reduction of sales in the short and medium term, hint at future liquidity and profitability problems. Therefore, to revert the constant reduction of the annual gross margin optimizing the use of financial resources resulting from vital importance for the sustainability and competitiveness of the company in the market, so the development of this consultancy will focus on the search for sustainable cost reduction strategies in fuel consumption via the optimal selection of suppliers identified on the route and the scheduling of preventive maintenance of the vehicle fleet in a higher workshop that allows an increase in availability and useful life, avoiding unnecessary renewal of the units given their high capital consumption.
Servicios turísticos, Transporte terrestre, Costos--Optimización