Habilidades morfosintácticas y su relación con el discurso narrativo en niños de 5 y 6 años de una institución educativa privada de nivel inicial de Huancayo en 2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre las habilidades morfosintácticas
y el discurso narrativo en niños de 5 y 6 años de una institución educativa privada de nivel inicial.
El estudio es de tipo correlacional, diseño de investigación observacional – transversal. La
muestra está conformada por 51 niños de 5 y 6 años (19 y 32 respectivamente).
Se utiliza 2 instrumentos de medición: el test de Evaluación del Discurso Narrativo (EDNA) para
evaluar producción de narraciones y el test de Evaluación Clínica de los Fundamentos del
Lenguaje (CELF – 5) subtest comprensión de frases, habilidades morfosintácticas y elaboración
de frases, para evaluar habilidades morfosintácticas del lenguaje oral.
Los resultados reflejan una correlación positiva baja entre las variables de habilidades
morfosintácticas y el discurso narrativo. También se observa que en el desarrollo del discurso
narrativo, el 74.5 % de niños se encuentran en la etapa de estructuración de cuentos, de los cuales
el 33.5% estructura la presentación completa + episodio completo + sin final. Respecto a las
habilidades morfosintácticas, se observa que el 58.8% de evaluados en la producción de oraciones
presenta un rendimiento por debajo de la media. Respecto a la edad psicolingüística, el 33,3% de
evaluados en la aplicación de reglas gramaticales, presentan una edad psicolingüística equivalente
a 3 años.
Se concluye que en las habilidades morfosintácticas presentan dificultades para acceder al uso de
elementos morfológicos y recursos lingüísticos para emplearlos en la construcción de oraciones
gramaticales y coherentemente funcionales, acorde a su edad. Respecto al discurso narrativo, se
observa mejor respuesta en los procesos de producción para recontar de forma organizada y
coherente sucesos y acontecimientos relacionados temporal y causalmente. Destaca la presencia
de presentación y episodio completo, presentando aún dificultades para recontar el final de la
historia, lo que evidencia mejor comprensión auditiva y producción oral.
The objective of the research is to determine the relationship between morphosyntactic skills and narrative discourse in children of 5 and 6 years of age from a private initial level educational institution. The study is of a correlational type, observational-cross-sectional research design. The sample is made up of 51 children aged 5 and 6 years (19 and 32 respectively). Two measurement instruments are used: the Narrative Discourse Assessment test (EDNA) to assess the production of narratives and the Clinical Assessment of Language Fundamentals test (CELF - 5) subtest sentence comprehension, morphosyntax and sentence elaboration, to evaluate morphosyntactic skills of oral language. The results reflect a low positive correlation between the variables of morphosyntactic skills and narrative discourse. It is also observed that in the development of the Narrative Discourse, 74.5% of children are in the story structuring stage, of which 33.5% structure the complete presentation + complete episode + without ending. Regarding morphosyntactic skills, it is observed that 58.8% of those evaluated in the production of sentences present a performance below the average. Regarding the psycholinguistic age, 33.3% of those evaluated in the application of grammatical rules, present a psycholinguistic age equivalent to 3 years. It is concluded that in the morphosyntactic abilities they present difficulties to access the use of morphological elements and linguistic resources to use them in the construction of grammatical and coherently functional sentences according to their age. Regarding the narrative discourse, a better response is observed in the production processes to recount in an organized and coherent way events and events related temporally and causally. The presence of presentation and full episode stands out, still presenting difficulties to retell the end of the story. Which shows better listening comprehension and oral production.
The objective of the research is to determine the relationship between morphosyntactic skills and narrative discourse in children of 5 and 6 years of age from a private initial level educational institution. The study is of a correlational type, observational-cross-sectional research design. The sample is made up of 51 children aged 5 and 6 years (19 and 32 respectively). Two measurement instruments are used: the Narrative Discourse Assessment test (EDNA) to assess the production of narratives and the Clinical Assessment of Language Fundamentals test (CELF - 5) subtest sentence comprehension, morphosyntax and sentence elaboration, to evaluate morphosyntactic skills of oral language. The results reflect a low positive correlation between the variables of morphosyntactic skills and narrative discourse. It is also observed that in the development of the Narrative Discourse, 74.5% of children are in the story structuring stage, of which 33.5% structure the complete presentation + complete episode + without ending. Regarding morphosyntactic skills, it is observed that 58.8% of those evaluated in the production of sentences present a performance below the average. Regarding the psycholinguistic age, 33.3% of those evaluated in the application of grammatical rules, present a psycholinguistic age equivalent to 3 years. It is concluded that in the morphosyntactic abilities they present difficulties to access the use of morphological elements and linguistic resources to use them in the construction of grammatical and coherently functional sentences according to their age. Regarding the narrative discourse, a better response is observed in the production processes to recount in an organized and coherent way events and events related temporally and causally. The presence of presentation and full episode stands out, still presenting difficulties to retell the end of the story. Which shows better listening comprehension and oral production.
Fonoaudiología, Lectura (Educación inicial)--Perú--Junín--Huancayo, Educación inicial--Investigaciones--Perú--Junín
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