Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución Nº 0273-2018/SDC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El caso “Pura Vida” impactó en la sociedad peruana y sigue estando presente
en la memoria de muchos peruanos. Muchos hasta el día de hoy escuchamos
frases como “leche que no es leche” o “chocolate que no es chocolate” ya que,
este tipo de noticias calan en la mente de los consumidores y es difícil cambiar
tales concepciones.
En el presente Informe, voy a realizar un análisis sobre, si la publicidad del
producto “Pura Vida Nutri Max” es engañosa o si, de lo contrario, este producto
sí califica como leche y cumple con el Principio de Veracidad. Para lo cual, se
revisará la norma de la represión de la competencia desleal para determinar si
es que se cometieron actos de engaño, las normas sectoriales que regulan los
productos alimenticios y las bebidas, y los principios del procedimiento
administrativo, el Principio de Confianza Legítima, para llegar a una respuesta
a si dicho producto contenía publicidad engañosa, y si la imposición de la
sanción que la autoridad administrativa aplicó a la empresa Gloria S.A. fue
correcta, o si es que existía un eximente de responsabilidad administrativa. De
la misma forma, también se tendrá en cuenta la jurisprudencia del Indecopi y
The "Pura Vida" case impacted Peruvian society and continues to be present in the memory of many Peruvians. To this day, many of us hear phrases such as "milk that is not milk" or "chocolate that is not chocolate" since this type of news penetrates the minds of consumers and it is difficult to change such conceptions. In this article, I am going to analyze whether the advertising of the "Pura Vida Nutri Max" product is misleading or if, on the contrary, this product does qualify as milk and complies with the principle of truth. For which, the rule for the repression of unfair competition will be reviewed to determine if misleading practices were committed, the sectoral rules that regulate food products and beverages, and the principles of administrative procedure, the principle of legitimate expectations, to arrive at an answer to whether said product contained misleading advertising, and if the imposition of the sanction that the administrative authority applied to the company Gloria S.A. was correct, or if there was a defense of administrative responsibility. In the same way, the Indecopi jurisprudence and doctrine will also be taken into account.
The "Pura Vida" case impacted Peruvian society and continues to be present in the memory of many Peruvians. To this day, many of us hear phrases such as "milk that is not milk" or "chocolate that is not chocolate" since this type of news penetrates the minds of consumers and it is difficult to change such conceptions. In this article, I am going to analyze whether the advertising of the "Pura Vida Nutri Max" product is misleading or if, on the contrary, this product does qualify as milk and complies with the principle of truth. For which, the rule for the repression of unfair competition will be reviewed to determine if misleading practices were committed, the sectoral rules that regulate food products and beverages, and the principles of administrative procedure, the principle of legitimate expectations, to arrive at an answer to whether said product contained misleading advertising, and if the imposition of the sanction that the administrative authority applied to the company Gloria S.A. was correct, or if there was a defense of administrative responsibility. In the same way, the Indecopi jurisprudence and doctrine will also be taken into account.
Protección del consumidor--Perú, Publicidad engañosa--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Perú, Responsabilidad administrativa--Perú