Análisis de los factores que contribuyen y limitan la estrategia de seguimiento e implementación de fortalecimiento de la gestión en la UGEL-Puno para la prevención de la violencia contra las mujeres e integrantes del grupo familiar: una mirada desde la experiencia de la IES Independencia Nacional, entre los años 2020 y 2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La tesis de investigación tiene como objetivo principal examinar los factores que
contribuyen y limitan la estrategia de seguimiento e implementación de fortalecimiento de
gestión en la UGEL-Puno para la prevención de la violencia contra las mujeres e integrantes
del grupo familiar: Una mirada desde la experiencia de la IES Independencia Nacional, entre
los años 2020 y 2021; la metodología aplicada fue de un estudio cualitativo para el cual se
seleccionó una muestra a través del método no probabilístico por conveniencia, dentro de ello
se aplicó cuatro técnicas para recopilar información: La entrevista semiestructurada, a
profundidad, grupo focal y revisión documentaria. Como resultado se obtuvo que el contenido
de la estrategia está enfocado a un aprendizaje informativo y no a un carácter formativo para
los sujetos de derecho sobre la violencia de género y sus modalidades que les permita
identificar las alertas frente a la violencia, cuestionar los valores y prácticas que perpetúan la
violencia, así como, el conocimiento para promover espacios seguros en la escuela. Existen
instrumentos como leyes, decretos supremos, resoluciones, directivas planes nacionales,
documentos que orientan la prevención y la atención para la erradicación de la violencia
contra la mujer, pero hay elementos que aún requieren de mejoras al momento de plantear
la estrategia preventiva de la violencia en el sector educativo. La ausencia de participación
de los sujetos de derecho en la elaboración del diseño de la estrategia indica intervenciones
elaboradas desde una mirada particular de la violencia de género del Programa Nacional
Aurora, lo cual, de acuerdo a los hallazgos limita una mayor eficacia en la intervención social,
cultural y económico desde sus propios recursos personales, familiares y comunales.
La relevancia de esta tesis para la gerencia social radica es que se enfatiza en la
necesidad de estrategias de gestión para la prevención de la violencia contra la mujer que no
solo se limiten a informar, sino que también formen a personas que identifiquen y prevengan
un escenario de violencia de género. Es crucial para la gerencia social, ya que se enfatiza en
la importancia de involucrar a los sujetos de derecho en el diseño de políticas públicas y
estrategias futuras, con pertinencia y con un enfoque socio cultural. La tesis proporciona
valiosos aportes para la mejora de las estrategias preventivas para el impulso de entornos
seguros y sin violencia desde el ámbito educativo.
The research thesis whose main objective is to analyze the factors that contribute to and limit the strategy for monitoring and implementation of management strengthening of the UGEL-Puno for the prevention of violence against women and members of the family group: A look from the experience of the IES Independencia Nacional, years 2020 and 2021; The methodology applied was a qualitative study for which a sample was selected through the non-probabilistic method for the convenience of the author, within it four techniques were applied to collect information within which will be the semi-structured interview, in depth, focus group and documentary review; From this it turned out that the content of the strategy is focused on informative learning and not on a formative nature for the subjects of law on gender violence and its modalities. There are instruments such as laws, supreme decrees, resolutions, directives, national plans, documents that guide the prevention, care and eradication of violence against women, but there are elements that still require improvements when proposing the preventive strategy for violence in the country. education sector. The lack of participation of legal subjects in the elaboration of the design of the strategy indicates strategies developed from a particular perspective of gender violence of the National Aurora Program, which according to the findings limits greater effectiveness in the investigation, which respond to the needs of a cultural and economic environment from its own personal, family and communal resources. The relevance of this thesis for social management is that it emphasizes the need for management strategies for the prevention of gender violence that are not only limited to informing, but also train people to identify and prevent a situation of violence. gender violence. This is crucial for social management, since it emphasizes the importance of involving legal subjects in the design of public policies and future strategies, with relevance and with a socio cultural approach. The thesis provides valuable contributions to the improvement of preventive strategies for the promotion of safe and violence-free environments from the educational field.
The research thesis whose main objective is to analyze the factors that contribute to and limit the strategy for monitoring and implementation of management strengthening of the UGEL-Puno for the prevention of violence against women and members of the family group: A look from the experience of the IES Independencia Nacional, years 2020 and 2021; The methodology applied was a qualitative study for which a sample was selected through the non-probabilistic method for the convenience of the author, within it four techniques were applied to collect information within which will be the semi-structured interview, in depth, focus group and documentary review; From this it turned out that the content of the strategy is focused on informative learning and not on a formative nature for the subjects of law on gender violence and its modalities. There are instruments such as laws, supreme decrees, resolutions, directives, national plans, documents that guide the prevention, care and eradication of violence against women, but there are elements that still require improvements when proposing the preventive strategy for violence in the country. education sector. The lack of participation of legal subjects in the elaboration of the design of the strategy indicates strategies developed from a particular perspective of gender violence of the National Aurora Program, which according to the findings limits greater effectiveness in the investigation, which respond to the needs of a cultural and economic environment from its own personal, family and communal resources. The relevance of this thesis for social management is that it emphasizes the need for management strategies for the prevention of gender violence that are not only limited to informing, but also train people to identify and prevent a situation of violence. gender violence. This is crucial for social management, since it emphasizes the importance of involving legal subjects in the design of public policies and future strategies, with relevance and with a socio cultural approach. The thesis provides valuable contributions to the improvement of preventive strategies for the promotion of safe and violence-free environments from the educational field.
Gestión educativa--Perú--Puno, Mujeres--Programas sociales--Perú, Violencia contra la mujer--Política social--Perú
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