Aplicación del principio de mayor y mejor uso con variables de sostenibilidad y edificabilidad en un proyecto inmobiliario en San Borja, Sur, distrito de San Borja, en Lima-Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo se hace el análisis completo de un terreno con una excelente ubicación
en San Borja bajo el principio de Mayor y Mejor Uso que permita maximizar su ́ ́value ́ ́,
tanto para el desarrollador como para los clientes finales.
Los cuatro aspectos que se analiza en el Mayor y Mejor Uso son: legalmente permisible,
físicamente posible, financieramente viable y la máxima productividad. Estos 04 conceptos
generan posibles variables formando escenarios de desarrollo a plantear en la presente tesis,
los cuales están basados también en aspectos de sostenibilidad, con probabilidades para
obtener bonificaciones de altura y/o metros cuadrados adicionales, y edificabilidad por el
tipo de zonificación establecido en el Certificado de Parámetros Urbanísticos y
permisibilidad según el marco legal vigente; definidos los escenarios se evalúan económica
y financieramente, identificando indicadores en análisis de sensibilidad.
Todo ello, siempre acompañado de un plan de marketing correctamente establecido,
que permita segmentar, conocer a la población target o mercado meta, establecer un
posicionamiento importante en el mercado que permita diferenciarnos del resto y que
finalmente, logre que el público objetivo opte por el producto, a través de una propuesta de
marketing mix adecuada para el escenario valorado, en concordancia con el estudio de
mercado que proporcionará la información suficiente para que se tengan las consideraciones
y características necesarias al producto final.
In this work, a complete analysis of a land with an excellent location in San Borja is carried out under the principle of Highest and Best Use that allows maximizing its "value", both for the developer and for the end clients. The four aspects analyzed in the Highest and Best Use are: legally permissible, physically possible, financially viable and maximum productivity. These 04 concepts generate possible variables forming development scenarios to be proposed in this thesis, which are also based on aspects of sustainability, with probabilities of obtaining height bonuses and/or additional square meters, and buildability due to the type of zoning established in the Certificate of Urban Parameters and permissibility according to the current legal framework; Once the scenarios are defined, they are evaluated economically and financially, identifying indicators in sensitivity analysis. All this, always accompanied by a correctly established marketing plan, which allows us to segment, know the target population or target market, establish an important positioning in the market that allows us to differentiate ourselves from the rest and, finally, achieves that the target audience opts for the product, through a marketing mix proposal appropriate for the assessed scenario, in accordance with the market study that will provide sufficient information to have the necessary considerations and characteristics for the final product.
In this work, a complete analysis of a land with an excellent location in San Borja is carried out under the principle of Highest and Best Use that allows maximizing its "value", both for the developer and for the end clients. The four aspects analyzed in the Highest and Best Use are: legally permissible, physically possible, financially viable and maximum productivity. These 04 concepts generate possible variables forming development scenarios to be proposed in this thesis, which are also based on aspects of sustainability, with probabilities of obtaining height bonuses and/or additional square meters, and buildability due to the type of zoning established in the Certificate of Urban Parameters and permissibility according to the current legal framework; Once the scenarios are defined, they are evaluated economically and financially, identifying indicators in sensitivity analysis. All this, always accompanied by a correctly established marketing plan, which allows us to segment, know the target population or target market, establish an important positioning in the market that allows us to differentiate ourselves from the rest and, finally, achieves that the target audience opts for the product, through a marketing mix proposal appropriate for the assessed scenario, in accordance with the market study that will provide sufficient information to have the necessary considerations and characteristics for the final product.
Proyectos inmobiliarios--Perú--San Borja (Lima : Distrito), Edificios--Perú--San Borja (Lima : Distrito)
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