Plan estratégico para la empresa Industry Certifications
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento es un planeamiento estratégico que se desarrolla para la
empresa peruana Industry Certification, que se encarga de proveer actividades de inspección
y certificación de equipos pesados, especialmente para la industria de la minería y de la
construcción. Para el año 2018, la empresa será una de las que más facturen en el país,
brindando a sus clientes seguridad a través de un servicio de alta calidad con valor agregado,
y de manera rentable. Un factor clave de éxito en este negocio es ofrecer seguridad a sus
clientes, lo cual se refleja en cero accidentes con los equipos que han sido inspeccionados y
ello demanda una conducta ética y un procedimiento estricto. Es de esta forma que se
lograrán vender S/. 1.77 millones, lo que representa un crecimiento anual sostenido del 20%
en el período 2013-2018.
Para lograr lo que se han propuesto, en un período de cinco años, se implementarán
estrategias que contemplan obtener acreditaciones internacionales para certificar en materia
de seguridad, así como realizar promoción directa para ampliar la cartera de clientes. A través
de una actitud proactiva, Industry Certification buscará adelantarse a los requerimientos de
sus clientes, con un personal capacitado y que esté siempre a la vanguardia, además de que
necesita tener un programa de inversión permanente para sustentar su crecimiento.
Los cambios que implica la implementación de un plan estratégico se harán a través
de una nueva estructura organizacional, con forma matricial para brindar atención
personalizada a cada cliente, con un responsable claro por cada cuenta. Además se motivará
al personal, con entrenamiento, compensación adecuada y manejo del rendimiento.
Acompañando todo el proceso de comunicación en varias vías e incorporando el cambio
como parte de la cultura organizacional
This strategic plan has been developed for Industry Certifications, a Peruvian company which is responsible for providing inspections and certifications of heavy equipment, focused on mining and construction business. By 2018, it will be one of the three leader companies in these sectors, giving security to its customers through an ethical behavior and set procedures. Industry Certifications is a high-quality, value-added and cost-effectively business that will sell S /. 1.77 million during 2018, which represents a sustained 20% annual growth over 2013-2018 period. In order to achieve its goals, the company will implement 10 strategies as obtaining international accreditation and making direct promotion to expand its number of customers. Industry Certifications will achieve the proposed sales growth working with a very well trained and a proactive attitude staff, the company will also need a sustained investment program. All these initiatives will be implemented through a new organizational structure, created to provide personalized attention to each customer with dedicated key account managers. There is also very important to keep the staff motivated, with an adequate compensation plan and communication strategy
This strategic plan has been developed for Industry Certifications, a Peruvian company which is responsible for providing inspections and certifications of heavy equipment, focused on mining and construction business. By 2018, it will be one of the three leader companies in these sectors, giving security to its customers through an ethical behavior and set procedures. Industry Certifications is a high-quality, value-added and cost-effectively business that will sell S /. 1.77 million during 2018, which represents a sustained 20% annual growth over 2013-2018 period. In order to achieve its goals, the company will implement 10 strategies as obtaining international accreditation and making direct promotion to expand its number of customers. Industry Certifications will achieve the proposed sales growth working with a very well trained and a proactive attitude staff, the company will also need a sustained investment program. All these initiatives will be implemented through a new organizational structure, created to provide personalized attention to each customer with dedicated key account managers. There is also very important to keep the staff motivated, with an adequate compensation plan and communication strategy
Maquinaria minera, Empresas de servicios, Planificación estratégica
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