Plan estratégico de la empresa Taurus S.R.L.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El sector construcción, su fuerte dinamismo en los últimos años y su influencia en
todos los agentes económicos relacionados significan un pilar importante de la economía
peruana, presentando oportunidades de negocio en los diferentes servicios complementarias
que conforman el mismo. Taurus S.R.L. es una empresa de origen cusqueño de mediana
envergadura, que opera principalmente en la Región Cusco y sus alrededores, ofreciendo
servicios de alquiler de maquinaria pesada para trabajos de movimiento de tierras en
proyectos de construcción, principalmente a los relacionados a infraestructura vial.
El Planeamiento Estratégico desarrollado en el presente documento se realizó
identificando las estrategias que la compañía necesita implementar, de tal manera que permita
aprovechar las condiciones del mercado en su sector, desarrollando sus potencialidades y
mitigando sus debilidades a fin de posicionarse en el mercado de la región Cusco; para ello se
estableció una visión, misión, valores y código de ética, mediante un análisis de su entorno en
que se desenvuelve, su estructura interna respecto de las oportunidades de desarrollo y
competitividad de la empresa en el mercado; todo el análisis y estructura se realizó tomando
como referencia la metodología del modelo secuencial del proceso estratégico propuesto por
el Profesor Fernando D´Alessio.
The construction sector, its strong momentum in recent years and its influence on all economic agents involved represent an important pillar of the Peruvian economy, presenting business opportunities in the various complementary services that make it. Taurus S.R.L. It is a company of Cusco midsize origin, which operates mainly in the Cusco region and beyond, providing rental services heavy equipment for earthmoving work on construction projects, primarily related to road infrastructure. Strategic planning in this document are made by identifying the strategies that the company needs to implement, so that could exploit market conditions in its industry, developing their potential and mitigate their weaknesses in order to position itself in the market in the region Cusco; for it a vision, mission, values and code of ethics established by analysis of their environment in which it operates, its internal structure regarding development opportunities and business competitiveness in the market; All analysis and structure was conducted with reference to the methodology of sequential model proposed by Professor Fernando D'Alessio strategic process.
The construction sector, its strong momentum in recent years and its influence on all economic agents involved represent an important pillar of the Peruvian economy, presenting business opportunities in the various complementary services that make it. Taurus S.R.L. It is a company of Cusco midsize origin, which operates mainly in the Cusco region and beyond, providing rental services heavy equipment for earthmoving work on construction projects, primarily related to road infrastructure. Strategic planning in this document are made by identifying the strategies that the company needs to implement, so that could exploit market conditions in its industry, developing their potential and mitigate their weaknesses in order to position itself in the market in the region Cusco; for it a vision, mission, values and code of ethics established by analysis of their environment in which it operates, its internal structure regarding development opportunities and business competitiveness in the market; All analysis and structure was conducted with reference to the methodology of sequential model proposed by Professor Fernando D'Alessio strategic process.
Empresas de servicios, Planificación estratégica
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