Business consulting - Deelor
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el último quinquenio la estabilidad de los parámetros macroeconómicos del Perú
alentó el incremento del gasto en los ciudadanos para vestimenta y calzado como
consecuencia de su capacidad adquisitiva, destacando que sólo en la costa peruana, este
desembolso, muestra tasas compuestas de crecimiento, de 2015 a 2019, por encima del 4.5%.
Además, durante el 2019 las ventas de los artículos referidos alcanzaron USD 10.7 mil
millones, aunque la dinámica de la demanda no se condice con la calidad de la oferta en el
sector de calzado, lo cual sugiere la necesidad de mano de obra intensiva debido al carácter
artesanal de algunos de sus procesos operativos.
Ahora bien, es necesario tener en cuenta que la pandemia del Covid-19 ha irrumpido
la industria de calzado, provocando una caída en las ventas considerable, aunque se espera
una recuperación sostenida, la cual se apoyará en los sectores de mayores ingresos para
superar los márgenes alcanzados en el 2019.
Deelor es un emprendimiento constituido en el 2013 que abarca la manufactura,
comercialización y distribución de zapatos en el canal mayorista. Asimismo, sus productos
están enfocados a diversos estratos sociales, aunque para revertir la baja competitividad
identificada como problema principal, el equipo consultor propuso como solución una mejora
en el proceso operativo semi-mecanizado para un mejor desarrollo del producto. Esto a través
de la adquisición de seis maquinarias adicionales por un valor de S/ 166,216, logrando una
mayor competitividad en el mercado a través de procesos innovadores que permitan ofertar
nuevas líneas de calzados exclusivos rentables para el negocio, lo cual permitirá la
conversión de pequeña a mediana empresa duplicando las ventas en el lapso de 12 meses
considerando un escenario realista en que la TIR sería de 30.14% y el VAN equivalente a S/
In the last five years, the stability of the macroeconomic parameters of Peru encouraged the increase in spending by citizens for clothing and footwear as a consequence of their purchasing power, noting that only on the Peruvian coast, this disbursement shows compound growth rates, from 2015 to 2019, above 4.5%. In addition, during 2019 the sales of the referred items reached USD 10.7 billion, although the dynamics of the demand is not consistent with the quality of the offer in the footwear sector, which suggests the need for intensive labor due to the artisan nature of some of its operational processes. However, it is necessary to take into account that the Covid-19 pandemic has broken into the footwear industry, causing a considerable drop in sales, although a sustained recovery is expected, which will be supported by the higher-income sectors to overcome the margins achieved in 2019. Deelor is a venture established in 2013 that covers the manufacture, marketing and distribution of shoes in the wholesale channel. Likewise, its products are focused on various social strata, although to reverse the low competitiveness identified as the main problem, the consulting team proposed an improvement in the semi-mechanized operating process for better product development as a solution. This through the acquisition of six additional machines for a value of S/ 166,216, achieving greater competitiveness in the market through innovative processes that allow offering new lines of profitable exclusive footwear for the business, which will allow the conversion of small to medium-sized companies, doubling sales in a period of 12 months considering a realistic scenario in which the IRR would be 30.14% and the VAN equivalent to S/ 514,943.
In the last five years, the stability of the macroeconomic parameters of Peru encouraged the increase in spending by citizens for clothing and footwear as a consequence of their purchasing power, noting that only on the Peruvian coast, this disbursement shows compound growth rates, from 2015 to 2019, above 4.5%. In addition, during 2019 the sales of the referred items reached USD 10.7 billion, although the dynamics of the demand is not consistent with the quality of the offer in the footwear sector, which suggests the need for intensive labor due to the artisan nature of some of its operational processes. However, it is necessary to take into account that the Covid-19 pandemic has broken into the footwear industry, causing a considerable drop in sales, although a sustained recovery is expected, which will be supported by the higher-income sectors to overcome the margins achieved in 2019. Deelor is a venture established in 2013 that covers the manufacture, marketing and distribution of shoes in the wholesale channel. Likewise, its products are focused on various social strata, although to reverse the low competitiveness identified as the main problem, the consulting team proposed an improvement in the semi-mechanized operating process for better product development as a solution. This through the acquisition of six additional machines for a value of S/ 166,216, achieving greater competitiveness in the market through innovative processes that allow offering new lines of profitable exclusive footwear for the business, which will allow the conversion of small to medium-sized companies, doubling sales in a period of 12 months considering a realistic scenario in which the IRR would be 30.14% and the VAN equivalent to S/ 514,943.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Calzado--Industria y comercio--Perú
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