Análisis de las acciones implementadas por el modelo de servicio educativo para estudiantes de alto desempeño: estudio de caso del Colegio Mayor Secundario Presidente del Perú – COAR Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación reflexiona en torno a las acciones implementadas por el
“Modelo de Servicio Educativo para Estudiantes de Alto Desempeño”, a partir del
estudio de caso del Colegio Mayor Secundario Presidente del Perú, ubicado en el
distrito de Lurigancho- Chosica, departamento de Lima. Durante el desarrollo de
esta investigación, identificaremos las acciones implementadas por esta Institución
para alcanzar estándares de calidad educativa a nivel nacional e internacional, las
cuales comprenden: estrategias pedagógicas y metodológicas, la articulación entre
los actores involucrados, así como la satisfacción de motivaciones y expectativas de
los estudiantes.
A través de un abordaje cualitativo que comprende el uso de entrevistas y grupos
focales, se pretende obtener una mirada holística y significativa a partir de la
experiencia de los actores directos involucrados en la intervención: estudiantes,
padre de familia, docentes y equipo técnico (Director General, Directo Académico,
Dirección de Bienestar, entre otros).
Lo resultados obtenidos contribuirán a generar mayor evidencia en torno a las
acciones que conducen a alcanzar estándares de calidad en la educación pública de
nuestro país, las mismas que podrían ser incorporadas en la modalidad de
Educación Básica Regular, reduciendo las brechas de desigualdad existentes entre
rendimiento académico y nivel socioeconómico. Asimismo, desde la Gerencia
Social, y partir de los resultados obtenidos, presentamos una propuesta de mejora,
a través de un Plan de Desarrollo de Capacidades Comunicacionales para Personal
de la Dirección de Bienestar Integral y Desarrollo Estudiantil del Colegio Mayor
Secundario Presidente del Perú.
The present study reflects on the results of the implementation of the Modelo de Servicio Educativo para Estudiantes de Alto Desempeño “(Model of Educational Institution for Student of Higher Education), starting with the case of the Colegio Mayor Secundario Presidente del Perú, located in the district of Lurigancho-Chosica, department of Lima. During the development of this investigation, we identified the established actions of this institution to achieve educational quality standards both on a national and an international level. These standards include pedagogical and methodical strategies, the articulation within the involved protagonists as well as the motivational settlement and expectations of the students. By using a qualitative approach in form of interviews and focus groups, one intent to gain significant and holistic insight into the experience of the protagonists, which are the directly involved in the intervention: students, their fathers, lecturers, and the management (president, headmaster, welfare management and others). The achieved results will contribute mayor evidence around the actions, which foster the establishment of quality standards in public education of our country. The same standards can be integrated into the modality of the Educación Básica Regular (Public education). This would minimize the gap of existing imparity between academic performance and the socioeconomic level. Furthermore, with the help of Gerencia Social and due to the achieved results, we come forward with an approach in the form of a skill development plan for lecturers of the Colegio Mayor Secundario Presidente of Perú.
The present study reflects on the results of the implementation of the Modelo de Servicio Educativo para Estudiantes de Alto Desempeño “(Model of Educational Institution for Student of Higher Education), starting with the case of the Colegio Mayor Secundario Presidente del Perú, located in the district of Lurigancho-Chosica, department of Lima. During the development of this investigation, we identified the established actions of this institution to achieve educational quality standards both on a national and an international level. These standards include pedagogical and methodical strategies, the articulation within the involved protagonists as well as the motivational settlement and expectations of the students. By using a qualitative approach in form of interviews and focus groups, one intent to gain significant and holistic insight into the experience of the protagonists, which are the directly involved in the intervention: students, their fathers, lecturers, and the management (president, headmaster, welfare management and others). The achieved results will contribute mayor evidence around the actions, which foster the establishment of quality standards in public education of our country. The same standards can be integrated into the modality of the Educación Básica Regular (Public education). This would minimize the gap of existing imparity between academic performance and the socioeconomic level. Furthermore, with the help of Gerencia Social and due to the achieved results, we come forward with an approach in the form of a skill development plan for lecturers of the Colegio Mayor Secundario Presidente of Perú.
Calidad en la educación--Perú, Educación pública--Perú--Lima, Gestión educativa--Perú--Lima--Investigaciones
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