Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución 2484-2022-SUNARPTR: Una equivalencia errónea y sus efectos sobre los Principios Registrales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Resolución del Tribunal Registral que da origen a este trabajo reconoce la
titularidad sobre los aires inmediatamente superiores a unidades inmobiliarios en
el nivel azotea a los propietarios de estas basándose en el Acuerdo Plenario del
Pleno CXLIX. Esto genera conflictos con los principios registrales de
especialidad, legitimación y la publicidad registral. Es por ello que este trabajo
partirá de definir los conceptos de aires y azoteas a partir de la normativa
peruana para luego explicar como la errónea equiparación de términos que
realiza el mencionado Pleno afecta a los principios registrales ya mencionados.
Se concluye del análisis realizado que los términos de aires y azotea son de
naturaleza distinta y su equiparación es un error por parte del Tribunal Registral.
Asimismo, la aplicación de este pleno no es pacífica, pues genera bienes sin
partida registral, titularidades que no constan en asiento registral alguno y no se
publicitan adecuadamente las situaciones jurídicas que supuestamente existen
a criterio del Tribunal Registral. Por último, el Decreto Legislativo 1568 derogará
a partir de su entrada en vigencia lo dispuesto por el artículo 13, el Título II y la
Tercera Disposición Final de la Ley 27157 para generar una nueva regulación en
lo referente a la propiedad horizontal. Si bien plantea la existencia del derecho
de sobreelevación de manera inicialmente acertada, falla al recurrir nuevamente
a los conceptos de aires y a la inclusión del derecho de sobreelevación como
parte de la azotea.
The Resolution of the Registry Court that originates this work recognizes the ownership of the “air” immediately above real estate units on the roof level to their owners based on the Plenary Agreement of the Plenary CXLIX. This generates conflicts with the Registry Principles of specialty, legitimation and registry publicity. That is why this work will start by defining the concepts of air and rooftop based on Peruvian regulation to explain how the erroneous equivalence of terms carried out by the Plenary CXLIX affects the Registry Principles. It is concluded from the analysis that the terms of air and roof are from different natures and their equivalence is an error from of the Registry Court. Likewise, the application of this Plenary Agreement is not peaceful, since it generates assets without a registry item, ownerships that do not appear in any registry entry and the legal situations that supposedly exist by the Registry Court are not publicized. Finally, Legislative Decree 1568 will derogate article 13, Title II and the Third Final Provision of Law 27157 since its entry into force to generate a new regulation regarding horizontal property. Although it raises the existence of the right of elevation, it fails again bringing the concepts of air and the inclusion of the right of elevation as part of the rooftop.
The Resolution of the Registry Court that originates this work recognizes the ownership of the “air” immediately above real estate units on the roof level to their owners based on the Plenary Agreement of the Plenary CXLIX. This generates conflicts with the Registry Principles of specialty, legitimation and registry publicity. That is why this work will start by defining the concepts of air and rooftop based on Peruvian regulation to explain how the erroneous equivalence of terms carried out by the Plenary CXLIX affects the Registry Principles. It is concluded from the analysis that the terms of air and roof are from different natures and their equivalence is an error from of the Registry Court. Likewise, the application of this Plenary Agreement is not peaceful, since it generates assets without a registry item, ownerships that do not appear in any registry entry and the legal situations that supposedly exist by the Registry Court are not publicized. Finally, Legislative Decree 1568 will derogate article 13, Title II and the Third Final Provision of Law 27157 since its entry into force to generate a new regulation regarding horizontal property. Although it raises the existence of the right of elevation, it fails again bringing the concepts of air and the inclusion of the right of elevation as part of the rooftop.
Derecho registral--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Propiedad horizontal--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Registro de propiedad--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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