Informe jurídico de la sentencia Recurso de Nulidad N° 2349-2014 de la Sala Penal Permanente de la Corte Suprema a la luz del Derecho Penal, y Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El problema principal se enmarca en la errónea interpretación de la Corte Suprema del Perú
en el caso de trata de personas, Recurso de Nulidad N° 2349-2014, en donde valoró que no
se configuraba tal delito por la falta de probanza de la finalidad de explotación sexual o
laboral. Para emitir nuestras críticas nos basaremos en el tipo penal, Protocolo de Palermo,
Convención de los Derechos del Niño; con la finalidad de sostener que sí existieron
elementos suficientes para probar la finalidad de explotación sexual en el caso, por lo que sí
se configuraría el delito de trata de personas. Finalmente, incorporaremos una crítica desde
el enfoque de género, para vislumbrar la reproducción de estereotipos de género en la
The main problem is framed in the erroneous interpretation of the Supreme Court of Peru in the case of trafficking in persons, Nullity Appeal No. 2349-2014, where it assessed that such a crime was not configured due to the lack of evidence of the purpose of sexual or labor exploitation. To issue our criticism we will base ourselves on the criminal type, Palermo Protocol, Convention on the Rights of the Child; with the purpose of maintaining that there were sufficient elements to prove the purpose of sexual exploitation in the case, for which the crime of human trafficking would be configured. Finally, we will incorporate a critique from the gender perspective, to glimpse the reproduction of gender stereotypes in the sentence.
The main problem is framed in the erroneous interpretation of the Supreme Court of Peru in the case of trafficking in persons, Nullity Appeal No. 2349-2014, where it assessed that such a crime was not configured due to the lack of evidence of the purpose of sexual or labor exploitation. To issue our criticism we will base ourselves on the criminal type, Palermo Protocol, Convention on the Rights of the Child; with the purpose of maintaining that there were sufficient elements to prove the purpose of sexual exploitation in the case, for which the crime of human trafficking would be configured. Finally, we will incorporate a critique from the gender perspective, to glimpse the reproduction of gender stereotypes in the sentence.
Derecho penal--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Trata de personas--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho internacional y derechos humanos
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