Evaluación de impacto ambiental del proyecto ampliación y mejoramiento del servicio de riego del canal de Ocupampa – Mutgo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Se realiza una investigación para determinar la evaluación de impacto ambiental, en el
proyecto de mejoramiento y ampliación del servicio de riego del canal de Ocupampa-Mutgo,
con el objetivo de analizar la efectividad del método de valoración cualitativa con el programa
de EIA 09 para pronosticar los impactos en el proyecto y después validar los resultados
mediante el método de Monte Carlo. Para ello, se realiza un estudio, en la zona, para
determinar la viabilidad del proyecto puesto que este debe beneficiar de algún modo a la
población cercana. Después, se debe incluir una descripción del proyecto, en general, para
saber los alcances de su elaboración. Al mismo tiempo, todo esto ayuda a realizar un análisis
total de los impactos dentro del proyecto y obtener un inventario de impactos a evaluar.
Por un lado, dentro de la evaluación de impactos ambientales (EIA) se identifican los medios
que están involucrados, en el proyecto, como: geología, suelo, aire, agua superficial, agua
subterránea, fauna, flora, paisaje, económico y territorial. Por otro lado, el proyecto cuenta
con dos etapas de evaluación de construcción y operación; además, cada etapa se encuentra
dividida por 5 sectores determinados por progresivas del canal para comparar resultados al
final de la valoración. Asimismo, cada sector está dividido por la estructura que posee: la
bocatoma, el canal existente, el canal de tubería, el canal propuesto y la cantera. Luego,
mediante un árbol de acciones que se realiza por cada sector, en cada etapa, se identifica
los impactos para los factores involucrados.
Después de identificar los impactos, se realiza el cribado de estos con el objetivo de separar
los impactos despreciables de los significativos. Por consiguiente, cada impacto fue
introducido al programa EIA 09 para que este puede realizar una valoración y comparar los
resultados para determinar cuáles son los sectores con mayor índice de impactos. Luego, con
los resultados obtenidos por la evaluación de impacto ambiental se busca la forma de mitigar
los impactos con mayor severidad y que esto no afecta al medio del proyecto.
Finalmente, mediante la simulación de Monte Carlo, se aplica una evaluación de los datos
obtenidos por el programa EIA09 con el objetivo de validar los resultados. Con este análisis
se realiza comparaciones de los medios en cada sector y para cada etapa evaluada.
An investigation was carried out to determine the environmental impact assessment, in the project for the improvement and expansion of the irrigation service of the Ocupampa - Mutgo canal, in order to analyze the effectiveness of the qualitative assessment method with the software EIA 09 to forecast the impacts on the project and then validate the results using the Monte Carlo simulation. To do this, a study was carried out in the area to determine the viability of the project since it should benefit the nearby population in some way. Afterwards, a description of the project should be included, in general, to know the scope of its elaboration. Simultaneously, all this helped to carry out a total analysis of the impacts within the project and obtain an inventory of impacts to be evaluated. On one hand, within the environmental impact assessment (EIA), the means that are involved in the project were identified, such as: geology, soil, air, surface water, groundwater, fauna, flora, landscape, economic and territorial. On the other hand, the project had two stages of evaluation of construction and operation; Furthermore, each stage is divided by 5 sectors determined by canal irrigation progressives to compare results at the end of the evaluation. Likewise, each sector is divided by its structure: the water intake, the existing canal irrigation, the pipe canal, the proposed canal irrigation and the quarry. Then, through an event-action tree that was carried out by each sector in each stage, the impacts for the factors involved were identified. After identifying the impacts, they were screened in order to separate negligible impacts from significant ones. Consequently, each impact was introduced to the software EIA 09 so that it can carry out an assessment and compare the results to determine which sectors are with the highest impact index. Then, with the results obtained by the environmental impact assessment, a way was sought to mitigate the impacts with greater severity and this does not affect the project environment. Finally, using the Monte Carl simulation, an evaluation of the data obtained by the EIA09 program was applied in order to validate the results. With this analysis, comparisons were made of the means in each sector and for each stage evaluated.
An investigation was carried out to determine the environmental impact assessment, in the project for the improvement and expansion of the irrigation service of the Ocupampa - Mutgo canal, in order to analyze the effectiveness of the qualitative assessment method with the software EIA 09 to forecast the impacts on the project and then validate the results using the Monte Carlo simulation. To do this, a study was carried out in the area to determine the viability of the project since it should benefit the nearby population in some way. Afterwards, a description of the project should be included, in general, to know the scope of its elaboration. Simultaneously, all this helped to carry out a total analysis of the impacts within the project and obtain an inventory of impacts to be evaluated. On one hand, within the environmental impact assessment (EIA), the means that are involved in the project were identified, such as: geology, soil, air, surface water, groundwater, fauna, flora, landscape, economic and territorial. On the other hand, the project had two stages of evaluation of construction and operation; Furthermore, each stage is divided by 5 sectors determined by canal irrigation progressives to compare results at the end of the evaluation. Likewise, each sector is divided by its structure: the water intake, the existing canal irrigation, the pipe canal, the proposed canal irrigation and the quarry. Then, through an event-action tree that was carried out by each sector in each stage, the impacts for the factors involved were identified. After identifying the impacts, they were screened in order to separate negligible impacts from significant ones. Consequently, each impact was introduced to the software EIA 09 so that it can carry out an assessment and compare the results to determine which sectors are with the highest impact index. Then, with the results obtained by the environmental impact assessment, a way was sought to mitigate the impacts with greater severity and this does not affect the project environment. Finally, using the Monte Carl simulation, an evaluation of the data obtained by the EIA09 program was applied in order to validate the results. With this analysis, comparisons were made of the means in each sector and for each stage evaluated.
Canales de riego--Evaluación, Canales de riego--Aspectos ambientales, Método de Monte Carlo
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