Efectividad del "Plan para la estimulación del desarrollo narrativo (EDEN)" en niños de 6 años de edad pertenecientes a una institución educativa pública de la Provincia Constitucional del Callao
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la efectividad de la aplicación del Plan de Estimulación del Discurso Narrativo EDEN en el desarrollo de la estructura narrativa de un grupo de niños de 6 años de edad de la Institución Educativa Pública “Dora Mayer”.
El estudio, se realizó bajo un diseño cuasi experimental, con una muestra de 51 niños y niñas, de los cuales 24 conformaron el grupo control y 27 el grupo experimental, con quienes se aplicó el Plan EDEN. Dicho plan tiene como objetivo estimular el desarrollo narrativo en niños entre 3 y 10 años con dificultades narrativas, independientemente de que estas coexistan o no con problemas de lenguaje.
Se utilizó como instrumento de evaluación tanto para el pre y post test la Prueba de Evaluación del Discurso Narrativo EDNA, con la que se pudo establecer las diferencias en las puntuaciones obtenidas por los niños del grupo experimental y control a nivel global, así como en cada una de las categorías de la estructura narrativa: presentación, episodio y final.
Los resultados permitieron demostrar la efectividad del Plan EDEN al comparar las diferencias entre los resultados del pre y post test del grupo control y experimental, donde estos últimos muestran una diferencia estadísticamente significativa. También permitió determinar el impacto que tiene el programa en el incremento de las puntuaciones en cada una de las categorías de la estructura narrativa, siendo la categoría Episodio y Final en las que se muestra mayor incremento.
The aim of this investigation was to determine the effectiveness of applying Stimulation Plan Narrative Discourse EDEN in the development of the narrative structure of a group of children 6 years old School "Dora Mayer". The study, was conducted under a quasi-experimental design included a sample of 51 children, 24 of which 27 formed the control and the experimental group, with whom the Plan was applied EDEN group. This Plan aims to stimulate the narrative development in children between 3 and 10 years with narrative difficulties, whether or not they coexist with language problems. It was used as an assessment tool for both pre and posttest with Test Evaluation of Speech Narrative EDNA, with which it was possible to establish the differences in scores for the experimental group and control globally and in each category of narrative structure: presentation, episode and end. The results allowed to demonstrate the effectiveness of EDEN Plan to compare the differences between the results of pre and post test control and experimental, where the latter show a statistically significant difference group. It also allowed to determine the impact of the program on increasing scores on each of the categories of narrative structure, with the category and Final Episode shown where larger increase.
The aim of this investigation was to determine the effectiveness of applying Stimulation Plan Narrative Discourse EDEN in the development of the narrative structure of a group of children 6 years old School "Dora Mayer". The study, was conducted under a quasi-experimental design included a sample of 51 children, 24 of which 27 formed the control and the experimental group, with whom the Plan was applied EDEN group. This Plan aims to stimulate the narrative development in children between 3 and 10 years with narrative difficulties, whether or not they coexist with language problems. It was used as an assessment tool for both pre and posttest with Test Evaluation of Speech Narrative EDNA, with which it was possible to establish the differences in scores for the experimental group and control globally and in each category of narrative structure: presentation, episode and end. The results allowed to demonstrate the effectiveness of EDEN Plan to compare the differences between the results of pre and post test control and experimental, where the latter show a statistically significant difference group. It also allowed to determine the impact of the program on increasing scores on each of the categories of narrative structure, with the category and Final Episode shown where larger increase.
Análisis del discurso -- Aspectos educativos., Niños -- Lenguaje.
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