Planeamiento estratégico de sociedades administradoras de pensiones y de cesantías de Colombia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo tiene el propósito principal de proponer un plan estratégico para fondos pensional colombianos en los próximos 10 años. El estudio ha analizado las variables internas y externas que conducen a identificar Fortalezas, Debilidades, Oportunidades y Amenazas (FODA), partiendo de la situación actual a una proyección de lo que sería el sistema de fondos de pensiones a largo plazo. Las estrategias se han establecido utilizando metodologías sistemáticas e iterativas para cumplir con los objetivos a corto y largo plazo para alcanzar una visión definida. Los fondos pensionales como parte del sistema nacional de seguridad social persiguen y protegen los ingresos de pensiones de la población colombiana, así como aseguran un apoyo adecuado a segmentos vulnerables como las personas mayores, como las pensiones de invalidez y de muerte.
Las estrategias propuestas se centran en el mejoramiento de la calidad e imagen del sistema y en el desarrollo de nuevos productos para la población desempleada que potencialmente podrían llegar a estar en el sistema, aumentando la cantidad de afiliados. Así como la integración de instituciones públicas y privadas para fomentar las contribuciones activas y permanentes al sistema y, finalmente, el desarrollo de programas sociales para la población vulnerable, siendo incluyente con población no atendida. Por lo tanto, los enfoques explicados abordarán los problemas de cobertura del sistema, disminuirán a los usuarios inactivos, apoyarán a la población en condiciones de vulnerabilidad y mejorarán la calidad del sistema pensional, siendo un beneficio para los trabajadores dependientes independientes y sociedad en general
This document has as a main goal to propose a Strategic Plan for the manager companies for retirement payments funds during the next 10 years. This has been done using the analysis of internal and external surroundings of the field, identifying opportunities, menaces, strengths and weaknesses. From the actual situation and current conditions, towards to the real projection like the future system planned would it be, that is, a long term outlook. Taking a systematic e iterative methodology, different strategies has been established with the purpose of accomplish the long and short term objectives to reach the end expected.The Columbian manager companies for retirement payments funds as a part of the National Security System vital for the society, try to give pension support to areas that can deteriorate the economical capacity of inhabitants and also try to warranty support during elderly, disability or death.The propose strategies are focused on improving the system appearance today with particular interest in self-employed workers, they are also interested about developing products for non-employed population that will become part of the system, besides the integration of public and private institutions to encourage to encourage active and permanent contributions to the system, in addition the creation of programs for the vulnerable population. All of the above in order to expand the coverage of the system, decrease inactive affiliates, attend to vulnerable populations and become a system with excellent quality for the benefit of all workers and inclusive of the less favored population
This document has as a main goal to propose a Strategic Plan for the manager companies for retirement payments funds during the next 10 years. This has been done using the analysis of internal and external surroundings of the field, identifying opportunities, menaces, strengths and weaknesses. From the actual situation and current conditions, towards to the real projection like the future system planned would it be, that is, a long term outlook. Taking a systematic e iterative methodology, different strategies has been established with the purpose of accomplish the long and short term objectives to reach the end expected.The Columbian manager companies for retirement payments funds as a part of the National Security System vital for the society, try to give pension support to areas that can deteriorate the economical capacity of inhabitants and also try to warranty support during elderly, disability or death.The propose strategies are focused on improving the system appearance today with particular interest in self-employed workers, they are also interested about developing products for non-employed population that will become part of the system, besides the integration of public and private institutions to encourage to encourage active and permanent contributions to the system, in addition the creation of programs for the vulnerable population. All of the above in order to expand the coverage of the system, decrease inactive affiliates, attend to vulnerable populations and become a system with excellent quality for the benefit of all workers and inclusive of the less favored population
Pensiones de jubilación, Planificación estratégica
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