Efectividad del uso de la plataforma Google Classroom para potenciar el desarrollo de competencias digitales en estudiantes del 5to de secundaria de una institución educativa privada de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este estudio analiza cómo la plataforma virtual Google Classroom
contribuye al desarrollo de competencias digitales en estudiantes de quinto
grado de secundaria en Lima Metropolitana. El estudio responde a la necesidad
creciente de integrar la tecnología en el entorno pedagógico, un factor esencial
en el escenario de la era digital actual. Apoyándose en el Marco Europeo de
Competencias Digitales (DigComp), también determina las habilidades
tecnológicas fundamentales para desenvolverse con éxito en una sociedad
digital en constante evolución.
La importancia de esta investigación reside en preparar a los estudiantes
para desenvolverse en un mundo que está cada vez más interconectado
globalmente. Además, la incorporación efectiva de la tecnología en los procesos
educativos no solo potencia las competencias digitales, sino que también
fomenta la adaptabilidad y el éxito en un entorno en constante digitalización.
Este estudio adopta un enfoque cuantitativo y utiliza un diseño
cuasiexperimental con un grupo de control. Los hallazgos muestran que el uso
de Google Classroom tiene un efecto significativo en el desarrollo de las
competencias digitales de los estudiantes. Las pruebas realizadas evidenciaron
diferencias significativas entre los grupos control y experimental en todas las
dimensiones evaluadas.
En resumen, el estudio confirma que las competencias digitales de los
estudiantes de quinto grado de secundaria pueden mejorar considerablemente
a través del uso de la plataforma Google Classroom. Estos resultados subrayan
la relevancia de incorporar la tecnología en la educación para preparar a los
estudiantes a enfrentar los desafíos del entorno digital contemporáneo.
This study analyses how the virtual platform Google Classroom contributes to the development of digital competences in fifth grade high school students in Metropolitan Lima. The study responds to the growing need to integrate technology into the pedagogical environment, an essential factor in the current digital age scenario. Based on the European Framework of Digital Competences (DigComp), it also determines the fundamental technological skills to successfully function in a constantly evolving digital society. The importance of this research lies in preparing students to function in a world that is increasingly globally interconnected. Furthermore, the effective incorporation of technology into educational processes not only enhances digital competences, but also fosters adaptability and success in a constantly digitalised environment. This study adopts a quantitative approach and uses a quasi-experimental design with a control group. The findings show that the use of Google Classroom has a significant effect on the development of students' digital competences. The tests carried out showed significant differences between the control and experimental groups in all the dimensions evaluated. In summary, the study confirms that the digital skills of fifth-grade high school students can be significantly improved through the use of the Google Classroom platform. These results underline the relevance of incorporating technology into education to prepare students to face the challenges of the contemporary digital environment.
This study analyses how the virtual platform Google Classroom contributes to the development of digital competences in fifth grade high school students in Metropolitan Lima. The study responds to the growing need to integrate technology into the pedagogical environment, an essential factor in the current digital age scenario. Based on the European Framework of Digital Competences (DigComp), it also determines the fundamental technological skills to successfully function in a constantly evolving digital society. The importance of this research lies in preparing students to function in a world that is increasingly globally interconnected. Furthermore, the effective incorporation of technology into educational processes not only enhances digital competences, but also fosters adaptability and success in a constantly digitalised environment. This study adopts a quantitative approach and uses a quasi-experimental design with a control group. The findings show that the use of Google Classroom has a significant effect on the development of students' digital competences. The tests carried out showed significant differences between the control and experimental groups in all the dimensions evaluated. In summary, the study confirms that the digital skills of fifth-grade high school students can be significantly improved through the use of the Google Classroom platform. These results underline the relevance of incorporating technology into education to prepare students to face the challenges of the contemporary digital environment.
Innovaciones educativas, Tecnología educativa--Perú, Internet en la educación
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