La figura de testaferro en la Ley Contrataciones del Estado
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La contratación pública permite a las entidades obtener los bienes, servicios y obras que
requieren para el desarrollo de sus funciones, efectuándolas de manera oportuna y bajo
las mejores condiciones en términos de precio y calidad, con la finalidad de mejorar las
condiciones de vida de los ciudadanos. Motivo que revela la importancia que tiene en
nuestra sociedad y economía.
La elaboración del presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar si el supuesto de
testaferro, como impedimento para contratar con el Estado, descrita en la Ley, es
suficientemente delimitada, a la luz del principio de tipicidad.
En efecto, evidenciaremos que; como consecuencia de la insuficiente delimitación legal
de la figura de testaferro, la administración pública atenta contra el derecho de libertad de
concurrencia. Además, utilizaremos Opiniones emitidas por la Dirección Técnico
Normativa del Organismo de Supervisor de las Contrataciones del Estado, así como
Resoluciones del Tribunal Constitucional.
Por todo lo expuesto, podemos concluir que el análisis del presente tiene relevancia en el
sentido que permitirá el correcto funcionamiento de la Administración Pública en relación
al administrado y los derechos involucrados, por lo que se justifica el presente Informe
Finalmente, nos preguntaremos si sería posible que una oferta de este tipo de empresa, a
pesar de ir contra de la Ley, pueda no ser impedimento; además propondremos una
delimitación y criterios para la aplicación ante un supuesto de empresa “testaferro” y
reflexionaremos sobre la eficacia de la norma a la luz de criterios de tipicidad. Además,
la posibilidad del administrado interponga un recurso de reconsideración de la Resolución
N° 0470-2019-TCE-S1.
Public procurement allows entities to obtain assets, services and works they require for the development of their functions, carrying them out in a timely manner and under the best conditions in terms of price and quality, in order to improve the living conditions of citizens. Reason that reveals the importance it has in our society and economy. The purpose of this paper is to determine whether the assumption of front man, as an impediment to contract with the State, described in the Law, is sufficiently delimited, in the light of the principle of typicality. In effect, we will show that, as a consequence of the insufficient legal delimitation of the figure of “testeferro”, the public administration violates the right to freedom of competition. In addition, we will use Opinions issued by the Technical Normative Direction of the State Contracting Supervisory Agency (OSCE), as well as Resolutions of the Constitutional Court. In view of the foregoing, we can conclude that the analysis of the present report is relevant in the sense that it will allow the correct operation of the Public Administration in relation to the administered and the rights involved, thus justifying the present Legal Report. Finally, we will ask ourselves if it would be possible that an offer of this type of company, in spite of going against the Law, may not be an impediment; we will also propose a delimitation and criteria for the application in the case of a "testaferro” company and we will reflect on the effectiveness of the rule in the light of criteria of typicity. In addition, the possibility for the administered party to file an appeal for reconsideration of the Resolution No. 0470-2019-TCE-S1.
Public procurement allows entities to obtain assets, services and works they require for the development of their functions, carrying them out in a timely manner and under the best conditions in terms of price and quality, in order to improve the living conditions of citizens. Reason that reveals the importance it has in our society and economy. The purpose of this paper is to determine whether the assumption of front man, as an impediment to contract with the State, described in the Law, is sufficiently delimited, in the light of the principle of typicality. In effect, we will show that, as a consequence of the insufficient legal delimitation of the figure of “testeferro”, the public administration violates the right to freedom of competition. In addition, we will use Opinions issued by the Technical Normative Direction of the State Contracting Supervisory Agency (OSCE), as well as Resolutions of the Constitutional Court. In view of the foregoing, we can conclude that the analysis of the present report is relevant in the sense that it will allow the correct operation of the Public Administration in relation to the administered and the rights involved, thus justifying the present Legal Report. Finally, we will ask ourselves if it would be possible that an offer of this type of company, in spite of going against the Law, may not be an impediment; we will also propose a delimitation and criteria for the application in the case of a "testaferro” company and we will reflect on the effectiveness of the rule in the light of criteria of typicity. In addition, the possibility for the administered party to file an appeal for reconsideration of the Resolution No. 0470-2019-TCE-S1.
Perú--Legislación, Contratos públicos--Legislación--Perú, Administración pública--Legislación--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Legislación--Perú
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