Modelo ProLab: Moda a Medida, solución de ropa personalizada para mujeres que buscan calidad y buen entalle
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El proyecto 'Moda a Medida' surge como respuesta a la creciente demanda de prendas
personalizadas, especialmente entre mujeres de niveles socioeconómicos A y B. Se aborda el
vacío existente en la adquisición de ropa a medida sin depender de métodos tradicionales de
sastrería. Con un enfoque en practicidad y entalle perfecto, el proyecto desarrolla una plataforma
tecnológica que permite a las mujeres obtener prendas personalizadas mediante la toma de
medidas con dispositivos móviles.
La investigación respalda la relevancia de la iniciativa. Desde una perspectiva
económica, el proyecto exhibe sólida rentabilidad, con un VAN de S/ 3,994,605 y un
rendimiento del 14.66%. Se subraya el valor social y ambiental, contribuyendo a la reducción de
la huella de carbono y el consumo de agua en la industria textil, así como a la disminución de
devoluciones que generan desechos, con un VANS de S/ 3.377.826,05.
El plan de implementación abarca 24 semanas, dividido en fases que incluyen
prerrequisitos, implementación, desarrollo de aplicativo y puesta en marcha. Además, se busca
abordar de manera integral el problema social relevante relacionado con las dificultades que
enfrentan mujeres de los niveles socioeconómicos C y D que se dedican al oficio de corte y
confección. Esta iniciativa no solo satisface la demanda del mercado, sino que también ofrece
oportunidades significativas para las mujeres con habilidades en corte y confección, mejorando
así las condiciones laborales y económicas en este sector.
Las recomendaciones futuras incluyen la expansión a otros países, exploración del
mercado masculino y diversificación del portafolio de productos.
The 'Moda a Medida' project arises in response to the growing demand for personalized garments, especially among women in socio-economic levels A and B. It addresses the existing gap in acquiring tailored clothing without relying on traditional tailoring methods. With a focus on practicality and perfect fit, the project develops a technological platform that allows women to obtain personalized garments by taking measurements with mobile devices. Research supports the relevance of the initiative. From an economic perspective, the project exhibits solid profitability, with a NPV of S/ 3,994,605 and a return of 14.66%. The social and environmental value is emphasized, contributing to the reduction of carbon footprint and water consumption in the textile industry, as well as decreasing returns that generate waste, with a NPVS of S/ 3,515,874. The implementation plan spans 24 weeks, divided into phases that include prerequisites, implementation, application development, and launch. Additionally, the project aims to comprehensively address the relevant social issue related to the challenges faced by women in socio-economic levels C and D who are engaged in the cutting and sewing profession. This initiative not only meets market demand but also provides significant opportunities for women with cutting and sewing skills, thereby improving working and economic conditions in this sector. Future recommendations include expansion to other countries, exploration of the male market and diversification of products.
The 'Moda a Medida' project arises in response to the growing demand for personalized garments, especially among women in socio-economic levels A and B. It addresses the existing gap in acquiring tailored clothing without relying on traditional tailoring methods. With a focus on practicality and perfect fit, the project develops a technological platform that allows women to obtain personalized garments by taking measurements with mobile devices. Research supports the relevance of the initiative. From an economic perspective, the project exhibits solid profitability, with a NPV of S/ 3,994,605 and a return of 14.66%. The social and environmental value is emphasized, contributing to the reduction of carbon footprint and water consumption in the textile industry, as well as decreasing returns that generate waste, with a NPVS of S/ 3,515,874. The implementation plan spans 24 weeks, divided into phases that include prerequisites, implementation, application development, and launch. Additionally, the project aims to comprehensively address the relevant social issue related to the challenges faced by women in socio-economic levels C and D who are engaged in the cutting and sewing profession. This initiative not only meets market demand but also provides significant opportunities for women with cutting and sewing skills, thereby improving working and economic conditions in this sector. Future recommendations include expansion to other countries, exploration of the male market and diversification of products.
Moda--Comercialización--Perú, Diseño textil--Perú, Aplicaciones--Dispositivos móviles
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