Incremento de productividad a través de la reducción de la rotación del personal de un call center utilizando Desing Thinking y el enfoque sociotécnico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Generalmente en el Perú hay actividades económicas con problemas en la inestabilidad
laboral, generando efectos negativos para cualquier organización y que luego se
empeora cuando se hace dificultoso cubrir el puesto de trabajo disponible, más si se
trata de puestos poco atractivos y con una baja remuneración.
Al presentarse este dilema de la estabilidad laboral en una organización y que afectan
su desempeño, se debe encontrar las causas principales que han dado origen a una
alta rotación del personal.
En el país Las empresas de Call Center se caracterizan por presentar una tasa de
rotación de personal significativamente alta. Esta situación se ve impulsada por una
combinación de factores, entre los que destacan el nivel educativo y las bajas
remuneraciones que tienen los teleoperadores.
Comúnmente la alta rotación laboral se genera por la insatisfacción laboral, la
desmotivación, el descontento, y en el peor de los casos por una escasa gestión del
Recurso Humano.
El presente estudio de investigación tiene como propósito encontrar las causas de la
alta rotación de personal de un Call Center de Lima, e incrementar la productividad a
través de la reducción de la rotación del personal utilizando los métodos Desing Thinking
y Enfoque Sociotécnico.
El problema central en la entidad de estudio es un alto índice de rotación de personal,
para mitigarlo se elaboró una propuesta cuya implementación requiere un desembolso
de S/28,350. Al realizar el análisis económico y evaluar los indicadores financieros sin
la implementación de las metodologías propuestas se obtiene un VAN igual a
S/1,624,799.64 y una TIR igual a 98.57% para un periodo futuro de cuatro años; sin
embargo, con la implementación de la propuesta de mejora se obtiene un VAN igual a
S/2,929,783.75 una TIR igual a 108.82%, estos hallazgos evidencian el aumento de
beneficios a la organización.
Generally in Peru there are economic activities with problems in labor instability, generating negative effects for any organization and which then worsen when it becomes difficult to fill the available job, especially if they are unattractive positions with low remuneration. When this dilemma of job stability arises in an organization and affects its performance, the main causes that have given rise to high staff turnover must be found. In the country, Call Center companies are characterized by having a significantly high staff turnover rate. This situation is driven by a combination of factors, among which the educational level and the low remuneration of teleoperators stand out. Commonly, high labor turnover is generated by job dissatisfaction, demotivation, discontent, and in the worst cases by poor Human Resource management. The purpose of this research study is to find the causes of the high staff turnover of a Call Center in Lima, and increase productivity by reducing staff turnover using the Design Thinking and Sociotechnical Approach methods. The central problem in the study entity is a high rate of personnel turnover; to mitigate it, a proposal was developed whose implementation requires a disbursement of S/28,350. When carrying out the economic analysis and evaluating the financial indicators without the implementation of the proposed methodologies, a NPV equal to S/1,624,799.64 and an IRR equal to 98.57% are obtained for a future period of four years; However, with the implementation of the improvement proposal, a NPV equal to S/2,929,783.75 and an IRR equal to 108.82% are obtained. These findings show the increase in benefits to the organization.
Generally in Peru there are economic activities with problems in labor instability, generating negative effects for any organization and which then worsen when it becomes difficult to fill the available job, especially if they are unattractive positions with low remuneration. When this dilemma of job stability arises in an organization and affects its performance, the main causes that have given rise to high staff turnover must be found. In the country, Call Center companies are characterized by having a significantly high staff turnover rate. This situation is driven by a combination of factors, among which the educational level and the low remuneration of teleoperators stand out. Commonly, high labor turnover is generated by job dissatisfaction, demotivation, discontent, and in the worst cases by poor Human Resource management. The purpose of this research study is to find the causes of the high staff turnover of a Call Center in Lima, and increase productivity by reducing staff turnover using the Design Thinking and Sociotechnical Approach methods. The central problem in the study entity is a high rate of personnel turnover; to mitigate it, a proposal was developed whose implementation requires a disbursement of S/28,350. When carrying out the economic analysis and evaluating the financial indicators without the implementation of the proposed methodologies, a NPV equal to S/1,624,799.64 and an IRR equal to 98.57% are obtained for a future period of four years; However, with the implementation of the improvement proposal, a NPV equal to S/2,929,783.75 and an IRR equal to 108.82% are obtained. These findings show the increase in benefits to the organization.
Diseño--Metodología, Movilidad laboral, Satisfacción en el trabajo, Investigación cualitativa, Productividad