¿90 días para morir?: La extinción de la medida cautelar concedida judicialmente antes del inicio del arbitraje por falta de constitución del tribunal arbitral
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El otorgamiento de medidas cautelares antes del inicio de un arbitraje resulta
fundamental para lograr la eficacia del futuro laudo arbitral. La legislación arbitral
actual permite la colaboración judicial en este asunto regulando la oportunidad
para su dictado, así como las causales para su extinción. La extinción de las
medidas cautelares está relacionada estrechamente con la desaparición de los
requisitos para su concesión tales como la verosimilitud en el derecho, el peligro
en la demora y la adecuación.
Sin embargo, nuestro ordenamiento en materia de arbitraje permite que una
medida cautelar pueda extinguirse en caso el tribunal arbitral no se encuentre
constituido en un plazo máximo de 90 días hábiles desde su ejecución. En ese
sentido, el objetivo de esta tesis es analizar la razonabilidad de este supuesto de
extinción con miras a proteger el derecho a la tutela jurisdiccional efectiva. Para
ello, se estudiarán las diversas situaciones que pueden ocurrir antes de la
constitución del tribunal arbitral a efectos de demostrar que la demora en la
constitución del tribunal arbitral puede deberse a situaciones que escapan del
control del beneficiado con la medida. Tras ello, se propondrá una distribución
adecuada del riesgo por la demora en el avance de las actuaciones arbitrales
que impiden la constitución del tribunal arbitral, así como una propuesta de
modificación del artículo 47 de la Ley de Arbitraje que contenga una solución
intermedia que busque proteger la tutela cautelar, pero a su vez impedir un
ejercicio abusivo de la misma.
The granting of precautionary measures prior to the beginning of an arbitration, is essential to achieve the effectiveness of the future arbitral award. The current arbitration legislation allows judicial collaboration in this matter by regulating the opportunity for its dictation, as well as the grounds for its extinction. The termination of precautionary measures is closely related to the disappearance of the requirements for their concession, such as verisimilitude in law, danger in delay and adequacy. However, our legal system allows that a precautionary measure may be extinguished in case the arbitral tribunal is not constituted within a maximum period of 90 business days from its execution. In this sense, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze the reasonableness of this case of termination with a view to protecting the right to effective judicial protection. To this end, the various situations that may occur prior to the constitution of the arbitral tribunal will be studied in order to demonstrate that the delay in the constitution of the arbitral tribunal may be due to situations beyond the control of the measure´s beneficiary. After that, an appropriate distribution of the risk due to the delay in the progress of the arbitral proceedings that prevent the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, will be proposed, as well as a proposal for the amendment of article 47 of the Arbitration Law containing an intermediate solution that seeks to protect the precautionary tutelage, but at the same time to prevent an abusive exercise of it.
The granting of precautionary measures prior to the beginning of an arbitration, is essential to achieve the effectiveness of the future arbitral award. The current arbitration legislation allows judicial collaboration in this matter by regulating the opportunity for its dictation, as well as the grounds for its extinction. The termination of precautionary measures is closely related to the disappearance of the requirements for their concession, such as verisimilitude in law, danger in delay and adequacy. However, our legal system allows that a precautionary measure may be extinguished in case the arbitral tribunal is not constituted within a maximum period of 90 business days from its execution. In this sense, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze the reasonableness of this case of termination with a view to protecting the right to effective judicial protection. To this end, the various situations that may occur prior to the constitution of the arbitral tribunal will be studied in order to demonstrate that the delay in the constitution of the arbitral tribunal may be due to situations beyond the control of the measure´s beneficiary. After that, an appropriate distribution of the risk due to the delay in the progress of the arbitral proceedings that prevent the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, will be proposed, as well as a proposal for the amendment of article 47 of the Arbitration Law containing an intermediate solution that seeks to protect the precautionary tutelage, but at the same time to prevent an abusive exercise of it.
Arbitraje y laudo, Medidas cautelares (Procedimiento civil), Medidas cautelares--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Arbitraje--Legislación--Perú
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