Informe Jurídico sobre Resolución 2549-2010/SC1-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Constitución Política de 1993 plantea un régimen económico que se basa en
un estado social de mercado, donde se potencia la inversión privada y se limita
la participación del Estado. En efecto, el rol del Estado, a comparación de la
Constitución antecedente, se volvió más supervisor y garantista, solo
permitiendo su ingreso al mercado subsidiariamente bajo los requisitos
señalados el artículo 60 de la Carta Magna. Es en este marco que la excepcional
actividad empresarial del Estado plantea la posibilidad de que este puede
cometer actos de competencia desleal como cualquier otro agente económico y,
por ende, este sujeta a la Ley de Represión de la Competencia Desleal y al
análisis que pueda realizar el Indecopi.
La resolución administrativa materia de análisis del presente informe plantea una
presunta comisión de actos de competencia desleal por parte del Hospital
Nacional Cayetano Heredia, estipulada en el artículo 14.3 de la norma especial,
de conformidad con lo indicado en el artículo 60 de la Carta Magna.
Al respecto, lo que se desarrollará a lo largo del presente Informe Jurídico es si
el análisis de la Sala de Defensa de la Competencia N° 1 del Indecopi guarda
relación con los requisitos que señala el artículo 60 de la Constitución que
permite la actividad empresarial del Estado, lo cual nos permitirá determinar que,
efectivamente, el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia si realizaba una actividad
empresarial sin una ley expresa que lo permitiera.
The Political Constitution of 1993 proposes an economic regime based on a social market state, where private investment is strengthened and the participation of the State is limited. In fact, the role of the State, as compared to the previous Constitution, became more supervisory and protective, only allowing it to enter the market subsidiarily under the requirements set forth in Article 60 of the Constitution. It is within this framework that the exceptional business activity of the State raises the possibility that it may commit acts of unfair competition like any other economic agent and, therefore, is subject to the Law for the Repression of Unfair Competition and the analysis that may be carried out by Indecopi. The administrative resolution that is the subject of analysis of this report raises an alleged commission of acts of unfair competition by the Cayetano Heredia National Hospital, stipulated in article 14.3 of the special regulation, in accordance with the provisions of article 60 of the Magna Carta. In this regard, what will be developed throughout this Legal Report is whether the analysis of the Chamber for the Defense of Competition No. 1 of Indecopi is related to the requirements set forth in Article 60 of the Magna Carta to allow the entrepreneurial activity of the State, which will allow us to determine that, indeed, the Cayetano Heredia National Hospital did carry out an entrepreneurial activity without an express law allowing it.
The Political Constitution of 1993 proposes an economic regime based on a social market state, where private investment is strengthened and the participation of the State is limited. In fact, the role of the State, as compared to the previous Constitution, became more supervisory and protective, only allowing it to enter the market subsidiarily under the requirements set forth in Article 60 of the Constitution. It is within this framework that the exceptional business activity of the State raises the possibility that it may commit acts of unfair competition like any other economic agent and, therefore, is subject to the Law for the Repression of Unfair Competition and the analysis that may be carried out by Indecopi. The administrative resolution that is the subject of analysis of this report raises an alleged commission of acts of unfair competition by the Cayetano Heredia National Hospital, stipulated in article 14.3 of the special regulation, in accordance with the provisions of article 60 of the Magna Carta. In this regard, what will be developed throughout this Legal Report is whether the analysis of the Chamber for the Defense of Competition No. 1 of Indecopi is related to the requirements set forth in Article 60 of the Magna Carta to allow the entrepreneurial activity of the State, which will allow us to determine that, indeed, the Cayetano Heredia National Hospital did carry out an entrepreneurial activity without an express law allowing it.
Competencia económica desleal--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Subsidiariedad--Aspectos legales--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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