Informe jurídico de la Casación 759-2017Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico analiza distintos aspectos relacionados al derecho
probatorio en materia civil, algunos de los cuales son aún materia de controversia
tanto en la doctrina como en la jurisprudencia nacional. Tales como la prueba de
oficio, la prueba pericial, medios de prueba en otro proceso, la valoración de los
medios de pruebas y estándares probatorios. Asimismo, aborda los límites a las
facultades de la Corte Suprema relacionados con el derecho a la debida
motivación. Este análisis se contextualiza dentro de un recurso de casación, cuyo
proceso se origina con la demanda interpuesta por Petroperú S.A., sobre
obligación de dar suma de dinero, contra Altantic Corporation S.A.
The present legal report examines various aspects relating to the law of evidence in civil matters, some of which are still controversial in both legal doctrine and national jurisprudence. Such as ex officio evidence, expert evidence, evidence in other proceedings, among others. It also generally addresses the limits to the powers of the Supreme Court. This analysis is contextualized within an appeal of cassation, whose process originates with the lawsuit filed by Petroperú S.A., on the obligation to pay sum of money, against Altantic Corporation S.A.
The present legal report examines various aspects relating to the law of evidence in civil matters, some of which are still controversial in both legal doctrine and national jurisprudence. Such as ex officio evidence, expert evidence, evidence in other proceedings, among others. It also generally addresses the limits to the powers of the Supreme Court. This analysis is contextualized within an appeal of cassation, whose process originates with the lawsuit filed by Petroperú S.A., on the obligation to pay sum of money, against Altantic Corporation S.A.
Perú--Legislación, Prueba(Derecho)--Legislación--Perú, Perú. Corte Suprema--Jurisprudencia