Estrategias didácticas para el desarrollo de la convivencia democrática en un aula de 4 años en el contexto de la educación a distancia en una institución educativa pública del distrito de Cercado de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
A partir de las secuelas ocasionadas por la modalidad de Educación a distancia,
surge la necesidad de realizar una investigación que responda a las estrategias
didácticas docentes que se están utilizando para promover la convivencia y
participación democrática con los niños y niñas desde la educación inicial. En dicho
sentido, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo general analizar las
estrategias didácticas que utiliza la docente para promover la convivencia
democrática en un aula de 4 años de una institución educativa pública de Lima, en el
marco de la educación a distancia. Se entiende que el tipo de esta investigación es
cualitativa y se redacta a partir del recojo de información en fuentes, tales como
revistas académicas, proyectos educativos y tesis. Los sujetos informantes son dos
docentes de aulas de 4 años de una institución educativa pública. La técnica que se
utiliza para el recojo y procesamiento de la información es la entrevista
semiestructurada. Finalmente, los resultados demuestran las definiciones que tienen
las docentes en torno a los valores y habilidades sociales que se necesitan para
mantener la convivencia democrática. Así como también los factores que influyen en
su desarrollo, entre estos, el afecto y su importancia para la convivencia democrática
desde una dimensión socioemocional.
From the consequences caused by distance learning, arises the need to investigate the teaching didactic strategies that educators use to promote coexistence and democratic participation with children from preschool education. In this sense, the present thesis aims to analyze the didactic strategies used by the teacher to promote democratic coexistence in a 4-year classroom of a public school in Lima, in the context of distance education. The type of this research is qualitative and is written from the collection of information in sources, such as academic journals, educational projects and theses. The reporting subjects are two 4-year-old classroom teachers from a public school. The technique used to collect and process information is the semi-structured interview. Finally, the results show the definitions that the teachers have regarding the values and social skills that are needed to maintain democratic coexistence. As well as the factors that influence its development, between affection and its importance for democratic coexistence from a socio-emotional dimension.
From the consequences caused by distance learning, arises the need to investigate the teaching didactic strategies that educators use to promote coexistence and democratic participation with children from preschool education. In this sense, the present thesis aims to analyze the didactic strategies used by the teacher to promote democratic coexistence in a 4-year classroom of a public school in Lima, in the context of distance education. The type of this research is qualitative and is written from the collection of information in sources, such as academic journals, educational projects and theses. The reporting subjects are two 4-year-old classroom teachers from a public school. The technique used to collect and process information is the semi-structured interview. Finally, the results show the definitions that the teachers have regarding the values and social skills that are needed to maintain democratic coexistence. As well as the factors that influence its development, between affection and its importance for democratic coexistence from a socio-emotional dimension.
Niños--Interacción social, Educación preescolar--Perú--Cercado de Lima (Lima : Distrito)--Investigaciones, Educación a distancia--Perú
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