Factores que promueven el logro de aprendizajes en estudiantes de 4to. y 5to. de primaria en un contexto de pandemia, el caso del Colegio Innova Schools, sede Sáenz Peña. Periodo 2020-2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El sistema educativo peruano en Educación Básica Regular ha sido diseñado para ofrecer
una educación presencial. Sin embargo, la aparición del SARS-CoV-2 hizo que, durante los
años 2020 y 2021, en nuestro país, se desarrollaran y aplicaran diversas estrategias para no
interrumpir el servicio educativo durante la emergencia sanitaria. Ante esta situación sin
precedentes, diversos países, incluido el Perú, tuvo que adecuarse a una educación de
emergencia remota de una manera acelerada. Por ello, la presente investigación busca
identificar y explicar qué factores promueven el aprendizaje de los estudiantes en un contexto
de educación de emergencia remota. Para ello se realizó un estudio en estudiantes del cuarto
y quinto grado de primaria del Colegio Innova Schools, sede: Sáenz Peña de la Región del
En la presente investigación, se empleó la metodología cualitativa, a través del estudio del
caso de Colegio Innova Schools, sede Sáenz Peña, el cual ha permitido conocer las
circunstancias y acciones realizadas por las autoridades del colegio para seguir brindando el
servicio educativo en un contexto de emergencia sanitaria y cómo estas afectaron a la
comunidad educativa. Para ello, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, vía Zoom a los
integrantes del equipo directivo del Colegio Innova Schools, sede: Sáenz Peña, localizado en
la provincia constitucional del Callao. También se realizó una entrevista grupal y grupo focal
a los docentes de la institución educativa utilizando la plataforma mencionada. Para triangular
la información también se realizó una encuesta virtual a 35 padres de familias del colegio.
Como resultado de esta investigación se puede decir que el Colegio Innova Schools, sede:
Sáenz Peña logró continuar con el servicio educativo permitiendo el desarrollo de
capacidades de sus docentes y estudiantes haciendo uso de plataformas educativas y de
comunicación, sin romper el lazo afectivo y educativo entre ellos.
Esta investigación nos permite conocer los lineamientos de gestión educativa desde la mirada
de los actores educativos; enfatizando la adaptación de las prácticas de enseñanza de los
docentes de la modalidad presencial a distancia. Se muestra cómo el compromiso de los
padres de familia en esta nueva modalidad es clave para el logro de aprendizajes del
estudiante; generando una asociación entre los padres de familia y los docentes en la labor
educativa, lo que les lleva a los primeros a revalorizar al maestro y reconocer la carrera de
Tras estos hallazgos, se pone en relieve la necesidad de una intervención del Estado en el
sector educación, con la preparación de una gestión educativa adaptada al siglo XXI teniendo
un soporte que permita el servicio educativo presencial o virtual. Así como el fortalecimiento
de las instituciones educativas con docentes competentes y capacitados para afrontar dicha
coyuntura, estableciendo lazos estratégicos con los beneficiarios de la educación.
The Peruvian educational system in Regular Basic Education has been designed to give a face to face education. However, the SARS-CoV-2 during 2020 and 2021, in our country, provoked the development and application of different strategies to not interrupt the education service during the sanitary emergency. In this situation without precedents, in many countries, including Peru, the educational system changed to an emergency remote education very quickly. For that, this study finds and explains what factors promote the learning in students in an emergency remote education context. For it was to carry out a study for fourth and fifth grader students in elementary level from Innova School, branch: Saenz Peña in Callao. In this study, the quality methodology was used. Through the study at Innova School case branch: Saenz Peña, we knew the circumstances and actions done for the school's authorities to bring the educational service in a context of sanitary emergency and how it affected the educational community. To this end, semi-structured interviews were conducted via Zoom with members of the management team of Innova Schools, Sáenz Peña headquarters. An interview to the team and focus group was also conducted with the teachers of the educational institution using the aforementioned platform. To triangulate the information, a virtual survey of 35 parents was also conducted. As a result of this study it can say that Innova School, branch: Saenz Peña didn't give up to continue giving the educational service and development the capacities of his or her teachers and students using educational platforms and communications lines, without breaking the affective bonds and educational service. This study allows us to know the educational management guidelines from the perspective of educational actors, emphasizing the adaptation in the teacher's learning expertise from the face to face education to a distance education. It is shown how the parents commitment in this new educational service is a key element to get the learning in the students; generating an association between parents and teachers in the teaching work, as a result, the revalue the teaching practice and recognized the education career. These findings recognize the need for an intervention from the State in educational service, with the preparation of an education management according to the 21st. century having a support to permit face to face education or virtual education. As well as the strengthening of educational institutions with competent and trained teachers to face this situation, establishing strategic ties with the beneficiaries of education.
The Peruvian educational system in Regular Basic Education has been designed to give a face to face education. However, the SARS-CoV-2 during 2020 and 2021, in our country, provoked the development and application of different strategies to not interrupt the education service during the sanitary emergency. In this situation without precedents, in many countries, including Peru, the educational system changed to an emergency remote education very quickly. For that, this study finds and explains what factors promote the learning in students in an emergency remote education context. For it was to carry out a study for fourth and fifth grader students in elementary level from Innova School, branch: Saenz Peña in Callao. In this study, the quality methodology was used. Through the study at Innova School case branch: Saenz Peña, we knew the circumstances and actions done for the school's authorities to bring the educational service in a context of sanitary emergency and how it affected the educational community. To this end, semi-structured interviews were conducted via Zoom with members of the management team of Innova Schools, Sáenz Peña headquarters. An interview to the team and focus group was also conducted with the teachers of the educational institution using the aforementioned platform. To triangulate the information, a virtual survey of 35 parents was also conducted. As a result of this study it can say that Innova School, branch: Saenz Peña didn't give up to continue giving the educational service and development the capacities of his or her teachers and students using educational platforms and communications lines, without breaking the affective bonds and educational service. This study allows us to know the educational management guidelines from the perspective of educational actors, emphasizing the adaptation in the teacher's learning expertise from the face to face education to a distance education. It is shown how the parents commitment in this new educational service is a key element to get the learning in the students; generating an association between parents and teachers in the teaching work, as a result, the revalue the teaching practice and recognized the education career. These findings recognize the need for an intervention from the State in educational service, with the preparation of an education management according to the 21st. century having a support to permit face to face education or virtual education. As well as the strengthening of educational institutions with competent and trained teachers to face this situation, establishing strategic ties with the beneficiaries of education.
Educación y Estado--Perú, Gestión educativa--Perú, Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020---Aspectos educativos--Perú, Educación a distancia--Perú, Educación primaria--Investigaciones--Perú
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