Business consulting para – Canovas S.A.C
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la presente investigación, se describen aspectos concernientes al Business
Consulting Report de la empresa Cánovas SAC; es una empresa del sector manufacturero
dedicada principalmente a la venta, comercialización y obras por instalación de cristales para
la industria de la construcción. Se está viviendo la época post pandemia, las empresas que
desarrollan sus actividades en Perú deben afrontar grandes desafíos que provocó la pandemia
a nivel mundial, a través del business consulting report a la empresa antes mencionada, se
hace un análisis exhaustivo con el propósito de encontrar las deficiencias y presentar
alternativas de solución que mejoren su desempeño.
En el presente informe de consultoría se analizaron elementos internos y externos de
la empresa Cánovas S.A.C, identificando las oportunidades, amenazas, debilidades y
fortalezas, se obtuvo información a través de entrevista con la gerencia administrativa,
recabando información sobre diversas funcionalidades de sus líneas de negocio, se identificó
las necesidades, permitiendo realizar una síntesis sobre los problemas que está afrontado la
organización y sus posibles soluciones. En base al diagnóstico obtenido se detectó como
problema principal la injerencia del área comercial en la administración de los contratos de
obra, a partir de este foco problemático se revisaron las soluciones factibles, las cuales fueron
analizadas a través de enfoques cualitativos y cuantitativos.
Se propone a Cánovas S.A.C la implementación de metodologías de proyecto basadas
en buenas prácticas aplicando un método PMO ( Project Management Office), establecer una
planificación estratégica a corto plazo y establecer técnicas para la fidelización de clientes.
Por último, se planteó un plan de implementación que tendrá una extensión de 136 días con
una inversión de S/. 117,988 (soles peruanos), para obtener resultados positivos de
crecimiento económico, tal como lo muestra el cálculo del VAN de la empresa, permitiendo
reforzar la propuesta en cuanto al problema planteado.
In the present investigation, aspects concerning the Business Consulting Report of the company Cánovas SAC are described; is a company in the manufacturing sector dedicated mainly to the sale, marketing and installation of glass for the construction industry. The post pandemic era is being experienced, the companies that carry out their activities in Peru must face great challenges caused by the pandemic worldwide, through the business consulting report to the aforementioned company, an exhaustive analysis is made with the purpose of finding deficiencies and present alternative solutions that improve their performance. In this consulting report, internal and external elements of the company Cánovas S.A.C were analyzed, identifying the opportunities, threats, weaknesses and strengths, information was obtained through an interview with the administrative management, gathering information on various functionalities of its lines of business, the needs were identified, allowing a synthesis of the problems that the organization is facing and their possible solutions. Based on the diagnosis obtained, the interference of the commercial area in the administration of construction contracts was detected as the main problem. From this problematic focus, feasible solutions were reviewed, which were analyzed through qualitative and quantitative approaches. It is proposed to Cánovas S.A.C the implementation of project methodologies based on good practices applying a PMO (Project Management Office) method, establishing short term strategic planning and establishing techniques for customer loyalty. Finally, an implementation plan was proposed that will have an extension of 136 days with an investment of S/. 117,988, to obtain positive results of economic growth, as shown by the calculation of the company's NPV, allowing the proposal to be reinforced in terms of the problem posed.
In the present investigation, aspects concerning the Business Consulting Report of the company Cánovas SAC are described; is a company in the manufacturing sector dedicated mainly to the sale, marketing and installation of glass for the construction industry. The post pandemic era is being experienced, the companies that carry out their activities in Peru must face great challenges caused by the pandemic worldwide, through the business consulting report to the aforementioned company, an exhaustive analysis is made with the purpose of finding deficiencies and present alternative solutions that improve their performance. In this consulting report, internal and external elements of the company Cánovas S.A.C were analyzed, identifying the opportunities, threats, weaknesses and strengths, information was obtained through an interview with the administrative management, gathering information on various functionalities of its lines of business, the needs were identified, allowing a synthesis of the problems that the organization is facing and their possible solutions. Based on the diagnosis obtained, the interference of the commercial area in the administration of construction contracts was detected as the main problem. From this problematic focus, feasible solutions were reviewed, which were analyzed through qualitative and quantitative approaches. It is proposed to Cánovas S.A.C the implementation of project methodologies based on good practices applying a PMO (Project Management Office) method, establishing short term strategic planning and establishing techniques for customer loyalty. Finally, an implementation plan was proposed that will have an extension of 136 days with an investment of S/. 117,988, to obtain positive results of economic growth, as shown by the calculation of the company's NPV, allowing the proposal to be reinforced in terms of the problem posed.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Manufacturas--Perú, Industria de la construcción--Administración, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)
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