El gobierno corporativo y el valor financiero en el sector bancario en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Como consecuencia de las crisis económicas internacionales suscitadas en los
últimos 20 años, las buenas prácticas de Gobierno Corporativo en el mundo han tomado
mayor importancia debido al rol preponderante en el mercado de capitales y la economía de
un país. En el Perú, estas iniciativas de buenas prácticas de Gobierno Corporativo se iniciaron
en el año 2002, tomando como base los principios marco para el Gobierno de las sociedades
emitidos por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico [OCDE], con
esto se pretendió establecer en el país que el Gobierno Corporativo potencie el crecimiento de
la economía y la confianza de los inversionistas.
A pesar de la importancia del Gobierno Corporativo en el Perú y la influencia del
sector bancario en la economía, no existen estudios de investigación relacionados a este tema,
y es por ello que se realizó un trabajo de investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance
descriptivo y no experimental transversal, con la finalidad de poder describir la posible
relación de las buenas prácticas de Gobierno Corporativo y el valor financiero generado en el
sector bancario peruano del año 2015. Se tomó la información de los reportes de
cumplimiento del Código de Buen Gobierno Corporativo para las Sociedades Peruanas y los
Estados Financieros, que los 16 Bancos del sector reportaron a la Superintendencia de
Mercado de Valores.
Finalmente, en base al análisis realizado con los pilares del gobierno corporativo
que abarca: el derecho de los accionistas, la junta general de accionistas, el Directorio y la
alta gerencia, el riesgo y cumplimiento y la transparencia de la información; se podría
considerar que para esta investigación las buenas prácticas de Gobierno Corporativo se
asocian a la generación de valor financiero en el sector bancario peruano
As a result of the international economic crises arising in the past 20 years, good corporate governance practices in the world, has taken on greater importance because of the major role in the capital market and the economy of a country. In Peru, these initiatives of good corporate governance practices were launched in 2002, based on the framework principles for corporate governance issued by the Organization for Co-operation and the Economic Development "OECD"; it was intended to establish in the country that corporate governance would promote the growth of the economy and investor trust. Despite the importance of corporate governance in Peru and the influence of the banking sector in the economy, there are no research studies related to this topic, and that is why a research of quantitative approach was conducted with a descriptive scope and no experimental cross, in order to be able to describe the possible relationship of good corporate governance practices and financial value generated in the Peruvian banking sector 2015. For that reason, the information compliance reports has been taken from the Code of Good Corporate Governance for Peruvian Companies and Financial Statements, that the 16 banks of the banking sector reported to the Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores. Finally, based on the analysis with the pillars of corporate governance covering: the right of shareholders, the general meeting of shareholders, the board and senior management, risk and compliance and transparency of information; it could be consider for this research that Good Corporate Governance practices is associated to the growing of financial value in the Peruvian banking sector
As a result of the international economic crises arising in the past 20 years, good corporate governance practices in the world, has taken on greater importance because of the major role in the capital market and the economy of a country. In Peru, these initiatives of good corporate governance practices were launched in 2002, based on the framework principles for corporate governance issued by the Organization for Co-operation and the Economic Development "OECD"; it was intended to establish in the country that corporate governance would promote the growth of the economy and investor trust. Despite the importance of corporate governance in Peru and the influence of the banking sector in the economy, there are no research studies related to this topic, and that is why a research of quantitative approach was conducted with a descriptive scope and no experimental cross, in order to be able to describe the possible relationship of good corporate governance practices and financial value generated in the Peruvian banking sector 2015. For that reason, the information compliance reports has been taken from the Code of Good Corporate Governance for Peruvian Companies and Financial Statements, that the 16 banks of the banking sector reported to the Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores. Finally, based on the analysis with the pillars of corporate governance covering: the right of shareholders, the general meeting of shareholders, the board and senior management, risk and compliance and transparency of information; it could be consider for this research that Good Corporate Governance practices is associated to the growing of financial value in the Peruvian banking sector
Instituciones financieras, Bancos
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