Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución Nº 46 Laudo Arbitral - Arbitraje Ad Hoc seguido entre OBRASCÓN HUARTE LAIN S.A. y PROVÍAS NACIONAL
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En este informe jurídico se aborda un problema principal y tres problemas
secundarios relacionados con la Resolución Nº 46 Laudo Arbitral - Arbitraje Ad Hoc
problema principal radica en la posible alteración de la ruta crítica de la obra. Se
concluye que sí existe un impacto en la ruta crítica, contrario a lo que señala el
Tribunal Arbitral.
El primer problema secundario sobre el impacto de la ruta crítica por el
comportamiento de un tercero ajeno al contrato de obra, se determina que sí es
posible, toda vez que el retraso en la aprobación del Presupuesto Adicional Nº 10
incurrido por la Contraloría General de la República constituye una causa que no
es atribuible al contratista.
El segundo problema secundario se refiere a partir de qué momento se puede
ejecutar un presupuesto adicional que excede el 15% del monto contractual. Se
establece que la aprobación se da a partir de la emisión de la resolución por parte
de la Contraloría General de la República, que dispone la aprobación del
presupuesto adicional solicitado por la entidad contratante.
El tercer problema secundario analiza si el contratista debe solicitar la ampliación
de plazo por un adicional de obra sin la autorización de la Contraloría General de
la República. Se concluye que no es posible, ya que, sin dicha aprobación, no se
puede ejecutar el adicional ni obligar al contratista a solicitar la ampliación de plazo.
This legal report addresses one main problem and three secondary problems related to Resolution No. 46 Arbitration Award - Ad Hoc Arbitration followed between OBRASCÓN HUARTE LAIN S.A. and PROVIAS NACIONAL. The main problem lies in the possible alteration of the critical path of the project. It is concluded that there is an impact on the critical path, contrary to what the Arbitration Court indicates. The first secondary problem regarding the impact of the critical path due to the behavior of a third party unrelated to the work contract, is determined to be possible, since the delay in the approval of Additional Budget Nº 10 by the Comptroller General's Office the Republic constitutes a cause not attributable to the contractor. The second secondary problem refers to when an additional budget that exceeds 15% of the contractual amount is considered approved. It is established that the approval is given from the issuance of the resolution by the Comptroller General of the Republic, which provides for the approval of the additional budget requested by the contracting entity. The third secondary problem analyzes whether the contractor should request an extension of the deadline for additional work without the approval of the Comptroller General of the Republic. It is concluded that it is not possible, since, without said approval, the additional cannot be executed or the contractor be forced to request the extension of the deadline.
This legal report addresses one main problem and three secondary problems related to Resolution No. 46 Arbitration Award - Ad Hoc Arbitration followed between OBRASCÓN HUARTE LAIN S.A. and PROVIAS NACIONAL. The main problem lies in the possible alteration of the critical path of the project. It is concluded that there is an impact on the critical path, contrary to what the Arbitration Court indicates. The first secondary problem regarding the impact of the critical path due to the behavior of a third party unrelated to the work contract, is determined to be possible, since the delay in the approval of Additional Budget Nº 10 by the Comptroller General's Office the Republic constitutes a cause not attributable to the contractor. The second secondary problem refers to when an additional budget that exceeds 15% of the contractual amount is considered approved. It is established that the approval is given from the issuance of the resolution by the Comptroller General of the Republic, which provides for the approval of the additional budget requested by the contracting entity. The third secondary problem analyzes whether the contractor should request an extension of the deadline for additional work without the approval of the Comptroller General of the Republic. It is concluded that it is not possible, since, without said approval, the additional cannot be executed or the contractor be forced to request the extension of the deadline.
Contratos públicos--Perú, Arbitraje y laudo--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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