Planeamiento estratégico para la región Junín
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Planeamiento Estratégico de la Región Junín al 2027 fue desarrollado con el
enfoque de generar mayor bienestar social para la población, mediante el desarrollo de las
actividades económicas en igualdad de oportunidades. Para lograr el bienestar social se
plantearon las variables salud, educación y seguridad; consideradas claves para la región. En
educación se pudo identificar que sea ha presentado un retroceso debido a una menor
asistencia escolar y la falta de personal capacitado. En el sector salud existe escaso desarrollo
en infraestructura, especialistas y desnutrición crónica infantil, esta última presente en un
20.6% de niños. En seguridad, Junín tiene un alto índice de victimización de 41.2% y la
percepción de inseguridad es de 90.6% en la población.
Se trabajará en las principales actividades económicas como minería, agricultura y
turismo. En minería, se destaca al cobre como el recurso de mayor impacto; en agricultura, se
destaca el cultivo de café que genera los mayores ingresos y en turismo, Junín cuenta con 24
recursos turísticos que podría explotar, actualmente explotan seis. A través del desarrollo de
estas actividades económicas se generarán ingresos y oportunidades a la población para
mejorar el bienestar social, acompañado de la promoción de la inversión pública y privada.
En función a la información analizada se trabajó el plan estratégico según la metodología del
modelo secuencial del proceso estratégico, lo cual generó cinco objetivos de largo plazo y
diecisiete estrategias, reteniéndose las once mejores. En conclusión, Junín gozará de
bienestar social enfocándose en el aprovechamiento del cobre y sus derivados; en la
producción de café de alta calidad; y mediante el aprovechamiento de nuevas rutas turísticas.
La correcta implementación de las estrategias convertirá la visión establecida en realidad,
donde Junín al 2027 estará dentro de las cinco regiones a nivel nacional que ofrecen la más
elevada calidad de vida a su población
The Strategic Planning of the Junín Region to 2027 was developed focused on the population wellbeing, through the development of economic activities in equal opportunities. For social welfare, the main key variables are health, education and security. In education was identified a setback due to less school attendance and the lack of trained personnel. In the health sector, there is little development in infrastructure, specialists and chronic child malnutrition, which is present in 20.6% of children. In security, Junín has a high rate of victimization 41.2% and the 90.6% of the population have perception of insecurity. The main economic activities such as mining, agriculture and tourism, will be worked. In mining, copper is resource with the greatest impact. In agriculture, the coffee crop is the main income source for this sector. In tourism, Junín has 24 tourism resources and only works six. Through the development of these economic activities, income and opportunities will be generated, accompanied with promotion of public and private investment. Based on the information analyzed, this strategic plan was worked according to the methodology of the sequential model of the strategic process, which resulted in five long-term objectives and seventeen strategies, being retained the best eleven ones. In conclusion, Junín will improve the social welfare focusing on exploitation of copper and its derivatives; in the production of high quality coffee; and by taking advantage of new tourist routes. The correct implementation of the strategies will transform the vision stablished, where Junín in 2027 will be within the five regions at national level, that offer the highest quality of life
The Strategic Planning of the Junín Region to 2027 was developed focused on the population wellbeing, through the development of economic activities in equal opportunities. For social welfare, the main key variables are health, education and security. In education was identified a setback due to less school attendance and the lack of trained personnel. In the health sector, there is little development in infrastructure, specialists and chronic child malnutrition, which is present in 20.6% of children. In security, Junín has a high rate of victimization 41.2% and the 90.6% of the population have perception of insecurity. The main economic activities such as mining, agriculture and tourism, will be worked. In mining, copper is resource with the greatest impact. In agriculture, the coffee crop is the main income source for this sector. In tourism, Junín has 24 tourism resources and only works six. Through the development of these economic activities, income and opportunities will be generated, accompanied with promotion of public and private investment. Based on the information analyzed, this strategic plan was worked according to the methodology of the sequential model of the strategic process, which resulted in five long-term objectives and seventeen strategies, being retained the best eleven ones. In conclusion, Junín will improve the social welfare focusing on exploitation of copper and its derivatives; in the production of high quality coffee; and by taking advantage of new tourist routes. The correct implementation of the strategies will transform the vision stablished, where Junín in 2027 will be within the five regions at national level, that offer the highest quality of life
Planificación regional--Perú--Junín, Desarrollo regional--Perú--Junín, Planificación estratégica
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