Calidad de servicio y lealtad de compra del consumidor en supermercados limeños
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La calidad de servicio es un concepto complejo que comprende tanto a los elementos tangibles como intangibles que perciben los consumidores al recibir un servicio. De igual manera, representa una de las variables más importantes en la formulación de las estrategias de marketing, la cual ayuda a mejorar la competitividad de la empresa. La lealtad es otro concepto complejo que permite conocer la intención o decisión que asume el consumidor ante el estímulo calidad de servicio.
Ambos conceptos se encuentran estrechamente relacionados, según lo muestra Heskett (1997) en su modelo del Service Profit Chain, el cual forma parte de la información esencial de las empresas, principalmente las de servicios, para el diseño de sus estrategias de calidad de servicio y fidelización de sus clientes, que, finalmente, impactará en sus resultados financieros. La investigación se enfocó en establecer la asociación entre ambos conceptos, calidad de servicio y la lealtad, en clientes de supermercados de Lima, considerando su percepción e intención de comportamiento.
La metodología de investigación aplicada correspondió a un estudio cuantitativo de corte transversal del tipo descriptivo-correlacional. Se utilizó el método de encuestas para obtener la información a través de un cuestionario estructurado y validado, basado en el instrumento de medición del cuestionario CALSUPER. Este se aplicó a una muestra aleatoria de 415 clientes.
Los resultados de la investigación permitieron establecer que hay una fuerte relación entre la calidad de servicio percibida por el cliente y su lealtad de compra. Los consumidores de los supermercados limeños mostraron una percepción favorable hacia la calidad de servicio recibida, así como altos niveles de lealtad, considerando la amplia oferta existente de este tipo de empresas. La calidad de servicio fue medida en las dimensiones, evidencias físicas, políticas, interacción personal y fiabilidad. De estas, las dos primeras son las que se encuentran más relacionadas con la lealtad medida como intención de comportamiento.
Finalmente, se recomienda que las gerencias de los supermercados pongan mayor énfasis a estas dos dimensiones al momento de definir estrategias orientadas a mejorar la calidad de servicio, lo que traerá como consecuencia mayores niveles de fidelización de los actuales y nuevos clientes.
The quality of service is a complex concept that includes both tangible and intangible elements that consumers perceive when receiving a service. Similarly, it represents one of the most important variables in formulating marketing strategies, which helps improve the competitiveness of the company. Loyalty is another complex concept that allows to know the intention or decision that takes the consumer to the stimulus quality of service. Both concepts are closely related, as shown by Heskett (1997) in his model of the Service Profit Chain, which is part of the essential information of enterprises, mainly in services, to design strategies for quality of service and customer loyalty; which ultimately will impact its financial results. The investigation focused on establishing the association between the two concepts, quality of service and loyalty, in Lima supermarket customers, considering their perception and behavior intention. The research methodology applied corresponded to a quantitative study of cross-sectional and descriptive-correlational type. We used the survey method to obtain the information through a structured and validated questionnaire based on questionnaire measuring instrument CALSUPER. This was applied to a random sample of 415 customers. The research results allowed to confirm that there was a strong link between the quality of service perceived by the customers and their loyalty of purchase. Lima supermarket consumers showed a positive perception towards the quality of service received, as well as high levels of loyalty, considering the existing wide range of these businesses. The quality of service was measured in the dimensions, physical evidences, policies, personal interaction and reliability. Of these, the first two are more related to the loyalty, measured as behavioral intention. Finally, it is recommended that management of the supermarkets put more emphasis on these two dimensions when defining strategies to improve the quality of service; which will result in higher levels of loyalty of both existing and new customers.
The quality of service is a complex concept that includes both tangible and intangible elements that consumers perceive when receiving a service. Similarly, it represents one of the most important variables in formulating marketing strategies, which helps improve the competitiveness of the company. Loyalty is another complex concept that allows to know the intention or decision that takes the consumer to the stimulus quality of service. Both concepts are closely related, as shown by Heskett (1997) in his model of the Service Profit Chain, which is part of the essential information of enterprises, mainly in services, to design strategies for quality of service and customer loyalty; which ultimately will impact its financial results. The investigation focused on establishing the association between the two concepts, quality of service and loyalty, in Lima supermarket customers, considering their perception and behavior intention. The research methodology applied corresponded to a quantitative study of cross-sectional and descriptive-correlational type. We used the survey method to obtain the information through a structured and validated questionnaire based on questionnaire measuring instrument CALSUPER. This was applied to a random sample of 415 customers. The research results allowed to confirm that there was a strong link between the quality of service perceived by the customers and their loyalty of purchase. Lima supermarket consumers showed a positive perception towards the quality of service received, as well as high levels of loyalty, considering the existing wide range of these businesses. The quality of service was measured in the dimensions, physical evidences, policies, personal interaction and reliability. Of these, the first two are more related to the loyalty, measured as behavioral intention. Finally, it is recommended that management of the supermarkets put more emphasis on these two dimensions when defining strategies to improve the quality of service; which will result in higher levels of loyalty of both existing and new customers.
Servicios al cliente, Comportamiento del consumidor, Supermercados--Perú, Satisfacción del cliente
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