Música en la Catedral de Huamanga durante el Virreinato y la República: 1609 - 1893
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El obispado de Huamanga fue un territorio de frontera con la ciudad del Cusco y la Ciudad
de los Reyes (actual Lima). Esta ciudad tuvo una fuerte presencia evangelizadora debido
a la considerable cantidad de templos y conventos, los cuales se asentaron y se erigieron
desde la fundación de esta urbe. La creación del obispado de Huamanga trajo como
consecuencia la erección de una iglesia catedral dentro de la cual se instauró una capilla
de música. Esta capilla musical no ha sido previamente investigada por la comunidad
musicológica nacional e internacional, pese al fuerte movimiento conventual y
catedralicio que esta ciudad tiene desde el siglo XVI. En ese sentido, el presente trabajo
de investigación muestra un primer alcance, de carácter exploratorio y académico, el
cual revela cómo fue la actividad musical en la Catedral de Huamanga. Cómo se inició,
qué cambios atravesó y hasta dónde perduró. Asimismo, se muestra a los personajes
involucrados en esta historia: obispos, chantres, maestros de capilla, sochantres,
cantores, ministriles y demás funcionarios musicales de esta catedral.
Por otro lado, los fondos documentales del Archivo Arzobispal de Ayacucho fueron
revisados, analizados, comparados, sistematizados y reinterpretados para lograr
reconstruir una microhistoria acerca de todos aspectos que involucraron la vida musical
en la Catedral de Huamanga, durante el virreinato, la transición de este a la república y la
consolidación de esta última.
Finalmente, este trabajo ha sido elaborado con fondos documentales no musicales debido
a la ausencia de manuscritos musicales que guarden relación con los datos hallados sobre
la instrumentación de la capilla de música durante los siglos XVII, XVIII y XIX. No
obstante, la bibliografía especializada en música catedralicia que ocupa las plazas de
Lima, Arequipa y Cusco, son útiles para llegar a una aproximación de los estilos
musicales y el repertorio que la capilla de música de la Catedral de Huamanga ejecutó
durante el periodo de tiempo que esta tesis ocupa.
The bishopric of Huamanga was a border territory with the city of Cusco and the City of the Kings (present-day Lima). This city had a strong evangelizing presence due to the considerable number of temples and convents which were settled and erected since the founding of this city. The creation of the bishopric of Huamanga brought about the erection of a cathedral church within which a music chapel was established which has not been previously investigated by the national and international musicological community, despite the strong conventual and cathedral movement that this city It has been around since the 16th century. In that sense, the present research work shows a first scope, of an exploratory and academic nature, which reveals what the musical activity was like in the Huamanga Cathedral. How it started, what changes it went through and how long it lasted. Likewise, the characters involved in this story are shown: bishops, cantors, chapel masters, singers, ministers and other musical officials of this cathedral. On the other hand, the documentary collections of the Archbishop's Archive of Ayacucho were reviewed, analyzed, compared, systematized and reinterpreted to reconstruct a microhistory about all aspects that involved musical life in the Cathedral of Huamanga, during the viceroyalty, the transition from this to the republic and the consolidation of the latter. Finally, this work has been prepared with non-musical documentary funds due to the absence of musical manuscripts that are related to the data found on the instrumentation of the music chapel during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. However, the bibliography specialized in cathedral music that occupies the squares of Lima, Arequipa and Cusco, are useful to reach an approximation of the musical styles and the repertoire that the music chapel of the Huamanga Cathedral performed during the period of time. that this thesis occupies.
The bishopric of Huamanga was a border territory with the city of Cusco and the City of the Kings (present-day Lima). This city had a strong evangelizing presence due to the considerable number of temples and convents which were settled and erected since the founding of this city. The creation of the bishopric of Huamanga brought about the erection of a cathedral church within which a music chapel was established which has not been previously investigated by the national and international musicological community, despite the strong conventual and cathedral movement that this city It has been around since the 16th century. In that sense, the present research work shows a first scope, of an exploratory and academic nature, which reveals what the musical activity was like in the Huamanga Cathedral. How it started, what changes it went through and how long it lasted. Likewise, the characters involved in this story are shown: bishops, cantors, chapel masters, singers, ministers and other musical officials of this cathedral. On the other hand, the documentary collections of the Archbishop's Archive of Ayacucho were reviewed, analyzed, compared, systematized and reinterpreted to reconstruct a microhistory about all aspects that involved musical life in the Cathedral of Huamanga, during the viceroyalty, the transition from this to the republic and the consolidation of the latter. Finally, this work has been prepared with non-musical documentary funds due to the absence of musical manuscripts that are related to the data found on the instrumentation of the music chapel during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. However, the bibliography specialized in cathedral music that occupies the squares of Lima, Arequipa and Cusco, are useful to reach an approximation of the musical styles and the repertoire that the music chapel of the Huamanga Cathedral performed during the period of time. that this thesis occupies.
Música religiosa--Perú--Huamanga (Ayacucho : Provincia)--Historia--Colonia, Música religiosa--Perú--Huamanga (Ayacucho : Provincia)--Historia--República, Catedrales--Perú--Huamanga (Ayacucho : Provincia)--Historia
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