Satisfacción profesional en las mujeres ejecutivas del sector financiero
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación identificó los factores que motivan la satisfacción profesional de las mujeres ejecutivas en empresas del sector financiero en Lima Metropolitana mediante la exploración de sus características demográficas y familiares, su perfil profesional y académico, los estímulos que incrementan su satisfacción laboral, su actitud frente a los retos laborales, sus habilidades gerenciales, y los obstáculos que afectan su trayectoria profesional. El estudio servirá como una guía para desarrollar programas de retención que impulse el crecimiento y la participación de las mujeres en las empresas. Utilizó el estudio de casos con las mujeres ejecutivas entrevistadas, las cuales han desarrollado sus carreras profesionales en el sector financiero, tienen bajo su responsabilidad como mínimo a dos colaboradores y cuyas decisiones afectan a los resultados de la organización. Los resultados de la investigación presentaron a una población heterogénea en la edad de las mujeres ejecutivas entrevistadas, donde los estímulos de la satisfacción profesional están orientados principalmente a factores organizacionales tales como: salarios y compensaciones, características y condiciones de trabajo, sistema de beneficios laborales, liderazgo del jefe, clima laboral y línea de carrera. Se encontró también que los factores mencionados se complementan con el reconocimiento personal, que es clasificado como un factor individual y es considerado de alto impacto en las ejecutivas. Las mujeres ejecutivas que trabajan en el sector financiero demuestran estar interesadas en las expectativas que las empresas les ofrecen. Atributos como la humildad, integridad, empoderamiento y visión, son considerados como importantes y decisivos para definir la permanencia en la institución
The research identifies the factors that motivates the professional satisfaction of executive women in business financial sector in Metropolitan Lima by exploring their demographic characteristics and family, their professional and academic profile, stimuli that increase their job satisfaction, labor challenges attitudes, management skills and obstacles that affects theirs affecting his careers. The study serves as a guide to develop retention programs that could drive growth and participation of women in business. It used the case study method with the interviewed executive women, which have developed their careers in the financial sector, have positions from headquarters to senior levels, have responsibility at least with two employees and whose decisions affect organization results. Research results shows an age heterogeneous population of the interviewed executive women, where the stimuli of job satisfaction are geared mainly to organizational factors such as wages and compensation, characteristics and working conditions, system of employee benefits, chief leadership, work environment and career line. It was also found that the mentioned factors are complemented by personal recognition, which is classified as a single factor and is considered high-impact for the executive women. Executive women working in the financial sector prove to be interested in expectations that companies offer them. Attributes such as humility, integrity, empowerment and vision, were considered important and decisive to define the stay on the organization
The research identifies the factors that motivates the professional satisfaction of executive women in business financial sector in Metropolitan Lima by exploring their demographic characteristics and family, their professional and academic profile, stimuli that increase their job satisfaction, labor challenges attitudes, management skills and obstacles that affects theirs affecting his careers. The study serves as a guide to develop retention programs that could drive growth and participation of women in business. It used the case study method with the interviewed executive women, which have developed their careers in the financial sector, have positions from headquarters to senior levels, have responsibility at least with two employees and whose decisions affect organization results. Research results shows an age heterogeneous population of the interviewed executive women, where the stimuli of job satisfaction are geared mainly to organizational factors such as wages and compensation, characteristics and working conditions, system of employee benefits, chief leadership, work environment and career line. It was also found that the mentioned factors are complemented by personal recognition, which is classified as a single factor and is considered high-impact for the executive women. Executive women working in the financial sector prove to be interested in expectations that companies offer them. Attributes such as humility, integrity, empowerment and vision, were considered important and decisive to define the stay on the organization
Satisfacción en el trabajo, Satisfacción profesional, Instituciones financieras
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