Planeamiento estratégico para F&M Maquinarias SAC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La empresa F&M Maquinarias SAC es de la comunidad de Pulán, provincia de Santa
Cruz, departamento de Cajamarca, y desde hace 12 años brinda servicios de alquiler de equipos
en trabajos de movimiento de tierras, contando con un total de 44 equipos, un taller de
mantenimiento y un edificio residencial para brindar los servicios de hospitalidad y servidumbre
a sus trabajadores. En el año 2017, la empresa F&M Maquinarias SAC alcanzó una venta anual
de S/ 5´677,058, teniendo como principal cliente a la empresa Minera La Zanja. En este orden,
F&M Maquinarias SAC ha llegado a ser considerada por Minera La Zanja como un stakeholder
socialmente importante para la sostenibilidad y expansión de sus operaciones.
Ahora bien, en la actualidad, la empresa F&M Maquinarias SAC carece de un plan
estratégico definido, a tal grado que sus cumplimientos contractuales obedecen únicamente a un
trabajo del “día a día”, sin que en sus políticas institucionales exista planes de crecimiento en el
mercado o de expandir en su objeto social actual. Así, teniendo esta realidad como contexto, el
equipo ha iniciado el análisis con la evaluación de la situación actual de la empresa, priorizando
la recopilación de información mediante entrevistas personales al Gerente y a la administradora,
así como al personal administrativo clave en las instalaciones de dicha empresa, lo cual ha
servido para trabajar a detalle el planeamiento estratégico de la misma.
Posteriormente, se evaluó y replanteó la actual Visión y Misión de la empresa,
sometiéndolas a una evaluación bajo el enfoque de la literatura del Dr. D’Alessio, ya que las
mismas serán consideradas como base de los futuros análisis; llegando a plantearse un código de
ética, que recoja los valores necesarios para regular los comportamientos de sus miembros.
Es así que, para poder fundamentar un estudio profundo del plan estratégico que se
propondría, se realizó el análisis de los factores externos, como los políticos, ejemplificados con
los criterios utilizados para la puesta en marcha y la ampliación de proyectos mineros a nivel nacional como Tía María y Quellaveco; los jurídicos, a través de la profundización en la ley de
Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional en Minería, así como mediante el análisis de los daños que
ocasiona la minería informal y la competencia desleal originada por actos de corrupción.
Por otro lado, se analizó la posibilidad de expansión de la empresa a nuevos mercados, a
través de cierres de minas y su posterior inversión en el sector de construcción, siendo un factor
importante para llevar a cabo dicho cometido la utilización de tecnología satelital que permite un
mejor monitoreo y disminuye costos, siendo todo ello posible gracias al respaldo financiero con
el que cuenta. No obstante, se debe tener en consideración la variación del tipo de cambio, debido
a que los ingresos recibidos son en moneda nacional, pero los egresos son en dólares americanos,
teniendo que manejar todo finalmente en moneda local; no siendo menos importante el factor de
los conflictos sociales que ocasionan paralizaciones, cuestión que no hace más que evidenciar el
papel trascendental del fortalecimiento de vínculos con los stakeholders.
En segundo orden, se analizaron los factores internos, en los cuales se evidencia la
incoherencia en la toma de decisiones del gerente, así como los problemas de comunicación que
se generan entre áreas funcionales; pudiéndose también percibir la manera en que la visión
limitada de la empresa para expandirse afecta sus objetivos institucionales, ello a pesar de poder
aprovechar la red de contactos que maneja, así como sus activos propios inmovilizados.
Así, gracias a este análisis, se ha podido establecer que la estrategia para competir en el
mercado es la de liderazgo en costos y que su objetivo principal es la de incrementar la
rentabilidad ejecutando nuevos servicios a través de la ejecución de estrategias de penetración de
mercados, desarrollo de productos y mercados, que le permitirá sobresalir y mantenerse en el
mercado. Una vez realizado todo el análisis del estado actual de la empresa F&M Maquinarias
SAC, bajo el enfoque estudiado, este plan estratégico será entregado y explicado al Gerente de la
empresa para su futura aplicación, en caso considere oportuno.
The F&M Maquinarias SAC company is from the Pulán community, a province of Santa Cruz in the department of Cajamarca. It has provided services for 12 years, renting out teams to work on moving soil, counting up to a total of 44 teams, a maintenance workshop and a residential building to provide hospitable service and good servitude to the workers. In 2017, the company reached S/ 5’677,058 in annual sales, having the Minera La Zanja as the main client. In this order, F&M Maquinarias SAC become a considered entity by Minera La Zanja as a socially important stakeholder for the sustainability and expansion of its operations. F&M Maquinarias SAC lacks a defined strategic plan, and its contractual fulfillments are only due to “day-to-day” work, without having the ambition and institutional politics to grow in the market nor expand in its current service. Having this in mind, the team has started analysis with evaluation of the current situation of the company through collected information of personal interviews with the Manager, Administrator, and key administrative personnel in the facilities of the company, which has served to work strategic planning (of the company) in detail. Immediately after this, the current Vision and Mission of the company was evaluated and restated, subjecting them to evaluation under the approach of Dr. D’Alessio’s literature, since it would be considered to be the basis for future analysis. Values and a Code of Ethics were also used to establish behavior parameters for the members of the team. Thus, in order to support an in-depth study of the strategic plan that would be proposed, the analysis of external factors, such as politicians, was exemplified with the criteria used for the implementation and expansion of mining projects nationwide, like Tia Maria y Quellaveco; the legal ones, through the deepening of the Occupational Health and Safety Law in Mining, as well as through the analysis of the damages caused by the emergence of informal mining and the unfair competition caused by acts of corruption. On the other hand, the possibility of expanding the company to new markets was analyzed, through the closure of mines and its subsequent investment in the construction sector, being an important factor to carry out in this task the use of satellite technology that allows better monitoring and lower costs. This is all possible, thanks to the financial support it has. However, the variation in the exchange rate must be taken into account because the income received is in national currency, but the expenses are in American dollars. Everything has to be managed in local currency while there is, nonetheless, the factor of social conflicts that cause paralysis, which is an issue that only demonstrates the transcendental role of strengthening ties with stakeholders. Secondly, the internal factors were analyzed, in which the inconsistency of the manager’s decision-making is evidenced, along with the communication problems that are generated between functional areas. Also, being able to perceive the way in which the limited vision for the company to expand affects its institutional and profitable objectives, all this is happening although the company is able to take advantage of the network of contacts that it manages, as well as own immobilized assets of which it has. Therefore, thanks to this analysis, it has been established that the strategy to compete in the market is that of cost leadership and its main objective is to increase profitability by executing new services through market penetration strategies, product and market development, that of which will allow you to excel and stay in the market. Once all the analysis of the current status of the company is carried out, under the approach studied, this strategic plan will be delivered and explained to the manager of the company for its future application, if appropriate.
The F&M Maquinarias SAC company is from the Pulán community, a province of Santa Cruz in the department of Cajamarca. It has provided services for 12 years, renting out teams to work on moving soil, counting up to a total of 44 teams, a maintenance workshop and a residential building to provide hospitable service and good servitude to the workers. In 2017, the company reached S/ 5’677,058 in annual sales, having the Minera La Zanja as the main client. In this order, F&M Maquinarias SAC become a considered entity by Minera La Zanja as a socially important stakeholder for the sustainability and expansion of its operations. F&M Maquinarias SAC lacks a defined strategic plan, and its contractual fulfillments are only due to “day-to-day” work, without having the ambition and institutional politics to grow in the market nor expand in its current service. Having this in mind, the team has started analysis with evaluation of the current situation of the company through collected information of personal interviews with the Manager, Administrator, and key administrative personnel in the facilities of the company, which has served to work strategic planning (of the company) in detail. Immediately after this, the current Vision and Mission of the company was evaluated and restated, subjecting them to evaluation under the approach of Dr. D’Alessio’s literature, since it would be considered to be the basis for future analysis. Values and a Code of Ethics were also used to establish behavior parameters for the members of the team. Thus, in order to support an in-depth study of the strategic plan that would be proposed, the analysis of external factors, such as politicians, was exemplified with the criteria used for the implementation and expansion of mining projects nationwide, like Tia Maria y Quellaveco; the legal ones, through the deepening of the Occupational Health and Safety Law in Mining, as well as through the analysis of the damages caused by the emergence of informal mining and the unfair competition caused by acts of corruption. On the other hand, the possibility of expanding the company to new markets was analyzed, through the closure of mines and its subsequent investment in the construction sector, being an important factor to carry out in this task the use of satellite technology that allows better monitoring and lower costs. This is all possible, thanks to the financial support it has. However, the variation in the exchange rate must be taken into account because the income received is in national currency, but the expenses are in American dollars. Everything has to be managed in local currency while there is, nonetheless, the factor of social conflicts that cause paralysis, which is an issue that only demonstrates the transcendental role of strengthening ties with stakeholders. Secondly, the internal factors were analyzed, in which the inconsistency of the manager’s decision-making is evidenced, along with the communication problems that are generated between functional areas. Also, being able to perceive the way in which the limited vision for the company to expand affects its institutional and profitable objectives, all this is happening although the company is able to take advantage of the network of contacts that it manages, as well as own immobilized assets of which it has. Therefore, thanks to this analysis, it has been established that the strategy to compete in the market is that of cost leadership and its main objective is to increase profitability by executing new services through market penetration strategies, product and market development, that of which will allow you to excel and stay in the market. Once all the analysis of the current status of the company is carried out, under the approach studied, this strategic plan will be delivered and explained to the manager of the company for its future application, if appropriate.
Maquinaria minera, Empresas de servicios, Planificación estratégica
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