Creación de valor compartido en el sector farmacéutico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo de investigación hizo un análisis desde la aplicación de Valor
Compartido(VC) en cinco laboratorios con mayor participación en el sector farmacéutico
peruano;Medifarma, Teva, Farmindustria, Hersil y Roemmers.Las herramientas empleadas
para la recopilación, procesamiento e interpretación de la información se soportan en el
enfoque positivista de investigación cuantitativa cuyo nivel es descriptivo. La sociedad ha
perdido la credibilidad en sector farmacéutico, los laboratorios no mostraron impacto
significativo de valor compartido o que las firmas sean competitivas sosteniblemente en el
tiempo; no obstante, el limitado conocimiento para la aplicación de la teoría a la prácticaha
facilitado a los ejecutivos, elaborar políticas de responsabilidad social empresarial en vez de
creación de valor compartido.Los resultados de la investigación permitieron inferir que el
20% de los laboratorios productores de medicamentos conocen algo de los conceptos de valor
compartido, 40% de laboratorios conocen moderadamente, 20% sólo conocen y 20% conocen
muy bien. Respecto a la aplicación de la creación del valor compartido en el sector
farmacéutico, el 20% de las empresas tiene un nivel 2 de aplicación, se encuentra por debajo
de una aplicación moderada; 40% tiene un nivel de aplicación 4,que se acerca más aun nivel
de aplicación moderada; sin embargo, 20 % del total de empresas tienen un nivel de
aplicación 7 lo cual supera el nivel de aplicación moderada y 20% de laboratorios tienen un
nivel de aplicación 8 del valor compartido en su empresalo que representa un mayor éxito en
sostenibilidad. Se definió como grupo de interés o stakeholderalos colaboradores, la
comunidad, los proveedores, los clientes, la gestión ambiental y los accionistas. Siendo el
punto de interés más crítico, la implementación de capacitaciones para los colaboradores
This research did an analysis an analysis from the application of Shared Value (VC) in five laboratories with higher participation in the Peruvian pharmaceutical sector; Medifarma, Teva, Farmindustria, Hersil and Roemmers. The tools used for the collection, processing and interpretation of the information are supported in the positivist focus of quantitative research, the level is descriptive. Society has lost credibility in the pharmaceutical sector, laboratories did not show significant impact of shared value or that firms are sustainably competitive over time; however, limited knowledge for the application of theory to practice has made it easier for executives to develop corporate social responsibility policies rather than shared value creation. The results of the research allowed us to infer that 20% of the drug-producing laboratories know something about the concepts of shared value, 40% of laboratories know moderately, 20% only know and 20% know very well. With regard to the application of shared value creation in the pharmaceutical sector, 20% of companies have a level 2 of application, is below moderate application; 40% have a level of application 4, which is closer to a moderate level of application; however, 20% of all companies have a level of application 7 which exceeds the moderate level of application and 20% of laboratories have an application level 8 of shared value in their company which represents greater success in sustainability. The stakeholders, community, suppliers, customers, environmental management and shareholders were defined as stakeholders. Being the most critical point of interest, the implementation of training for employees
This research did an analysis an analysis from the application of Shared Value (VC) in five laboratories with higher participation in the Peruvian pharmaceutical sector; Medifarma, Teva, Farmindustria, Hersil and Roemmers. The tools used for the collection, processing and interpretation of the information are supported in the positivist focus of quantitative research, the level is descriptive. Society has lost credibility in the pharmaceutical sector, laboratories did not show significant impact of shared value or that firms are sustainably competitive over time; however, limited knowledge for the application of theory to practice has made it easier for executives to develop corporate social responsibility policies rather than shared value creation. The results of the research allowed us to infer that 20% of the drug-producing laboratories know something about the concepts of shared value, 40% of laboratories know moderately, 20% only know and 20% know very well. With regard to the application of shared value creation in the pharmaceutical sector, 20% of companies have a level 2 of application, is below moderate application; 40% have a level of application 4, which is closer to a moderate level of application; however, 20% of all companies have a level of application 7 which exceeds the moderate level of application and 20% of laboratories have an application level 8 of shared value in their company which represents greater success in sustainability. The stakeholders, community, suppliers, customers, environmental management and shareholders were defined as stakeholders. Being the most critical point of interest, the implementation of training for employees
Valor -- Finanzas, Responsabilidad social de las empresas
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