Modelo prolab:, una propuesta sostenible para mejorar la rentabilidad de los bodegueros en la ciudad de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La propuesta aborda el problema que tienen los bodegueros en la ciudad de Lima, al comprar
mercadería para abastecer sus negocios, realizar sus compras resulta doloroso debido a que
deben desplazarse a centros mayoristas invirtiendo tiempo en exceso provocado por el tráfico
intenso de la ciudad además de estar expuestos a accidentes y la delincuencia que arrebata sus
productos aprovechando la multitud. La propuesta va dirigida a más de 113 mil bodegueros,
ayudando a reducir el tráfico en la ciudad de Lima generando ahorro de tiempo y de dinero
que impactan positivamente en la gestión de sus negocios. Hoy en día son los distribuidores
directos quienes se encargan de visitar a los bodegueros y realizar su abastecimiento, pero no
lo hacen con la frecuencia necesaria provocando que se realicen las compras adicionales,
además existen aplicativos que permiten las compras por internet, pero muy segmentadas a
un solo producto o mercado, lo cual no brinda una diferenciación con la oferta actual. La
propuesta consiste en una plataforma digital página web y App que permitan a los
bodegueros poder realizar sus compras y solicitar él envió directo a sus negocios. Luego de
realizar las distintas pruebas la propuesta resultada deseable para la mayoría de los
encuestados, los gastos en publicidad son menores a los ingresos generados y el VAN
generado es de S/4´603,261.16 con una TIR de 173%, con lo cual validan las hipótesis
iniciales. Los beneficios no solo son financieros, también se obtienen beneficios para la
sociedad al ahorrar tiempo de los bodegueros que puede ser empleado en mejorar su gestión y
elevar su calidad de vida, se evita la exposición a accidentes y robos de mercadería. Los
costos sociales como la emisión de CO2 resultan bajos ya que se obtiene un VAN social de
S/7´713,246.68 lo cual resulta positivo.
The proposal addresses the problem that grocers have in the city of Lima, when buying merchandise to supply their businesses, making their purchases is painful because they must travel to wholesale centers spending excessive time caused by the intense traffic of the city in addition to be exposed to accidents and crime that snatches their products by taking advantage of the crowd. Our proposal is aimed at more than 113,000 grocers, helping to reduce traffic in the city of Lima, generating time and money savings that have a positive impact on the management of their businesses. Today it is the direct distributors who are in charge of visiting the grocers and carrying out their supply, but they do not do it with the necessary frequency, causing additional purchases to be made, in addition there are applications that allow online purchases, but very segmented to a single product or market, which does not provide a differentiation with the current offer. Our proposal consists of a digital platform, website and app that allow to make their purchases and request direct shipping to their businesses. After carrying out the different tests, our proposal is desirable for 90% of the respondents, the advertising expenses are less than the income generated and the NPV generated is S/4´603,261.16 and an IRR of 173% , with which the initial hypotheses. The benefits are not only financial, there are also benefits for society by saving the grocers time, which can be used to improve their management and improve their quality of life, avoiding exposure to accidents and merchandise theft. Social costs such as CO2 emissions are low since a social NPV of S/7´713,246.68 is obtained, which is positive.
The proposal addresses the problem that grocers have in the city of Lima, when buying merchandise to supply their businesses, making their purchases is painful because they must travel to wholesale centers spending excessive time caused by the intense traffic of the city in addition to be exposed to accidents and crime that snatches their products by taking advantage of the crowd. Our proposal is aimed at more than 113,000 grocers, helping to reduce traffic in the city of Lima, generating time and money savings that have a positive impact on the management of their businesses. Today it is the direct distributors who are in charge of visiting the grocers and carrying out their supply, but they do not do it with the necessary frequency, causing additional purchases to be made, in addition there are applications that allow online purchases, but very segmented to a single product or market, which does not provide a differentiation with the current offer. Our proposal consists of a digital platform, website and app that allow to make their purchases and request direct shipping to their businesses. After carrying out the different tests, our proposal is desirable for 90% of the respondents, the advertising expenses are less than the income generated and the NPV generated is S/4´603,261.16 and an IRR of 173% , with which the initial hypotheses. The benefits are not only financial, there are also benefits for society by saving the grocers time, which can be used to improve their management and improve their quality of life, avoiding exposure to accidents and merchandise theft. Social costs such as CO2 emissions are low since a social NPV of S/7´713,246.68 is obtained, which is positive.
Negocios--Planificación, Bodegas--Perú, Bodegas--Administración, Tiempo--Administración, Logística empresarial--Pequeñas empresas
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