La tutela del consumidor financiero y su derecho al pago anticipado: Informe Jurídico respecto de la Resolución 0094-2019/SPC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente informe jurídico la autora se propone analizar la Resolución N°
0094-2019/SPC-INDECOPI que, a su vez, resuelve una controversia
administrativa entre el Indecopi y el Banco de Crédito del Perú S.A por una
presunta infracción al Artículo 86° de la Ley N° 29571 – Código de Protección y
Defensa del Consumidor, que reconoce el derecho a realizar pagos anticipados.
En este procedimiento administrativo sancionador iniciado de oficio por la
autoridad se identifica un conflicto competencial entre la citada entidad y la
Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP - SBS; asimismo, se cuestiona la
prescripción de la infracción imputada; y, por último, se cuestiona si existió una
infracción al Código de Consumo. En este sentido, en base a las principales
normas de protección al consumidor y a la regulación del sistema financiero, se
busca dilucidar cada uno de estos puntos. Así, la autora defiende que el Indecopi
es la entidad competente para resolver en casos de materia de protección al
consumidor financiero; que no se concretó la prescripción de las infracciones
imputadas; y, finalmente, demuestra la comisión de una infracción contra el
derecho a efectuar pagos anticipados. Asimismo, se profundiza en una crítica al
desaprovechamiento del Indecopi para sentar una posición más concreta sobre
su competencia para resolver casos de protección al consumidor financiero.
In this legal report the author proposes to analyze Resolution N° 0094-2019/SPCINDECOPI, which, in turn, resolves an administrative dispute between Indecopi and Banco de Crédito del Perú S.A. for an alleged violation of Article 86° of Law N° 29571 – Code of Consumer Protection and Defense, which recognized the right to make prepayments. In this administrative sanctioning procedure initiated ex officio by the authority, a competence dispute is identified between the aforementioned entity and the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Funds – SBS; likewise, the statute of limitations of the alleged infringement is questioned; and, finally, it is questioned whether there was an infringement to the Consumer Code. In this sense, based on the main consumer protection norms and the regulation of the financial system, each of these points is elucidated. Thus, the author defends that Indecopi is the competent entity to resolve in cases of financial consumer protection matters; that the statute of limitations of the imputed infringements did not materialize; and, finally, she demonstrates the commission of an infringement against the right to make prepayments. Likewise, a criticism of the failure of Indecopi failure to establish a more concrete position on its competence to resolve cases of financial consumer protection is also discussed in depth.
In this legal report the author proposes to analyze Resolution N° 0094-2019/SPCINDECOPI, which, in turn, resolves an administrative dispute between Indecopi and Banco de Crédito del Perú S.A. for an alleged violation of Article 86° of Law N° 29571 – Code of Consumer Protection and Defense, which recognized the right to make prepayments. In this administrative sanctioning procedure initiated ex officio by the authority, a competence dispute is identified between the aforementioned entity and the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Funds – SBS; likewise, the statute of limitations of the alleged infringement is questioned; and, finally, it is questioned whether there was an infringement to the Consumer Code. In this sense, based on the main consumer protection norms and the regulation of the financial system, each of these points is elucidated. Thus, the author defends that Indecopi is the competent entity to resolve in cases of financial consumer protection matters; that the statute of limitations of the imputed infringements did not materialize; and, finally, she demonstrates the commission of an infringement against the right to make prepayments. Likewise, a criticism of the failure of Indecopi failure to establish a more concrete position on its competence to resolve cases of financial consumer protection is also discussed in depth.
Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (Perú), Protección del consumidor--Perú, Sistema financiero--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo, Pago
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