¿Enfrentados o alineados?: Un análisis de las relaciones entre los Consejeros Regionales y el Gobernador Regional del Cusco (2019-2022)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La literatura comparada sobre las relaciones entre el ejecutivo y legislativo sostiene que estas son conflictivas y marcadas por la solidez del ejecutivo frente a un legislativo que es comúnmente débil. Además, los estudios existentes se centran casi exclusivamente a nivel nacional. Dada la creciente importancia de la política subnacional en los países latinoamericanos, se necesita entender mejor estas dinámicas a nivel subnacional. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es describir el funcionamiento de las relaciones entre el ejecutivo y legislativo en la arena subnacional en Perú. Para ello, esta tesis estudia la relación entre los consejeros regionales y el gobernador regional en Cusco en el período de 2019 a 2022. Esta gestión fue liderada por el ex gobernador regional Jean Paul Benavente García del partido Acción Popular (AP) frente a un consejo altamente fragmentado. Contrariamente a la expectativa teórica derivada de la literatura para nivel nacional, la tesis argumenta que en realidad durante el gobierno de Benavente no existió una relación conflictiva entre ambos poderes, sino que se dio una relación más bien cooperativa. Los hallazgos de la investigación muestran que este resultado se debe particularmente al uso de estrategias clientelares por parte del ex gobernador regional. En ese sentido, el consejo regional analizado ejercía una oposición mínima y un control y fiscalización limitados sobre Benavente. La tesis representa un estudio de caso del departamento del Cusco en el período 2019-2022 a partir del uso del análisis cualitativo, la utilización de process tracing, la realización de entrevistas semi-estructuradas y la recopilación de datos secundarios y revisión de prensa.
The comparative literature on executive-legislative relations maintains that these are conflictive and marked by the strength of the executive in the face of a commonly weak legislature. Furthermore, existing studies focus almost exclusively on the national level. Given the growing importance of subnational politics in Latin American countries, there is a need to better understand these dynamics at the subnational level. The main objective of this thesis is to describe the functioning of the relations between the executive and the legislature in the subnational arena in Peru. To do this, this thesis studies the relationship between the regional councilors and the regional governor in Cusco in the period from 2019 to 2022. This management was led by the former regional governor Jean Paul Benavente García of the Popular Action party (AP) in front of a highly fragmented council. Contrary to the theoretical expectation derived from the literature for the national level, the thesis argues that in reality during Benavente's administration there was not a conflictive relationship between the two powers, but rather a cooperative one. The research findings show that this nature of the relationship stems particularly from the use of clientelistic strategies by the former regional governor. In this sense, the regional council analyzed exercised minimal opposition and limited control and oversight over Benavente. The thesis uses the department of Cusco in the period 2019-2022 as a case study employing qualitative analysis, process tracing, semi-structured interviews and secondary data and newspaper articles.
The comparative literature on executive-legislative relations maintains that these are conflictive and marked by the strength of the executive in the face of a commonly weak legislature. Furthermore, existing studies focus almost exclusively on the national level. Given the growing importance of subnational politics in Latin American countries, there is a need to better understand these dynamics at the subnational level. The main objective of this thesis is to describe the functioning of the relations between the executive and the legislature in the subnational arena in Peru. To do this, this thesis studies the relationship between the regional councilors and the regional governor in Cusco in the period from 2019 to 2022. This management was led by the former regional governor Jean Paul Benavente García of the Popular Action party (AP) in front of a highly fragmented council. Contrary to the theoretical expectation derived from the literature for the national level, the thesis argues that in reality during Benavente's administration there was not a conflictive relationship between the two powers, but rather a cooperative one. The research findings show that this nature of the relationship stems particularly from the use of clientelistic strategies by the former regional governor. In this sense, the regional council analyzed exercised minimal opposition and limited control and oversight over Benavente. The thesis uses the department of Cusco in the period 2019-2022 as a case study employing qualitative analysis, process tracing, semi-structured interviews and secondary data and newspaper articles.
Relaciones ejecutivo-legislativo--Perú--Cuzco, Gobiernos subnacionales--Perú--Cuzco, Descentralización administrativa--Perú--Cuzco
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