El protagonismo pendiente: La persistencia de las víctimas de esterilizaciones forzadas en la batalla por sus derechos: Las capacidades y la agencia de las víctimas de esterilización forzada
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar las capacidades y la agencia
desplegada por las víctimas de la implementación del “Programa Nacional de
Salud Reproductiva de Planificación Familiar”, política estatal ejecutada entre los
años 1996 y 2000 durante el gobierno de Alberto Fujimori. La investigación
desarrolla los antecedentes, así como el contexto internacional y nacional en el
que se implementó esta política gubernamental, la cual tenía una finalidad
económica y, a la par, ofrecía garantizar los derechos sexuales y reproductivos
de las mujeres, pero que en la práctica terminó cercenando las capacidades y
violando los derechos humanos de un grupo importante de ellas. Durante la
investigación se da cuenta y analizan las denuncias públicas presentadas desde
diversos sectores: la Iglesia católica, las organizaciones feministas y el gremio
médico, así como la agenda política detrás de estas denuncias. De igual manera
aborda las investigaciones que se realizaron al momento de la implementación
de esta política desde las organizaciones feministas y diversas instancias
estatales; así como la organización de las mujeres víctimas para exponer sus
demandas por el reconocimiento de su derecho a la reparación. La investigación
concluye que, pese al despliegue de la agencia de las mujeres víctimas de esta
política pública, hasta la fecha sus voces no han sido escuchadas y sus
demandas no son tomadas en cuenta por el Estado.
The goal of this research is to analyze the capabilities and agency displayed by the victims of the implementation of the "National Program of Reproductive Health and Family Planning," a state policy executed between 1996 and 2000, during the government of Alberto Fujimori. The research develops the background, as well as the international and national context in which this government policy was implemented, which had an economic purpose and simultaneously offered to guarantee the sexual and reproductive rights of women, but in practice ended up curtailing their capabilities and violating the human rights of a significant group of them. The research also accounts for and analyzes the public complaints that arose from various sectors such as the Catholic Church, feminist organizations, and the medical guild, as well as the political agenda behind these complaints. Similarly, it addresses the investigations carried out at the time by feminist organizations and various state instances in relation to the crimes committed in the framework of implementing this policy; as well as the organization of the victimized women to present their demands for recognition of their right to reparation. The research concludes that, despite the deployment of freedoms and the agency of the women victims of this public policy, to date their voices have not been heard and their demands are not taken into account by the State.
The goal of this research is to analyze the capabilities and agency displayed by the victims of the implementation of the "National Program of Reproductive Health and Family Planning," a state policy executed between 1996 and 2000, during the government of Alberto Fujimori. The research develops the background, as well as the international and national context in which this government policy was implemented, which had an economic purpose and simultaneously offered to guarantee the sexual and reproductive rights of women, but in practice ended up curtailing their capabilities and violating the human rights of a significant group of them. The research also accounts for and analyzes the public complaints that arose from various sectors such as the Catholic Church, feminist organizations, and the medical guild, as well as the political agenda behind these complaints. Similarly, it addresses the investigations carried out at the time by feminist organizations and various state instances in relation to the crimes committed in the framework of implementing this policy; as well as the organization of the victimized women to present their demands for recognition of their right to reparation. The research concludes that, despite the deployment of freedoms and the agency of the women victims of this public policy, to date their voices have not been heard and their demands are not taken into account by the State.
Esterilización involuntaria--Perú, Mujeres--Crímenes contra--Perú, Derechos reproductivos--Perú, Resarcimiento (Justicia penal)--Perú
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