Planeamiento estratégico de la provincia de Alto Amazonas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La provincia de Alto Amazonas se encuentra en la región Loreto, en el norte del
Perú. Se encuentra ubicada al Sur Oeste del departamento de Loreto, en las cuencas de los
ríos Marañón, Huallaga, Nucuray y Paranapura, en un rango altitudinal entre 800 msnm en
el occidente, en las montañas subandinas y 120 msnm en el llano aluvial. La provincia está
conformada por seis distritos, los cuales son: (a) Yurimaguas, (b) Balsapuerto, (c) Jeberos,
(d) Laguna, (e) Santa Cruz y (f) Teniente César López Rojas, siendo Yurimaguas la capital
de la provincia, clave para el desarrollo de la misma, del departamento y de la región.
En relación con el tema económico, la provincia de Alto Amazonas cuenta con una
Población Económicamente Activa (PEA) de 33,372 habitantes y se desarrollan
principalmente actividades primarias o extractivas como la agrícola, pecuaria, de caza y
silvicultura, pesca y extracción de canteras, que sumado hace un total de 52.76% de la
PEA. La segunda actividad de importancia en la provincia es la terciaria con un total de
40.24%, donde destaca el comercio con 11.73%, y, finalmente, con solo el 7% la actividad
secundaria o industrial.
El planeamiento estratégico desarrollado para la provincia de Alto Amazonas, en la
región de Loreto, ha sido proyectado al 2030 y tiene como objetivo establecer las
estrategias, basadas en el análisis del entorno interno de la provincia, y políticas que
permitirán el crecimiento económico y social de Alto Amazonas. Actualmente su población
se dedica al comercio y la producción agrícola, siendo sus principales productos: el camu
camu, el cacao y la palma aceitera.
La visión, misión y valores han sido definidos a partir de la estructura social de la
provincia, la cual busca convertirse en una de las más competitivas del país a partir de su
crecimiento económico, mediante el aprovechamiento de sus recursos, la explotación de su
potencial comercial interoceánico, la expansión de su turismo, el desarrollo agropecuario y
la mejora de la calidad de vida de su población. Para lograrlo se han formulado los
siguientes objetivos de largo plazo: (a) incrementar el PBI del sector comercio en productos
y servicios finales, a través del desarrollo del comercio interoceánico; (b) desarrollar el
sector agropecuario, mediante la ejecución de políticas que fomenten la productividad y el
intercambio comercial; (c) lograr la interconectividad de todos los distritos de Alto
Amazonas en un 100%; (d) incrementar la esperanza de vida en la población a través de la
reducción de la desnutrición crónica y la mejora de los servicios de salud; (e) disminuir la
tasa estimada de analfabetismo de la población e (f) incrementar el número de turistas que
visitan la provincia. Todo ello con el propósito de garantizar un desarrollo sostenible en el
tiempo, en beneficio de los pobladores de la provincia, y alcanzar un nivel competitivo que
contribuirá al desarrollo de la provincia, región y del país
The province of Alto Amazonas is located in the Loreto region, in northern Peru. It is located to the South West of the department of Loreto, in the basins of the Marañón, Huallaga, Nucuray and Paranapura rivers, in an altitudinal range between 800 masl in the west, in the sub-Andean mountains and 120 masl in the alluvial plain. The province is made up of six districts, which are: (a) Yurimaguas, (b) Balsapuerto, (c) Jeberos, (d) Laguna, (e) Santa Cruz and (f) Lieutenant César López Rojas, being Yurimaguas the capital of the province, key to the development of the same, the department and the region. In relation to the economic issue, the province of Alto Amazonas has an Economically Active Population (EAP) of 33,372 inhabitants and mainly primary or extractive activities are developed, such as agriculture, livestock, hunting and forestry, fishing and quarrying, which added a total of 52.76% of the PEA. The second activity of importance in the province is tertiary with a total of 40.24%, where trade stands out with 11.73%, and, finally, with only 7% secondary or industrial activity. The strategic plan developed for the province of Alto Amazonas, in the Loreto region, has been projected to the year 2030, and aims to establish strategies, based on the analysis of the province's internal environment, and policies will allow economic and social growth of Alto Amazonas. Currently, its population is dedicated to the commerce and the agricultural production, being its main products: the camu camu, the cacao and the oil palm. Vision, mission and values have been defined from the social structure of the province, which seeks to become one of the most competitive in the country from its economic growth, through the use of its resources, the exploitation of its interoceanic commercial potential, the expansion of its tourism, agricultural development and the improvement of the quality of life of its population. To achieve this, the following longterm objectives have been formulated: (a) increase the PIB of the trade sector in final products and services, through the development of interoceanic trade; (b) develop the agricultural sector through the implementation of policies that promote productivity and commercial exchange; (c) achieve the interconnectivity of all the districts of Alto Amazonas by 100%; (d) increase the life expectancy in the population through the reduction of chronic malnutrition and the improvement of health services; (e) decrease the estimated illiteracy rate of the population and (f) increase the number of tourists visiting the province. All this with the purpose of guaranteeing a sustainable development over time, for the benefit of the inhabitants of the province, and reaching a competitive level that will contribute to the development of the province, region and country
The province of Alto Amazonas is located in the Loreto region, in northern Peru. It is located to the South West of the department of Loreto, in the basins of the Marañón, Huallaga, Nucuray and Paranapura rivers, in an altitudinal range between 800 masl in the west, in the sub-Andean mountains and 120 masl in the alluvial plain. The province is made up of six districts, which are: (a) Yurimaguas, (b) Balsapuerto, (c) Jeberos, (d) Laguna, (e) Santa Cruz and (f) Lieutenant César López Rojas, being Yurimaguas the capital of the province, key to the development of the same, the department and the region. In relation to the economic issue, the province of Alto Amazonas has an Economically Active Population (EAP) of 33,372 inhabitants and mainly primary or extractive activities are developed, such as agriculture, livestock, hunting and forestry, fishing and quarrying, which added a total of 52.76% of the PEA. The second activity of importance in the province is tertiary with a total of 40.24%, where trade stands out with 11.73%, and, finally, with only 7% secondary or industrial activity. The strategic plan developed for the province of Alto Amazonas, in the Loreto region, has been projected to the year 2030, and aims to establish strategies, based on the analysis of the province's internal environment, and policies will allow economic and social growth of Alto Amazonas. Currently, its population is dedicated to the commerce and the agricultural production, being its main products: the camu camu, the cacao and the oil palm. Vision, mission and values have been defined from the social structure of the province, which seeks to become one of the most competitive in the country from its economic growth, through the use of its resources, the exploitation of its interoceanic commercial potential, the expansion of its tourism, agricultural development and the improvement of the quality of life of its population. To achieve this, the following longterm objectives have been formulated: (a) increase the PIB of the trade sector in final products and services, through the development of interoceanic trade; (b) develop the agricultural sector through the implementation of policies that promote productivity and commercial exchange; (c) achieve the interconnectivity of all the districts of Alto Amazonas by 100%; (d) increase the life expectancy in the population through the reduction of chronic malnutrition and the improvement of health services; (e) decrease the estimated illiteracy rate of the population and (f) increase the number of tourists visiting the province. All this with the purpose of guaranteeing a sustainable development over time, for the benefit of the inhabitants of the province, and reaching a competitive level that will contribute to the development of the province, region and country
Planificación regional -- Perú -- Loreto, Desarrollo regional -- Perú -- Loreto, Planificación estratégica
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