Estrategias para el desarrollo profesional de mujeres ejecutivas en el sector educación superior
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación identificó las estrategias para el desarrollo profesional de las mujeres ejecutivas en el sector de la educación superior privada de Lima Metropolitana, mediante un enfoque cualitativo de sus características demográficas; sus antecedentes educativos, laborales y familiares; sus habilidades y competencias gerenciales; sus factores críticos de éxito y estrategias; y las barreras y limitaciones que enfrentaron para alcanzar puestos altos de gestión en sus instituciones educativas. El estudio utilizó el paradigma cualitativo basado en estudios de casos de veintisiete mujeres ejecutivas en altos cargos de la gestión académica. Las técnicas utilizadas para recopilar información fueron las siguientes: (a) entrevista en profundidad, (b) observación y (c) notas de campo.
Los resultados demostraron que las mujeres ejecutivas alcanzan altos cargos de gestión luego de desempeñarse eficientemente en cargos menores durante muchos años, y tras haber obtenido grados académicos superiores. Su nueva posición les facilitó conciliar la vida familiar con la laboral, lo que generó en ellas satisfacción y bienestar que impactaron positivamente en su ocupación. Además, les permitió ganar prestigio y obtener confianza de las autoridades, impulsando oportunidades de crecimiento para otras mujeres, a través de la gestión de la red de contactos.
Sin embargo, para alcanzar dicho equilibrio, necesitaron el apoyo de servicio doméstico, de los familiares y de la pareja. Asimismo, se evidenció que las mujeres en altos cargos de gestión practican un liderazgo transformacional que les facilita alcanzar sus objetivos con un alto nivel de eficiencia. En cuanto a las barreras y limitaciones, se observó que la burocracia en los procesos académicos, la falta de herramientas para la gestión de los recursos humanos y la gestión administrativa son sus principales limitantes. La originalidad de la presente investigación radicó en el análisis realizado acerca de las estrategias que siguieron las mujeres ejecutivas que alcanzaron altos cargos de gestión en un sector donde existen escasos estudios en Lima Metropolitana.
This research identifies strategies for professional development of executive women among private superior educational sector in Lima through a qualitative approach of their demographic characteristics: education, working and familiar background; managing skills; critical success factors and strategies; barriers and limitations they found to achieve high management positions in their educational institutions. The study used qualitative paradigm based in 27 cases of executive women within high position in academic management. The techniques used to gather information have been: (a) in-depth interview, (b) observation and (c) field notes. Results demonstrated that women reach high management positions after filling several lower range ones with efficient performance and having gone through high academic formation, which eases the balance between familiar and laboral life, thus generating wellbeing and satisfaction that impacts positively in their performance which allows them to earn prestige and obtain confidence from different authority figures, boosting growing opportunities to other women through networking management. In order to reach this balance subjects had support in their domestic, familiar and life partner responsibilities. Also, it is shown that women in high management position practice transformational leadership which allowed them to achieve their objectives with high proficiency. Among barriers and limitations, it is shown that academic process bureaucracies, lack of tools for human and administrative management are their main weakness. Originality of present research is based on the analysis of the strategies that these executive women, who achieved high management positions, achieved in a sector where there have not been significant previous extensive studies in Lima
This research identifies strategies for professional development of executive women among private superior educational sector in Lima through a qualitative approach of their demographic characteristics: education, working and familiar background; managing skills; critical success factors and strategies; barriers and limitations they found to achieve high management positions in their educational institutions. The study used qualitative paradigm based in 27 cases of executive women within high position in academic management. The techniques used to gather information have been: (a) in-depth interview, (b) observation and (c) field notes. Results demonstrated that women reach high management positions after filling several lower range ones with efficient performance and having gone through high academic formation, which eases the balance between familiar and laboral life, thus generating wellbeing and satisfaction that impacts positively in their performance which allows them to earn prestige and obtain confidence from different authority figures, boosting growing opportunities to other women through networking management. In order to reach this balance subjects had support in their domestic, familiar and life partner responsibilities. Also, it is shown that women in high management position practice transformational leadership which allowed them to achieve their objectives with high proficiency. Among barriers and limitations, it is shown that academic process bureaucracies, lack of tools for human and administrative management are their main weakness. Originality of present research is based on the analysis of the strategies that these executive women, who achieved high management positions, achieved in a sector where there have not been significant previous extensive studies in Lima
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