Comprensión lectora en estudiantes de I ciclo de Instituciones Educativas Superiores Públicas de Lima Metropolitana – 2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio se centra en establecer la diferencia en el nivel de
comprensión lectora en los estudiantes de I ciclo de instituciones educativas superiores
públicas de Lima Metropolitana a fin de revelar la importancia de las estrategias de
comprensión lectora en el nivel superior. La investigación realizada corresponde a una
investigación del enfoque cuantitativo, tipo no experimental, transversal de alcance
descriptivo y de estudio comparativo. Los resultados de esta investigación serán de
suma relevancia para la mejora de la práctica docente no solo en el nivel superior, sino
también en la Educación Básica Regular (EBR). Con el objetivo de recoger las
evidencias, se utilizó el Test de Comprensión de Lectura de Violeta Tapia y Maritza
Silva, el cual se aplicó de manera colectiva a un total de 128 sujetos, la selección de la
muestra fue aleatoria y no probabilística. Los resultados revelan que existen diferencias
en la comprensión de textos entre estudiantes de I ciclo de instituciones educativas
superiores públicas de Lima Metropolitana – 2019, siendo esta diferencia más notoria
en los tipos de preguntas con nivel inferencial.
The present study focuses on establishing the difference in the level of reading comprehension in the students of the first cycle of public higher educational institutions in Metropolitan Lima in order to reveal the importance of reading comprehension strategies at the higher level. The investigation carried out corresponds to an investigation of the quantitative approach, non-experimental type, transversal of descriptive scope and comparative study. The results of this research will be extremely relevant for the improvement of teaching practice not only at the higher level, but also in Regular Basic Education (EBR). In order to collect the evidence, the Violeta Tapia and Maritza Silva Reading Comprehension Test was used, which was applied collectively to a total of 128 subjects, the sample selection was random and nonprobabilistic. The results reveal that there are differences in the comprehension of texts between students of the first cycle of public higher educational institutions in Metropolitan Lima - 2019, this difference being more noticeable in the types of questions with an inferential level.
The present study focuses on establishing the difference in the level of reading comprehension in the students of the first cycle of public higher educational institutions in Metropolitan Lima in order to reveal the importance of reading comprehension strategies at the higher level. The investigation carried out corresponds to an investigation of the quantitative approach, non-experimental type, transversal of descriptive scope and comparative study. The results of this research will be extremely relevant for the improvement of teaching practice not only at the higher level, but also in Regular Basic Education (EBR). In order to collect the evidence, the Violeta Tapia and Maritza Silva Reading Comprehension Test was used, which was applied collectively to a total of 128 subjects, the sample selection was random and nonprobabilistic. The results reveal that there are differences in the comprehension of texts between students of the first cycle of public higher educational institutions in Metropolitan Lima - 2019, this difference being more noticeable in the types of questions with an inferential level.
Comprensión de lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Superior), Aprendizaje (Educación)
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