Planeamiento estratégico para la empresa CrediScotia Financiera S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente Plan Estratégico de CrediScotia Financiera S.A. [CSF], para el periodo
2020-2024, tiene como objetivo principal posicionar a CSF como la líder en el Perú en
microfinanzas en las líneas de negocio de créditos de consumo y de préstamos a micro y
pequeñas empresas y emprendimientos. El liderazgo de CSF en el Perú se verá reflejando en
su: (a) participación de mercado, (b) rentabilidad, (c) oferta de valor, (d) calidad del servicio,
y (e) ambiente laboral. De esta manera, se busca que CSF sea la líder en su sector y que sea
reconocida como la mejor empresa para trabajar en Perú.
Los seis objetivos de largo plazo alineados a la visión de CSF son: (a) OLP1: Al 2024
alcanzar un ROAL de 8.0%, a marzo del 2019 CSF tiene un ROAL de 5.9%; (b) OLP2: Al
2024 alcanzar ingresos financieros por S/ 2,700 millones; (c) OLP3: Al 2024 alcanzar un
NIAT de S/ 900 millones, al cierre del 2018 CSF alcanzó un NIAT de S/ 248 millones; (d)
OLP4: Al 2024 disminuir la cartera crítica (deficiente, dudoso y pérdida) al 10.2%, a marzo
del 2019 CSF presentó un ratio de cartera crítica de 12.23%; (e) OLP5: Al 2024 alcanzar
colocaciones brutas de créditos de consumo y préstamos por S/ 7,500 millones, a marzo 2019
CSF obtuvo S/ 4,345 millones en colocaciones; y (f) OLP6: Al 2024 ser reconocida en el
ranking en la posición número uno como la empresa con el mejor lugar para trabajar en Perú.
El Planeamiento Estratégico de CSF ha sido desarrollado bajo el modelo secuencial
del proceso estratégico propuesto por D’Alessio (2015). En base a ello, se concluye que CSF
es una empresa financiera con un alto potencial de crecimiento dadas las condiciones y
oportunidades del mercado peruano que se caracteriza por un aún bajo porcentaje de
bancarización de la población (43%) inferior al promedio de la región, al respaldo financiero
y organizacional con el que cuenta por medio de SBP, y a los productos que actualmente ya
le han permitido ganar una cuota de mercado importante en los créditos de consumo.
This Strategic Plan of CrediScotia Financiera S.A. [CSF], for the period 2020-2024, has as its main objective to position CSF as the leader in Peru in microfinance in the business lines of consumer loans and loans to micro and small businesses and enterprises. CSF's leadership in Peru will be reflected in its: (a) market share, (b) profitability, (c) value offer, (d) quality of service, and (e) work environment. In this way, it is sought that CSF be the leader in its sector and be recognized as the best company to work in Peru. The six long-term objectives (LTO) aligned with CSF's vision are: (a) LTO1: In 2024 reach a ROAL of 8.0%, in March 2019 CSF had a ROAL of 5.9%; (b) LTO2: In 2024 reach financial income of S / 2,700 million; (c) LTO3: In 2024 reach a NIAT of S / 900 million. In 2018, CSF reached a NIAT of S / 248 million; (d) LTO4: In 2024 decrease the critical portfolio (deficient, doubtful and loss) to 10.2%, in March 2019 CSF presented a critical portfolio ratio of 12.23%; (e) LTO5: In 2024 reach gross loans and consumer loans for S / 7,500 million, in March 2019 CSF obtained S / 4,345 million in loans; and (f) LTO6: In 2024 be recognized in the ranking in the number one position as the company with the best place to work in Peru. The CSF Strategic Planning has been developed under the sequential model of the strategic process proposed by D’Alessio (2015). Based on this, it is concluded that CSF is a financial company with a high growth potential because of the conditions and opportunities of the Peruvian market characterized by an even low percentage of population banking (43%) below the regional average, a financial and organizational support with which it has through SBP, and the products that have now allowed it to gain a significant market share in consumer loans.
This Strategic Plan of CrediScotia Financiera S.A. [CSF], for the period 2020-2024, has as its main objective to position CSF as the leader in Peru in microfinance in the business lines of consumer loans and loans to micro and small businesses and enterprises. CSF's leadership in Peru will be reflected in its: (a) market share, (b) profitability, (c) value offer, (d) quality of service, and (e) work environment. In this way, it is sought that CSF be the leader in its sector and be recognized as the best company to work in Peru. The six long-term objectives (LTO) aligned with CSF's vision are: (a) LTO1: In 2024 reach a ROAL of 8.0%, in March 2019 CSF had a ROAL of 5.9%; (b) LTO2: In 2024 reach financial income of S / 2,700 million; (c) LTO3: In 2024 reach a NIAT of S / 900 million. In 2018, CSF reached a NIAT of S / 248 million; (d) LTO4: In 2024 decrease the critical portfolio (deficient, doubtful and loss) to 10.2%, in March 2019 CSF presented a critical portfolio ratio of 12.23%; (e) LTO5: In 2024 reach gross loans and consumer loans for S / 7,500 million, in March 2019 CSF obtained S / 4,345 million in loans; and (f) LTO6: In 2024 be recognized in the ranking in the number one position as the company with the best place to work in Peru. The CSF Strategic Planning has been developed under the sequential model of the strategic process proposed by D’Alessio (2015). Based on this, it is concluded that CSF is a financial company with a high growth potential because of the conditions and opportunities of the Peruvian market characterized by an even low percentage of population banking (43%) below the regional average, a financial and organizational support with which it has through SBP, and the products that have now allowed it to gain a significant market share in consumer loans.
Instituciones financieras--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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