Clúster de turismo en la región Lambayeque
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar el nivel de desempeño
económico del sector turismo en la región Lambayeque e identificar la existencia de un
posible clúster.
La metodología se basó en el modelo propuesto por Morosini (2004), para ello se
visitó a los actores principales y se recogieron opiniones diversas del sector, y asimismo se
aplicó 30 encuestas a los agentes económicos relacionados con el turismo.
El desempeño económico del sector turismo en la región Lambayeque tiene un nivel
medio. En cuanto, a la integración de conocimientos el esfuerzo se orienta en la revaloración
de sitios arqueológicos; con mínima participación de los agentes económicos que generan
mecanismos de innovación y colaboración; la falta de liderazgo y visiones compartidas hace
que se diluya el esfuerzo mancomunado del sector.
La alta competencia ha generado que la cooperación se limite a los grupos familiares.
La mayor demanda de turistas locales ha permitido mejorar de algún modo el
desempeño económico, los turistas se quedan poco tiempo y no generan exigencias de
alcance global para los empresarios locales.
La influencia global en el sector, es a partir de la presencia de cadenas nacionales y
porque los gremios organizan viajes con diversos fines, dentro de los que se aprenden
aspectos de manejo del negocio en otros países, sin embargo éstas carecen de fines
institucionales, no son sistemáticas ni políticas de crecimiento del sector.
La conclusión de esta investigación indica que si existe clúster de turismo en la región
Lambayeque, encontrándose en una fase incipiente, de acuerdo a la muestra seleccionada
This research work aims to determine the level of economic performance of the tourism sector in the Lambayeque region and identify the existence of a possible cluster. The methodology was based on the model proposed by Morosini (2004), for this was carried out interviews with the principal actors, and also was applied 30 surveys to economic agents related to tourism. The economic performance of the tourism sector in the Lambayeque region has a medium level. In regard to the integration of knowledge the effort is directed in the revaluation of archaeological sites; with minimum involvement of the economic agents that generate mechanisms of innovation and collaboration; the lack of leadership and shared visions makes that dilute the joint effort of the sector. The high competition has generated that cooperation is limited to family groups. The increased demand for local tourists has allowed us to improve in some way the economic performance, the tourists are left little time and do not generate demands of global reach for local entrepreneurs. The global influence in the sector, is from the presence of national chains and because the guilds organise trips for various purposes, such as learn aspects of management of the business in other countries, however they lack institutional purposes, are not systematic and policies of the sector's growth. The conclusion of this research indicates that if there is cluster of tourism in the Lambayeque region, still in a nascent stage, according to the selected sample
This research work aims to determine the level of economic performance of the tourism sector in the Lambayeque region and identify the existence of a possible cluster. The methodology was based on the model proposed by Morosini (2004), for this was carried out interviews with the principal actors, and also was applied 30 surveys to economic agents related to tourism. The economic performance of the tourism sector in the Lambayeque region has a medium level. In regard to the integration of knowledge the effort is directed in the revaluation of archaeological sites; with minimum involvement of the economic agents that generate mechanisms of innovation and collaboration; the lack of leadership and shared visions makes that dilute the joint effort of the sector. The high competition has generated that cooperation is limited to family groups. The increased demand for local tourists has allowed us to improve in some way the economic performance, the tourists are left little time and do not generate demands of global reach for local entrepreneurs. The global influence in the sector, is from the presence of national chains and because the guilds organise trips for various purposes, such as learn aspects of management of the business in other countries, however they lack institutional purposes, are not systematic and policies of the sector's growth. The conclusion of this research indicates that if there is cluster of tourism in the Lambayeque region, still in a nascent stage, according to the selected sample
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