Planeamiento estratégico de la Empresa Transportes M. Catalán S.A.C
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento constituye un Plan Estratégico para la empresa Transportes M. Catalán S.A.C. la cual está dedicada a la movilización de carga terrestre y en especial de combustible. Lo que aquí se expone constituye el resultado de un exhaustivo análisis de los factores externos e internos de la empresa, a partir de lo cual se identificaron las principales oportunidades, amenazas, fortalezas, y debilidades que tiene la organización.
Además de un completo análisis de la situación actual, se establece la visión que define lo que la empresa desea ser en el año 2025, junto con la misión que expresa lo que la organización es. Es así que se sabe que Transportes M.Catalán S.A.C. se proyecta como líder en el transporte de combustible y carga pesada, con una estrategia general de crecimiento y con el fin de obtener rentabilidad. Para lo cual requiere tener colaboradores comprometidos y capacitados, así como contar con unidades modernas.
A partir de la visión se desarrollaron los intereses supremos de la empresa y sus objetivos de largo plazo, que son los siguientes: (a) generar un 100% de clientes satisfechos; (b) aumentar la capacidad instalada en 40%, (c) alcanzar una participación de mercado en ventas del 8% en el año 2025; (d) aumentar el uso de los vehículos a un 90% de horas útiles en el año 2025; y (e) generar un Rendimiento sobre el Patrimonio (ROE) igual al 26%.
Para lograr la visión y los objetivos de largo plazo se desarrollaron estrategias, las cuales fueron analizadas y se decidió implementar aquellas que permitan la diversificación hacia nuevos servicios, junto con el desarrollo del mercado de industrias manufactureras, para diversificar el riesgo que actualmente tiene por atender principalmente a la minería. Así mismo se propone la creación de nuevos servicios con valor agregado y mantenerse integrado verticalmente hacia atrás con talleres y servicios de mantenimiento, con lo cual logrará incrementar el uso de su capacidad instalada y por ende la eficiencia y rentabilidad del negocio
This document is a strategic plan for the company Transportes M. Catalan S.A.C. which it is dedicated to mobilizing land cargo, especially fuel. What is presented here is the result of a thorough analysis of the external and internal factors of the company, from which the main opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses were identified. In addition to a full analysis of the current situation, a vision was created and it defines what the company wants to be in 2025, with the mission that expresses what the organization is. Transportes M. Catalan S.A.C. projected as a leader in fuel transportation and heavy load, with an overall growth strategy is in order to obtain profitability. For which it required to have committed and qualified employees and have modern units. Having the company's supreme interests under consideration the following long-term objectives were developed: (a) generate 100% customer satisfaction; (b) increase the installed capacity by 40% by 2025; (c) achieve a market share in sales of 8% in 2025; (d) increase the use of vehicles to 90% of business hours in 2025; and (e) generating a Return on Equity (ROE) equal to 26%. To achieve the vision and long-term objectives the following strategies were developed, which were analyzed and it was decided to implement those technologies to diversify into new services, along with market development of manufacturing industries to diversify risk currently is to address mainly mining. It also proposes the creation of new value-added services and remain vertically integrated backwards and maintenance workshops, thus able to increase the use of installed capacity and hence efficiency and profitability
This document is a strategic plan for the company Transportes M. Catalan S.A.C. which it is dedicated to mobilizing land cargo, especially fuel. What is presented here is the result of a thorough analysis of the external and internal factors of the company, from which the main opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses were identified. In addition to a full analysis of the current situation, a vision was created and it defines what the company wants to be in 2025, with the mission that expresses what the organization is. Transportes M. Catalan S.A.C. projected as a leader in fuel transportation and heavy load, with an overall growth strategy is in order to obtain profitability. For which it required to have committed and qualified employees and have modern units. Having the company's supreme interests under consideration the following long-term objectives were developed: (a) generate 100% customer satisfaction; (b) increase the installed capacity by 40% by 2025; (c) achieve a market share in sales of 8% in 2025; (d) increase the use of vehicles to 90% of business hours in 2025; and (e) generating a Return on Equity (ROE) equal to 26%. To achieve the vision and long-term objectives the following strategies were developed, which were analyzed and it was decided to implement those technologies to diversify into new services, along with market development of manufacturing industries to diversify risk currently is to address mainly mining. It also proposes the creation of new value-added services and remain vertically integrated backwards and maintenance workshops, thus able to increase the use of installed capacity and hence efficiency and profitability
Transporte terrestre, Planificación estratégica
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