Informe jurídico sobre la Casación Nº 178-2022-Loreto
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe tiene como objeto principal realizar el análisis del Recurso de
Casación Nro. 178-2022-Loreto. La referida sentencia reviste particular importancia
en la medida que permite desarrollar las sanciones que corresponde imponer a
quienes cometen el delito de colusión agravada de forma omisiva, figura que no ha
sido del todo aceptada por todos los sectores. Por dicho motivo, el presente trabajo
de investigación busca esclarecer la posibilidad de que aquella modalidad del delito
se perpetre, motivo por el cual, su punibilidad corresponde cuando se logra acreditar
su concurrencia. Adicionalmente, dado el contexto del delito, donde la recaudación
de pruebas directas del acuerdo colusorio resulta de suma dificultad, se postulará
la trascendencia de la prueba indiciaria para acreditar el delito. Además, en tanto el
caso que se analiza presenta un pronunciamiento revocatorio a como se
pronunciaron los magistrados de inferiores instancias sobre la reparación civil, se
buscará aportar criterios que en nuestra consideración debieron tenerse en cuenta
al determinar el monto de aquel, considerando tanto el daño patrimonial como el
daño extrapatrimonial. A fin de lograr sustentar el presente informe se recopiló
diversa doctrina, jurisprudencia y legislación que permite corroborar la tesis a la que
se arribó luego de concluir el mismo. La conclusión a la cual se arribó consiste en
que es posible que el delito de colusión agravada tenga lugar bajo una modalidad
omisiva, siendo la prueba indiciaria fundamental para su acreditación. Por tanto, se
comparte el pronunciamiento de la Corte Suprema en el presente caso, donde se
confirmo el extremo penal de la sentencia contra los imputados. Sin embargo, se
discrepa del extremo civil de la misma al no haber sido determinado el monto del
mismo acertadamente.
The main objective of this report is to analyze Cassation Appeal No. 178-2022- Loreto. The aforementioned ruling is of particular importance to the extent that it allows for the development of the sanctions that must be imposed on those who commit the crime of aggravated collusion in an omissive manner, a figure that has not been fully accepted by all sectors. For this reason, the present research work seeks to clarify the possibility that that type of crime is perpetrated, which is why its punishment corresponds when its concurrence can be proven. Additionally, given the context of the crime, where collecting direct evidence of the collusive agreement is extremely difficult, the importance of the circumstantial evidence to prove the crime will be postulated. Furthermore, since the case being analyzed presents a revoking pronouncement of the ruling by lower court magistrates on civil reparation, we will seek to provide criteria that in our opinion should have been taken into account when determining the amount of that, considering both the damage patrimonial and nonpatrimonial damage. In order to support this report, various doctrine, jurisprudence and legislation were compiled that allow corroborating the thesis arrived at after concluding it. The conclusion reached is that it is possible for the crime of aggravated collusion to take place under an omissive modality, with the circumstantial evidence being essential for its accreditation. Therefore, the Supreme Court's ruling in the present case is shared, where the criminal nature of the sentence against the accused was confirmed. However, it disagrees with the civil end of it as its amount has not been correctly determined.
The main objective of this report is to analyze Cassation Appeal No. 178-2022- Loreto. The aforementioned ruling is of particular importance to the extent that it allows for the development of the sanctions that must be imposed on those who commit the crime of aggravated collusion in an omissive manner, a figure that has not been fully accepted by all sectors. For this reason, the present research work seeks to clarify the possibility that that type of crime is perpetrated, which is why its punishment corresponds when its concurrence can be proven. Additionally, given the context of the crime, where collecting direct evidence of the collusive agreement is extremely difficult, the importance of the circumstantial evidence to prove the crime will be postulated. Furthermore, since the case being analyzed presents a revoking pronouncement of the ruling by lower court magistrates on civil reparation, we will seek to provide criteria that in our opinion should have been taken into account when determining the amount of that, considering both the damage patrimonial and nonpatrimonial damage. In order to support this report, various doctrine, jurisprudence and legislation were compiled that allow corroborating the thesis arrived at after concluding it. The conclusion reached is that it is possible for the crime of aggravated collusion to take place under an omissive modality, with the circumstantial evidence being essential for its accreditation. Therefore, the Supreme Court's ruling in the present case is shared, where the criminal nature of the sentence against the accused was confirmed. However, it disagrees with the civil end of it as its amount has not been correctly determined.
Delitos de los funcionarios--Perú--Loreto, Reparación civil (Derecho penal)--Perú--Loreto, Recurso de casación--Perú--Loreto
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