Aplicación de ejercicios del tracto vocal semi ocluido para mejorar la proyección de la voz de estudiantes de actuación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis refleja los beneficios de los ejercicios del tracto vocal semi ocluido
(Lax Vox), en la proyección de la voz de estudiantes de actuación. Del 100% de los
aspirantes a participar en el estudio se seleccionó de forma intencional siete sujetos (58%
del universo), correspondientes a la muestra, 4 del género femenino y 3 del género
masculino, entre las edades de 17 y 28 años; todos estudiantes del segundo año de la
institución “Club de teatro de Lima”, Miraflores. El tipo de estudio es explicativo y de
intervención; y el diseño de investigación fue pre prueba y post prueba especial con análisis
cuantitativo y cualitativo de los datos.
Se realizó una serie de evaluaciones previas a la aplicación de los ejercicios, tales
como el instrumento de condición de producción vocal del actor, evaluación perceptivo
auditivo de la calidad de voz, propuesto por Behlau y un análisis acústico a través del
software PRAAT. Después, se aplicó el programa de intervención denominado “Ejercicio
del tracto vocal semi ocluido: LAX VOX. Este se desarrolló en un periodo de cuatro
semanas. En cada semana, se realizaron ejercicios específicos. Por último, se procedió a la
reevaluación utilizando los mismos instrumentos con los cuales se obtuvo respuesta acerca
de: aspectos vocales subjetivos del estudiante, TMF, eficacia glótica, Picht, Loudness, tipo
y modo de respiración. Conclusión: se puede destacar que la aplicación de ejercicios del
tracto vocal semi ocluido produce efectos positivos en la proyección de la voz de
estudiantes de actuación.
The present thesis reflects the benefits of the semi fluid vocal tract exercises: Lax Vox, in the projection of the voice of acting students. Of the 100% of the aspirants to participate in the study, seven subjects were chosen intentionally (58% of the universe), Corresponding to the sample, 4 of the feminine gender and 3 of the masculine gender, between the ages of 17 and 28 years; All students of the second year of the institution "Club of theater of Lima", Miraflores. The type of study was explanatory and of intervention; And the research design was pre-test and post-special test with quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data. A series of evaluations were carried out prior to the application of the exercises corresponding to: actor's condition of voice production, auditory perceptual evaluation of voice quality and scientific voice software of PRAAT. The intervention program was followed: exercise of the vocal tract semi fluid: Lax Vox; which was applied for 4 weeks, distributing one specific exercise per week. Finally, the revaluation was carried out using the same instruments; with which a response was obtained on the student's subjetive vocal aspects, TMF, glottal efficacy, Picht, Loudness, type and mode of respiration. In conclusion, it was possible to emphasize the application of exercises of the vocal tract semi fluid, they have positive effects in the projection of the voice of acting students.
The present thesis reflects the benefits of the semi fluid vocal tract exercises: Lax Vox, in the projection of the voice of acting students. Of the 100% of the aspirants to participate in the study, seven subjects were chosen intentionally (58% of the universe), Corresponding to the sample, 4 of the feminine gender and 3 of the masculine gender, between the ages of 17 and 28 years; All students of the second year of the institution "Club of theater of Lima", Miraflores. The type of study was explanatory and of intervention; And the research design was pre-test and post-special test with quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data. A series of evaluations were carried out prior to the application of the exercises corresponding to: actor's condition of voice production, auditory perceptual evaluation of voice quality and scientific voice software of PRAAT. The intervention program was followed: exercise of the vocal tract semi fluid: Lax Vox; which was applied for 4 weeks, distributing one specific exercise per week. Finally, the revaluation was carried out using the same instruments; with which a response was obtained on the student's subjetive vocal aspects, TMF, glottal efficacy, Picht, Loudness, type and mode of respiration. In conclusion, it was possible to emphasize the application of exercises of the vocal tract semi fluid, they have positive effects in the projection of the voice of acting students.
Voz--Educación, Actuación teatral--Voz
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