Evaluación de impacto ambiental mixta con uso del análisis de ciclo de vida: El caso de la trocha carrozable en la distrito de Querobamba – Ayacucho
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo implementar la metodología del Análisis del Ciclo de
Vida (ACV) a la Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) en la construcción de una trocha
carrozable en el distrito de Querobamba, provincia de Ayacucho, y comparar los resultados con
los obtenidos de la EIA realizada inicialmente para el inicio del proyecto. Para llevar a cabo
esta investigación, se recopilaron datos detallados de emisiones de CO2eq, material particulado,
nivel de ruido, calidad del suelo, calidad del agua, flora, fauna, paisaje y empleo en cada fase
del proyecto (planificación, construcción y cierre) a partir del expediente técnico. Se utilizó el
software SimaPro para calcular las emisiones de aire (CO2eq y material particulado) generadas
por la maquinaria y equipos utilizados en el proyecto en función del consumo de petróleo D2
y gasolina 90. Además, se empleo los indicadores de impacto de Impro4 para evaluar los
cuantificar los demás factores ambientales, posteriormente, se realizó una matriz de causaefecto para evaluar cualitativamente cada factor ambiental en las partidas ejecutadas del
proyecto. Con todos los datos obtenidos se hace uso del programa EIA09 para realizar la
valoración cuantitativa y cualitativa de cada partida del proyecto obteniendo valores
ponderados de cada impacto ambiental generado y luego se realizó el mismo cálculo, pero solo
empleando los índices de magnitud obtenidos del SimaPro y del Impro4, aplicando el EIA
híbrido y así tener una comparación de los valores obtenidos realizando solo la EIA y el EIA
híbrido. Los resultados revelan que algunas partidas del proyecto generan una mayor
contaminación de lo anticipado, y el factor ambiental con el impacto más negativo es el aire.
Observamos que aplicando el EIA híbrido los valores ponderados obtenidos son mucho más grandes
que los obtenidos usando el EIA09, pero manteniendo el sentido del impacto, lo que nos lleva a concluir
que el índice de importancia perturba el resultado de una EIA brindando valores de magnitud mucho
menores y haciendo ver que algunos partidas del proyecto tienen un menor impacto al real. Se concluye
que la combinación de la EIA y el ACV proporciona una visión más completa de los impactos
ambientales, ya que permite analizar tanto los efectos inmediatos como los indirectos. Esto es
crucial, dado que factores como el aire y el ruido afectan no solo el entorno cercano al proyecto,
sino también áreas más amplias que deben considerarse en la planificación de medidas de
mitigación. Finalmente, este estudio resalta la importancia de la integración del ACV en la EIA
para una evaluación más exhaustiva y precisa de los impactos ambientales en proyectos de
construcción de infraestructura, como la trocha carrozable. Además, se identifican áreas
específicas donde los impactos ambientales son más significativos de lo esperado, lo que
proporciona datos importantes para futuros proyectos en zonas similares.
This research aims to implement the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the construction of a drivable trail in the district of Querobamba, province of Ayacucho, and compare the results with those obtained from the EIA initially conducted for the project's inception. To carry out this research, detailed data on CO2eq emissions, particulate matter, noise level, soil quality, water quality, flora, fauna, landscape, and employment in each phase of the project (planning, construction, and closure) were collected from the technical dossier. SimaPro software was used to calculate air emissions (CO2eq and particulate matter) generated by machinery and equipment used in the project based on the consumption of D2 diesel and 90-octane gasoline. Additionally, Impro4 impact indicators were employed to evaluate and quantify other environmental factors. Subsequently, a cause-effect matrix was developed to qualitatively assess each environmental factor in the project's executed items. With all the data obtained, the EIA09 program was used to perform quantitative and qualitative assessment of each project item, obtaining weighted values for each environmental impact generated. Then, the same calculation was performed using only the magnitude indices obtained from SimaPro and Impro4, applying the hybrid EIA to compare the values obtained by conducting only the EIA and the hybrid EIA. The results reveal that some project items generate greater pollution than anticipated, with air being the environmental factor with the most negative impact. It was observed that by applying the hybrid EIA, the weighted values obtained are much larger than those obtained using EIA09 but maintaining the sense of impact. This leads us to conclude that the importance index disturbs the result of an EIA by providing much lower magnitude values and making it appear that some project items have a lower impact than they do. It is concluded that the combination of EIA and LCA provides a more comprehensive view of environmental impacts, as it allows analyzing both immediate and indirect effects. This is crucial, as factors such as air and noise affect not only the immediate project surroundings but also broader areas that must be considered in the planning of mitigation measures. Finally, this study highlights the importance of integrating LCA into EIA for a more thorough and accurate assessment of environmental impacts in infrastructure construction projects, such as drivable trails. Furthermore, specific areas where environmental impacts are more significant than expected are identified, providing important data for future projects in similar areas.
This research aims to implement the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the construction of a drivable trail in the district of Querobamba, province of Ayacucho, and compare the results with those obtained from the EIA initially conducted for the project's inception. To carry out this research, detailed data on CO2eq emissions, particulate matter, noise level, soil quality, water quality, flora, fauna, landscape, and employment in each phase of the project (planning, construction, and closure) were collected from the technical dossier. SimaPro software was used to calculate air emissions (CO2eq and particulate matter) generated by machinery and equipment used in the project based on the consumption of D2 diesel and 90-octane gasoline. Additionally, Impro4 impact indicators were employed to evaluate and quantify other environmental factors. Subsequently, a cause-effect matrix was developed to qualitatively assess each environmental factor in the project's executed items. With all the data obtained, the EIA09 program was used to perform quantitative and qualitative assessment of each project item, obtaining weighted values for each environmental impact generated. Then, the same calculation was performed using only the magnitude indices obtained from SimaPro and Impro4, applying the hybrid EIA to compare the values obtained by conducting only the EIA and the hybrid EIA. The results reveal that some project items generate greater pollution than anticipated, with air being the environmental factor with the most negative impact. It was observed that by applying the hybrid EIA, the weighted values obtained are much larger than those obtained using EIA09 but maintaining the sense of impact. This leads us to conclude that the importance index disturbs the result of an EIA by providing much lower magnitude values and making it appear that some project items have a lower impact than they do. It is concluded that the combination of EIA and LCA provides a more comprehensive view of environmental impacts, as it allows analyzing both immediate and indirect effects. This is crucial, as factors such as air and noise affect not only the immediate project surroundings but also broader areas that must be considered in the planning of mitigation measures. Finally, this study highlights the importance of integrating LCA into EIA for a more thorough and accurate assessment of environmental impacts in infrastructure construction projects, such as drivable trails. Furthermore, specific areas where environmental impacts are more significant than expected are identified, providing important data for future projects in similar areas.
Impacto ambiental--Evaluación, Carreteras--Diseño y construcción--Perú--Ayacucho, Carreteras--Impacto ambiental
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